Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips

heart tattoo meaning

On the wrist we can feel the heartbeat through touch. We can feel the blood flowing and also some symptoms of tachycardia when the loved one is close. Is there a better place to get a heart tattoo?

We already know that the human heart is not like that, with two half circles. But this is the preferred representation for tattoos on the wrist or other parts of the body and the most passionate. All because he is the symbol of love.

The idea of ​​the heart commanding bodily emotions is old and even after medicine discovered that the brain is the center of emotions, the symbology remained. It's more romantic, stronger and symbolically more beautiful too.

Aristotle believed that the heart was the center of emotions. The Egyptians, on the other hand, maintained the growth of the organ being responsible for guarding the soul. In the mummification process it was the only organ not removed.

It is believed that the heart symbol as we know it began to be used around 1400. The first historical account is of a European playing card using the design. But to know why the s2 is like that there is no way. It is not known why or how they created the beautiful design that prints a heart tattoo on the wrist. We just use it and love it!

Heart Wrist Tattoo Pictures and Ideas

Opting for a heart tattoo on the wrist has some advantages. The skin is sensitive but not so much, so the pain is much less compared to other areas. It's also an easy part to cover up if you don't feel the need to display it and visible to anyone who wants to see it. And ideas abound, check it out!


Simple or extravagant, the fact is that a heart tattoo on the wrist is always very stylish. Thinner strokes are usually the first choice for female tattoos and go well with fair skin.

One of the advantages of opting for a simple and discreet design on the wrist is that it can be covered with a simple watch or bracelet.

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips


Two hearts and only one tattoo. This is one of the popular skin scratching designs for uniting couples in an eternal bodily risk. We know that nowadays the tattoo can be removed with leisure, but scratching the skin with something permanent and very difficult to remove is still magical to symbolize love and union between couples.

Following this logic, the double heart tattoo on the wrist makes use of the same design for two people. They can complement each other, one person tracing the left arm and the other the right or being on the same arm.

It is also a design often used by brothers, an eternal bond. It can be a tribute to mothers, among other proposals.

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips


with infinity

If you are looking for a symbol stronger than love to demonstrate the feeling, the union with the infinity design is perfect.

The symbol derives from the Ourobouros snake, a snake from Greek mythology that eats its own tail. With no beginning, middle or end, it demonstrates in a heart tattoo design on the wrist the eternity of your love for someone.

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips
Infinity symbol can be joined to the heart in a beautiful tattoo on the wrist

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips
Shading technique used in wrist heart tattoo.

heart with heartbeat

The heartbeat associated with the red heart is popular among tattoo designs. She can be minimalist or fill the wrist completely in a wealth of details. It is widely used by doctors as well as sports lovers.

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips


All the colors

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips


Creativity is everything when it comes to skin scratching. But always look for a good tattoo artist and analyze his previous risks. Your drawing may be far from what you want because the professional did not know how to act well.

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips
The love for animals always looks beautiful in a heart tattoo on the wrist!

Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips Heart Tattoo on Wrist: Meaning, Photos and Tips

The skin on the wrist is very exposed and so extra care is needed with your wrist heart tattoo. Respect the recovery period of at least two days without using any accessories and always with extra care not to injure yourself. Watch out for food to keep immunity high.

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