Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!

Because it's a style tattoo which can be super personalized, the model became a real fever. Famous as ex-bbb and current youtuber  Andressa Gananssin of the channel Tips from Dedessa also joined the idea.

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Former BBB and youtuber Andressa Gananssin with a feather tattoo on her rib.

And if you want to see more wonderful feather tattoo alternatives and their respective meanings and lots of creative ideas. Check out the guide full of cool options that we prepared especially for you!

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!

What is its Meaning?

In general, feather tattoos carry the simple meaning of freedom.

Because they are closely related to birds and the idea that these are beings that soar high flights, feathers are usually tattooed when you want to mark some moment in life linked to the feeling of to be freed from something or some feeling in question. 

Other meanings such as luck, rebirth, losses and even the individual spiritual state of people are also some of its many symbologies. Thus making the figure even more emblematic!

Female Feather Tattoo Pictures and Ideas

See below some ideas and specific places to get tattooed. Come see and..

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!

Colored / Watercolor

Vibrant, artistic and super trending watercolor tattoo are a nice alternative compared to the common colored traditional. Since they make any design a true work of art!

The harmony with gradient (which can be done with your favorite colors) form a super beautiful mix that decorates and personalizes your tattoo. And together with the meaning of the feathers, the symbolism becomes even stronger, as it links two feelings: Freedom and happiness, due to the cheerful and fun mix of colors.

Check out some beautiful options below!

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Crafted with shaded details.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
With different layout.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Feather tattoo in shades of turquoise blue.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Orange with delicate stroke.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Colorful watercolor.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Colorful feather tattoo done by two people.

no pulse

The wrist is one of the favorite places for women to tattoo a symbol. small and more delicate.

And precisely because they have the benefit of being a region of the body that hurts a little less, smaller feather tattoos are a great choice!

Thinner strokes look great if tattooed on the wrist, as well as bets with colors in the greatest watercolor style (as we can see in the photo below).

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
With delicate and shading lines.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Shades of black
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!

on the foot

Feet are one of the most feared places to get tattoos. After all, it takes a lot of fame to be sore!

What in reality will depend a lot from person to person (sensitivity to pain), the experience of the tattoo artist and also the anesthetic level of the place.

From personal experience, what I can say is that the place can be a little sore to get any tattoo done, and this is due to the amount of veins and nerves that are there.

The detail is that the greater your choice of feather tattoo (more worked or colored) more is the tendency to feel hurt, however it is quite bearable.

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!

To make you more comfortable (if first) it may be interesting to choose a feather design that is a little smaller and with very simple details, to speed up the process and avoid any major nuisance.

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Delicate feather tattoo on foot.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Delicate feather tattoo on foot.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Thin shaded line.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Another beautiful colorful inspiration.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Peacock feather.

In the rib

still in continuation “difficult places to get tattooed” behold, the rib is also on that list because the skin in the region is thinner. Only for two cases would it be better to think about it (in terms of pain) and they are:

  • Very large tattoos with details or colored
  • first tattoo

As it is a strategic dot on the body, the feather design can go great with the space, after all it is very feminine!

From the finest and most delicate strokes to the most realistic with watercolor-style colors, what matters is playing with inspirations and opting for a personalized model that has everything to do with your taste and personal meaning.

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Thinner stroke.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Crafted in detail.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Large feather tattoo with lots of shading details.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Beautiful inspiration.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Another beautiful colorful tattoo idea.

Behind the ear

A beautiful space to adopt the trait of freedom, they look beautiful with the figure in more delicate sizes such as small or medium, in addition to bringing a very special charm to the place, making it even more graceful!

Ideal for girls who want to opt for something discreet and more hidden, there are also larger options that can be tattooed behind the ear (enlarged) giving the tattoo a lot of prominence, as we can see in the montage below.

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Amazing ideas.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Upside down.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Feminine color.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Very small feather tattoo inspiration.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Cute and understated inspiration.

with sentence

Another super cool idea is to choose to get a feather tattoo linked to an important and meaningful phrase for you.

In the photos below we separated some interesting phrases with their respective translations in the caption. Just take a look!

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
1. Always be strong.
2. Be the change.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Free yourself.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
All of Me.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Deliver me from evil amen.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Enjoy the day.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Colored accompanied by the word Liberté.

with birds

Feather tattoos with details of birds (leaving in flight) are a great bet for those who want to bring the even greater symbolism of genuine freedom and inspiration.

Swallows however are the most typical types of birds to get tattooed. Because they are also the only birds that manage to take the highest and most beautiful flights, they are completely connected to the meaning that it is possible to achieve all the dreams and goals set in life.

Other symbolisms also relate them to pure fidelity and love!

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Colored in shades of blue with black.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
At the height of the ribs.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
On the back.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Colored in shades of green.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Delicate on the shoulder.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Nice alternative.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Beautiful watercolor tattoo with beautiful shaded details.

of peacock

How about if your tattoo has a more stylized and colorful feather?

Peacock feather tattoos are incredible, and have a super style to do with people with a strong and decisive personality.  Below are some topics with all the meanings that are closely linked to peacock feathers:

  • Pride
  • Spirituality
  • Beauty
  • Narcissism
  • Glory

 It is widely believed that tattoos with this type of feather demonstrate much of the inner beauty of the individual who has it, as well as generosity, optimism and a kind look towards life!

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
On the back.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Another beautiful inspiration.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Peacock feather tattoo on the side of the belly.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
On the forearm.
Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!
Behind the neck.

So, did you like the style, tips and meanings? Tmaybe you like to see this post about delicate female tattoos!

And to stay on top of everything that goes on in the TheBeautyPretty.com, be sure to access our page and see the contents updated every day, with fashion tips, tattoos, hair and much more.

Do you have any questions, tips, criticisms or suggestions? (comment below) After all, your opinion is always very important to us!

A big kiss and…

Feather Tattoo – Main Meanings & 50 Incredible Inspirations!

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