Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

As you may already know, there is no shortage of bird species. There are those super known and classic ones and also some that have a very different personality. For each case, you have to make a good choice and opt for the best one to give your tattoo meaning – there are so many ideas that we get a little lost.

But calm down. In this post we present some models of bird tattoos to inspire you. There are more than 70 types for some strategic places on the body, in addition to tips and, of course, information about the meaning of this style. Ready to know everything and be surprised? So, read it all now!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!
More than 70 models of bird tattoos for you to be amazed!

The decision to get a tattoo is far from simple, but from the moment you get hold of marking the skin, it's hard for anyone to get that idea out of your head. There are people who have difficulty choosing a cool design and style, others already opt for several references without crises and quickly.

In any situation, however, you have to think a lot, incidentally, the design will be permanently marked – unless you resort to a removal process, which is painful, expensive and thorough. So, in order not to have regrets and make a choice, you need to reflect, talk to the professional and follow a care step by step. As long as you have patience step by step, the result will be stunning.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!
Bet on beautiful colors to make your tattoo beautiful!

There are many classic designs that appeal to people of all ages, tastes and styles. A bird tattoo is a perfect example, after all, there is no shortage of ideas to inspire. Studies guarantee that there are more than 18 thousand species of birds in the world, from small ones to others with very own characteristics. The fact is that they all enchant and serve perfectly for a beautiful tattoo. 

If you want to get bird tattoos, but you still don't know which model to follow - as well as the concept -, pay attention to our tips. Let's talk about the meanings of this design, why it is so attractive and everything it represents for many individuals.

Meanings of Bird Tattoos

There are many bird tattoo meanings. As we said, this is an extremely versatile idea, which can follow a variety of incredible lines, be it simpler or with various effects, big or small, with objects, etc.

Therefore, get ready to discover many different symbols for bird tattoos, one cooler than the other!

1 - connection with the divine: for flying, it is believed that birds have a strong connection with the gods, which is why they are characterized by purity, some even seen as messengers of some icons.

Birds also have a strong connection with mythology, considered companions of great heroes and their messengers.

2 - Protection: the sense of protection has always been linked to birds, especially when it comes to taking care of the nest and the chicks.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!
Find the best meaning for your bird tattoo

3 - Freedom, love and faithfulness they are also qualities of birds, which fly to different places, but always return to the place they like the most. In addition, they usually have only one partner, which shows their loyalty to the partner – that's why couples tattoo birds that complement each other in love and passion.

4 - Supernatural: since ancient Egypt, several birds have been linked to this concept, in addition to representing the duality of nature.

5 - Energy and overcoming: birds like the hummingbird are known for these qualities, for always being astonished seeking their goals and facing the most complex obstacles.

6 - renewal and immortality, especially in the figure of the peacock, a bird of rare beauty. Many cultures believe that the meat of this bird never decays. In addition, it is known for always renewing its feathers and showing new nuances.

7 – In the figure of the owl, we have the experience and wisdom. An observant bird that is known to accompany the famous goddess Athena.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!
The bird model depends a lot on your experience and personality. There are many cool and friendly types that will please you!

8 – Birds such as crows represent power, mystery and the keeping of great secrets.

9 – The dove has to do with the peace, with strength and as a tribute to a loved one who recently passed away.

10 - The mysticism it is linked to many birds, which can be tattooed together or with a series of elements. Many peoples have long had a strong connection with countless birds, which is why they are always valued.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!
Did you just see how many interesting styles? Impossible not to enjoy!

Bird Tattoo Pictures and Ideas

Like to know more about bird tattoo meaning? See now many amazing photos and ideas for some body parts, there are for them!

On the arm

arm tattoo it's always a good choice, there are many cool parts to let the drawing show or in a more discreet way. You can either resort to the sleeve style, where the design covers the entire arm, or something smaller and with a series of intimate concepts.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Swallows are common in many tattoos. They represent freedom and all the love and complicity typical of birds.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

You can bet on colors and many styles, from a classic tribal to a 3D concept, watercolor or other modern perspectives.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Many women prefer a more minimalist version, others something grand and colorful. Anyway, there's something for everyone!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

on the shoulder

Already shoulder tattoo it pleases both men and women, from something small and delicate to a large and highlighted version. Bet on a series of aspects to get a beautiful bird tattoo that has everything to do with you!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Small designs tend to please girls, in the style of swallows or seagulls.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Take the opportunity to unite the bird tattoo with other interesting elements, such as trees and nature, for example!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

From a basic line to something super incremented – bet on charming and cool bird tattoos!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

no pulse

The wrist is also a great spot to get a bird tattoo. Focus on a cool and pleasing concept, with a meaning that has everything to do with your personality.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

With highlighted or smooth lines, it is a fact that the bird tattoo can follow many particular aspects.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Try to innovate in your tattoo design and follow an unconventional pattern. It will definitely be very pleasant and alternative!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

One, two or several birds: make the best choice!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

In the rib

It may seem painful to get a tattoo on your ribs, but you can be sure that it is something very relative and worth it considering the result of the design. Men and women love to mark this part of the body, getting a beautiful and magnificent tattoo in different ways!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

The tattoo on the rib can have various sizes and nuances, from something super incremented to a simpler design.

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

The advantage of the bird tattoo is the versatility and flexibility in the designs. You will even be a little confused when making the best choice!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Old School

Do you already know the old school tattoo? You've probably seen this style around, after all, a lot of people follow it. It is very adaptable to bird tattoos and can even receive other elements such as flowers, anchors, etc. The colors also dominate! Ideas abound!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Swallows and doves are the most traditional in this style!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Use tones. Black, red, green and yellow are always highlighted in this admirable concept!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

leaving the cage

There is a lot of meaning in bird getting out of cage tattoo, among them freedom, change of plans and renewal. Many people do it on two parts of the body (like on both wrists), together with a friend or loved one. In fact, it's a cool pattern and very workable to make!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

The meaning of freedom is the most recurrent in this type. Birds don't deserve to be trapped! The meaning of life is to enjoy the best moments, with maximum autonomy!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Colored or black and white, bet on a beautiful and original model that represents your identification with this style!

Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes! Bird Tattoo: 75 impeccable and versatile ideas for all tastes!

Beautiful inspirations, isn't it? What did you think of the meaning and photos of bird tattoo what do we select? Tell us everything and leave your doubts. We hope you enjoyed the post, until next time!

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