Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!

Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!

And if you've been facing problems with a peeling tattoo, and want to know what care is needed to face this process, we've gathered all the necessary information so that the result of the tattoo is surprising and so that you can properly take care of that peeling.

Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!


Is it normal for the tattoo to peel off?

If you've seen the first scabs on your tattoo and you're worried about peeling skin, know that this is a normal process and part of skin healing.

During the process of getting a new tattoo, there is a procedure that harms the skin with the piercing of the needle, and so after the design, the skin regenerates and changes tissue, a process called healing.

Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!
Peeling is part of the healing process

This process of tissue renewal and regeneration is part of the healing process that renews old skin, but exaggerated skin peeling can lead to the need to retouch the tattoo design after it has completely healed.

How long does this process take?

After understanding that the formation of scabs and flaking are part of the healing process, it is necessary to understand that the healing time can vary from person to person, which causes the total flaking time to vary according to time. in which the person's skin takes time to heal.

Thus, the healing process of a tattoo goes through 3 stages:

  1. Inflammation: the tattooed area becomes red and sore right after the tattoo is done;
  2. Desquamation: in the second stage, the skin begins to peel and form scabs;
  3. Healing: the last process is actually healing, when the skin is already completely regenerated and the process is already complete.
Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!
Total tattoo healing time may vary from person to person.

In general, this total tattoo healing process can last anywhere from 2 weeks to a full month, and so the peeling passes after the skin has fully recovered.

Peeling Tattoo – What to do?

During the peeling tattoo process, you must be fully aware that the skin is going through the healing process, and some care is needed during this stage, avoiding damage to skin regeneration and even creating habits that can help during the process.

To help with this step, we've put together guidelines that can prevent skin damage and help with the tattoo's healing and peeling process.

  • Don't scratch: During the healing and peeling of the tattoo, it is common for the skin to become more sensitive and cause itching, but an important recommendation is not to scratch this region, avoiding compromising the design and also the regeneration of the skin.
  • Sanitization of the tattoo: An important process to assist in the healing of the tattoo is the correct hygiene of the area. Thus, the recommendation is to wash the new tattoo very carefully, using soap and running water, avoiding rubbing the soap on the skin and friction in this region. After washing, the ideal is to dry the area with only light taps, but without rubbing the towel over the tattoo that is healing.
Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!
Wash the area carefully and avoid friction with the skin
  • Do not expose yourself to the sun: During any healing process, exposure to the sun in the area that is being regenerated is not indicated, since this exposure can disrupt the process and cause stains or even hinder healing. Therefore, do not expose the tattoo in the healing process to the sun.
  • Clothes: In the process of choosing what to wear after getting a new tattoo, choose clothes that are looser and that do not generate friction on the tattoo, preventing this friction from disrupting the healing process.
  • Food: External factors can also influence the total time and result of tattoo healing. And one of these factors is food, which should preferably be light food and avoiding greasy dishes, which can hinder the skin healing process.
  • Do not enter the pool or the sea: While the tattoo is not completely healed, it is not recommended to enter the pool or the sea, avoiding that treated or salt water can harm the healing process.
  • Use healing ointments: The use of healing ointments is a great help to help with skin regeneration and also reduce itching in the region. Thus, these ointments can contribute to the healing of the skin and make the peeling time shorter.
Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!
Use ointments and creams recommended by the tattoo artist
  • Use thermal water: During the healing process, it is ideal to keep the region always hydrated, but it is not recommended to use common moisturizers, since these products may contain alcohol in their composition. An alternative to maintain hydration in this region is the use of thermal water, an aerosol spray that helps to hydrate the region and aid in skin healing.
  • Follow the tattoo artist's guidelines: In general, tattoo artists usually go through all the recommendations indicated to assist in the healing process, including indicating creams with healing assets or ointments that help in this skin regeneration process. In this way, do not fail to follow all the tattoo artist's recommendations, which help in the process of tattooing, peeling and healing of the skin.

Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!

Can you remove the skin/shell?

During the peeling tattoo process, it is common for the skin to begin to form scabs, a common healing process; and removing these shells can be very tempting.

However, it is not recommended to remove the scabs, as this process is part of the healing process, and by pulling the scabs it is possible that you will also remove the ink from the tattoo, leading to the need for a later touch-up.

Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!
Removing scabs can make it difficult for the skin to heal and damage the tattoo.

How to relieve peeling tattoo itch?  

The healing process generates a lot of itchiness and it is quite common to have this itching sensation during the formation of shells.

However, try your best not to scratch the region, preventing the nail from coming into contact with this sensitized skin and adding bacteria to this region, avoiding the risk of infections.

To alleviate the itchiness of the peeling tattoo, use ointments and creams with healing actives and keep the skin hydrated at all times, which helps with healing and relieves itching.

Peeling Tattoo – What to do? + Main precautions!
Avoid scratching the area that is healing


Have you ever gone through this process after a new tattoo? Share with us how your experience was.

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