Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

Choosing a certain animal to be represented in the tattoo can bring very intense meanings, and if you've been looking for ideas for tattoos of animals with meanings, we've gathered inspirations and the symbolism that these tattoos can bring.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

Animal tattoo pictures and ideas

wolf tattoo

One of the animal tattoos that is on the rise in tattoo studios are wolf designs, which bring an animal with a mystical and spiritual character.

The representation of the wolf can be associated with meanings such as intelligence, compassion and sociability.

The animal can also be associated with a spiritual guide, common in shamanism.

Another meaning associated with the wolf is the sense of community and union, since the animal lives in groups.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The tattoo brings the most realistic representation of a wolf
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The modern tattoo brings the representation of the wolf through geometric elements

lion tattoo

The lion tattoo is another possibility for animal representation, and this design is usually associated with power, authority, royalty, value, ferocity, dignity and wisdom.

The representation of a lion can be done through a drawing that brings the animal's face or the whole body.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The female tattoo features the design of a lion's face among flower designs

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

tiger tattoo

Among the representation options for feline animals, the tiger is a tattoo option that symbolizes strength, power and energy.

In addition to these meanings that tend to be more common, the tiger tattoo can still be associated with ferocity, passion, beauty, sensuality, speed and anger.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
Large tiger design fills out part of the arm
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The female tattoo brings the representation of the feline in black and white

elephant tattoo

The elephant tattoo is usually an option for men and women, and can bring the representation of the large animal or even a more delicate representation in a small tattoo.

This animal symbolizes good luck, wisdom, determination, persistence, friendship, companionship, solidarity, memory and longevity.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The representation brings the face of an elephant among geometric elements

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

horse tattoo

Among the animal tattoo options, the horse is one of the inspirations that brings power, freedom, virility, wealth, sexuality, strength, spirituality, speed and beauty as meaning.

Currently, the horse tattoo is also very much associated with freedom, since the animal can be associated with the feeling of letting go of the chains and moving wherever you want.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The detail-packed drawing is only filled in black and white
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The design brings a modern and minimalist style

Owl tattoo

The owl is one of the frequent representations of animal tattoos, and brings wisdom, intelligence, mystery and mysticism as symbolism.

The bird is also closely associated with knowledge and spirituality, and can appear through a large drawing or even a small and delicate tattoo.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The large design depicts the bird among flowers.
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The colored fill brings out the watercolor effect

bunny tattoo

The rabbit tattoo often symbolizes fertility, agility, abundance, prosperity, cunning, intelligence, youth and innocence.

The design can also be associated with an Alice in Wonderland tattoo, representing one of the characters in the story.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The bunny tattoo brings shading style filling

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

Dog and cat tattoo

The tattoo representation of animals can also be a reference to domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, being a tribute to pets.

In the case of the dog tattoo, the symbolism is associated with loyalty, fidelity, affection and love.

The cat tattoo is associated with wisdom, wit, sensuality, balance, wisdom and independence.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The drawing may be a tribute to a pet dog

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

snake tattoo

There is an immense variety of styles and animals to be represented in the tattoo, and one of the possibilities is the representation of a snake or serpent, which bring meaning to duality and the search for balance.

The representation of this reptile can also be associated with cycles, rebirth, awareness, intellect, protection, patience and transformation.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The representation extends through the arm
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The snake design was made on the arm

fox tattoo

The fox tattoo is one of the options that has become frequent in tattoo studios, and the meaning can vary according to culture.

In general, the representation of the fox can be associated with cunning, intelligence and strategy.

The design can bring a more realistic representation or even a delicate and small tattoo option.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The delicate design brings a touch of color

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

bear tattoo

The representation of a bear through a tattoo can be associated with power and strength, but it can also have a peaceful and quiet personality connotation. It is also common to associate the wolf tattoo with meanings such as motherhood and courage.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The design unites a wolf tattoo with nature
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The design features the face of a wolf

water animal tattoo

carp tattoo

Among the options for animal tattoos, it is also possible to adhere to the representation of aquatic animals, as is the case with the carp tattoo, a symbol of luck in Japanese culture.

The carp tattoo can be associated with overcoming difficulties, perseverance and strength to pursue a goal.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The tattoo brings the representation of two carps
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The delicate drawing brings the representation of a colored carp and another with white and black filling.

dolphin tattoo

Among the delicate animal tattoo options that are often chosen by women, the dolphin tattoo is one of the options.

The representation of the dolphin is usually associated with kindness, harmony, grace, community, generosity and friendship.

The drawing of this aquatic animal is usually done in a small size, and may or may not have filling.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The female representation brings the dolphins among flowers
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The small tattoo has filling in shades of purple

crab tattoo

An animal representation for the tattoo is the crab design, associated with trust, protection, cycles, transformation and emotion.

The design can also be associated with the zodiac, symbolizing the sign of Cancer.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

shark tattoo

The representation of animal tattoos can bring marine species, such as the shark, which is characterized by a calculating personality, which associates the design with perception and instinct.

Other symbolisms linked to the shark tattoo are concentration, power, superiority, curiosity and efficiency.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The shark tattoo was done on the arm

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!

birds tattoo

dove tattoo

The dove is one of the birds that is often represented through animal tattoos, and this design can bring the symbolism of peace.

In addition to the strong meaning of peace, the dove tattoo can still represent love, hope, freedom and promise.

The dove is also the representation of a messenger bird, since the dove played that role.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The design on the shoulder brings together two doves
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The delicate design of a dove was made on the arm

eagle tattoo

The eagle design is a tattoo that is usually chosen by both men and women, and this bird of prey is associated with the meaning of protection, freedom, authority, power, vision, opportunity and leadership.

The tattoo can be represented through a drawing with a shading effect, highlighting the bird through the strokes, or it can be a colored tattoo option.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The design on the arm features delicate lines and a shaded effect.
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The eagle tattoo was done on the arm

peacock tattoo

One of the inspirations for animal tattoos that looks beautiful in the colored version is the peacock tattoo, representing the color of the feathers of this bird.

The peacock tattoo is associated with meanings such as vision, power, awakening, royalty, refinement and incorruptibility.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The peacock design was made on the thigh
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The large, colorful design represents a peacock on the side of the leg.

hummingbird tattoo

Among the birds that are usually represented through tattoos, the hummingbird is a delicate tattoo option that is associated with meanings such as joy, loyalty, energy, vitality, affection, peace, agility and healing.

This tattoo can be done in a shaded style or it can stand out through the mix of colors that the bird presents, and which can be represented through a colorful and cheerful tattoo.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The small and colorful tattoo was made in the wrist region.
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The design brings together the bird and flowers

swallow tattoo

The swallow tattoo is one of the favorites when it comes to bird tattoos, and it brings different meanings such as hope, fertility, light, love, purity, good luck, metamorphosis and renewal.

The representation can still be associated with freedom, since the bird demonstrates free flights and migration during the season changes.

Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The swallow tattoo on the arm is delicate!
Animal Tattoo【2022】– 57 Genius Ideas + Meanings!
The drawing in the hand shows swallows flying

Do you already have any of these tattoos? Tell us which one is your favorite and if you already knew the meaning associated with the animal represented in the drawing.

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