Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

Despite inhabiting the popular imagination as a bloodthirsty and merciless creature, the shark is an animal of extremely important for the balance of the marine system. He is part of top of the food chain and therefore their extinction would result in a powerful ripple effect on oceanic food webs, causing an imbalance that is difficult to reverse.

The shark's frightening look can yield amazing tattoos. In today's post, we bring 30 inspirations of shark tattoo and we also explain its meaning.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

Shark Tattoo Meanings

Shark tattoos usually have a very special meaning for people who have a lot of contact with the sea, such as surfers and sailors. For them, this tattoo can represent a closer proximity to water and serves as a symbol of empathy for sea creatures.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

When we look at the shark, its clear hunting spirit e power compared to other animals that inhabit the same environment. His presence conveys fear and respect, as someone who lives without fear of judgment or being shaken by others. In this way, the shark tattoo can serve to symbolize the calculating and domineering personality, usually someone capable of exert great influence about others.

The shark is also an animal that is very present in the popular belief of different cultures around the world. At hawaiian mythology, for example, it is believed that loved ones can come back to life in the form of sharks. After reincarnation, these ancestors would continue to protect their descendants.

For some indigenous cultures, the shark is a spiritual bridge between land and sea. In Fiji, a group of islands in Oceania with ancient traditions, it is believed that the Shark God, called Dakuwanga, protects fishermen at sea and devours lost souls.

Shark Tattoo Pictures and Ideas

The type of shark tattoo you get has a lot to do with the meaning it will have. A Maori shark tattoo is more connected to the roots of cultures that see the shark as a spiritual symbol, present mainly in Oceania; an Old School tattoo can symbolize the fearless spirit of someone who is not afraid to face the sea, as the shark tattoo done by sailors in the early XNUMXth century served as a kind of amulet for them, granting them the gods blessing and protection.

Below you will find 30 incredible ideas of shark tattoos that we have separated. The images contemplate different sizes and styles of tattoos so that you can analyze all the possibilities and see which one best fits what you are looking for.


Of all the shark species, the great white shark is considered the most fierce e intimidating. Reaching up to 6,5 meters in length and weighing around 3,4 tons, the white shark is a giant of the seas that, while managing to be charming, frightens people who have the privilege of witnessing its presence.

The great white shark tattoo usually exalts the side aggressive of the animal, emphasizing its huge jaws and menacing swim. For this tattoo, it is also common to use shading e shades of gray, so that it is possible to increase the contrast among the few colors that make up the anatomy of this species.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

For realistic shark tattoos, the work of an experienced tattoo artist is required for the result to be impeccable.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!


The hammerhead shark is a very interesting animal due to its peculiar anatomy, which stands out for its head that contains a flat, lateral extension on each side. Altogether, there are ten species of hammerhead shark, some larger and some smaller. These animals can measure from 0,9 to 6 meters, weighing from 3 to 500 kg.

The hammerhead shark tattoo usually has a amazing design for using the unconventional anatomy of the animal as a basis. It can be done in practically any style, passing through realism, Maori and even the traditional.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

The traditional style of shark tattoos comes from sailors who got this tattoo in the early XNUMXth century to protect themselves during their endeavors on the high seas.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

On the arm

The shark tattoo on the arm works great with Vivid colors. Generally, these colors come not only from the animal itself, but from the environment in which it is inserted: the bottom of the sea. Therefore, shades of blue are always a great way to compose the tattoo.

The ideas presented below are for both closing the arm and covering small areas. If you choose the first option, try to use the sea and sea creatures as complementary elements; if you prefer the second option, the drawing of the shark following a realistic design it will always be a good bet.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

To close the arm with the shark tattoo, take advantage of the beauty of the seabed as a complementary element.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

In the rib

Despite being a little more painful than other areas of the body, the rib has the potential to harbor amazing tattoos that stand out. by color and size. In the case of the shark tattoo, creativity it is mandatory. You can invest in both a minimalist design and a bolder one, which goes from the armpits to the waist.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

Big rib tattoos have a unique charm!

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

On the back

The shark tattoo on the back can take over many different styles, from the most discreet to the most striking. You can use the side area of ​​the back, close to the shoulder, to invest in a more elaborate design that would not be achieved in a smaller tattoo. If you prefer cover the back, using the shark as the main theme for this coverage often yields amazing results.

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

After its death, the shark turns into a mermaid. A brilliant idea!

Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired! Shark Tattoo – Meaning & 30 Great Ideas to Get Inspired!

The shark tattoo stands out for embodying the characteristics of power and influence Summoned by the most feared creature in the seas. What do you think of the tattoos featured in the post? Would you do any of them? tell us us Comment! For other posts like this one, visit our Piercing and Tatoo section.

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