PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

The piercing in the cheek (cheek piercing/dimple piercing) is a body modification, famous and known as dimple piercing, located exactly on or near them. A lot of people try to get this piercing to get the 'fake dimples', but jewelry is also a good option to give that smile charm!

In this post you will see the necessary care at the time and after piercing your piercing, in addition to several other important tips and many images to inspire you!

It hurts? Does it leave dimples?

These are the two questions that people who are thinking about getting a cheek piercing ask the most before deciding, so here we go.

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!Does the cheek piercing hurt?

Just like the pain you feel when getting a tattoo (we talked about that in the rib tattoos post, remember?), the pain when getting a piercing is relative and varies from person to person. Of course, piercing pain is much more tolerable than tattooing, as the most acute pain is instantaneous and only takes a few minutes (tattooing requires longer pain tolerance – which, believe me, is very difficult after a few hours - that's why they usually decide to do more than one session), but what interests us here is that in both the pain will depend on the person's sensitivity and in some parts of the body the pain is greater than in others.

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

It's worth remembering that you should always look for a good professional for any body modification, since, if done in any way or without hygiene, the risks of leading to inflammation are very high.

Before drilling, brush your teeth and clean them with mouthwash (ideally, the professional will give you a little cup with some for you to use), and check that the equipment has been sterilized and that the professional is wearing gloves.

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!
Cheek piercing piercing process

It might seem scary to see those huge tweezers and needles in your cheeks, but don't despair, most facial piercings are done this way: the professional measures and marks exactly where he's going to pierce with the pen, secures the place with the tweezers (trust me, you You'll appreciate the use of this tweezers!) and pierce it with a surgical steel needle with a catheter and the jewel on the tip. The catheter will prevent the jewelry from injuring your skin, and once you remove the catheter, your piercing will be done! The whole process is pretty quick, so you won't have time to complain about the pain!

Does the cheek piercing leave dimples?

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

Well, this is a very common question and unfortunately there is no way to guarantee that you will have those lovely dimples after getting your piercing done. There are people who had to wear the piercing for about 9 months to notice that the mark would stay there forever. Keep in mind that no matter what part of your body you are piercing, it will leave a scar. The same goes for the cheek piercing, and when you don't want to wear the piercing anymore, be prepared for the little mark it will leave (many people like this little mark, as it resembles dimples)!

In this video, Inês, from the YouTube channel zmashd, shows how her cheeks and piercing marks look after removing them. The cool thing about the video is that you can see it and have a better and more concrete idea of ​​how it will look!


Prices vary from professional to professional and also from the jewelry you choose. In general, they tend to charge between 30 and 50 reais, considering that normally there are two holes and two jewels to be charged.

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!
The smile looks beautiful with the piercing on the cheek, right?


Let's get to the most important thing about your cheek piercing: care! Without them, you can be sure that your piercing will get inflamed and you'll have to take it out, so pay attention to these tips and take good care of your piercing!

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

The cheek piercing swells up quite a bit in the first few days and the healing time ranges from two to eight months until your skin is completely healed. Until then, you're going to need some care!

First of all, choose a jewel that is not too tight for your cheek (something around 1,5 cm), because with the swelling you run the risk of the piercing ball sinking into the cheek and removing it will be difficult and painful. Once healed you can switch to a smaller one.

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

Basic care is: do not eat anything too greasy and clean the area three times a day (each professional recommends a cleaning method, consult yours and do it right as he says), in addition to avoiding alcoholic beverages, excessive sun and swimming pool, sea or long baths. Under no circumstances put dirty hands on your piercing!

You can also rinse your mouth with water and salt to help healing and suck on ice in the first few days to reduce swelling.


Now it's time to see the result of all that work! Check below several models and images of women who have adopted the cheek piercing and get inspired by this beautiful accessory!

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!
Look how stylish this gorgeous Afro-descendant is with her blue hair and cheek piercings!

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!
The cheek piercing goes so well with this colorful hair!

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images! PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!

PIERCING IN THE CHEEK: Care, Tips and Images!
A kiss full of charm for you!

I hope you liked it and that the post helped you with what you were looking for about wonderful cheek piercing! If you want to know more about other types of piercing too, take a look at our post, I bet you'll enjoy it!

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