Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!

Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!

Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!

Main Meanings of Stones?

Below see a very beautiful selection with some types of stones and their respective meanings according to the mysticism and alternative medicine!

  • Fire Agate (red): It carries a symbolism that is very focused on strength, vitality and protection. They say it balances the spirit, body and mind in a single vibration, bringing a lot of disposition to the individual who owns it.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Fire Agate.
  • Agate Dentrite (blue and white): It brings determination and willpower, it also helps to remove obstacles. Mental and physical health benefits are also linked to dentrite agate, including stimulating mental balance and digestive and circulatory recovery.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
  • Amazonite (green): Known as the anti-stress stone, it has an extreme healing and calming power, as it reduces anxiety and helps to re-establish mental balance.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Green Amazonite.
  • Amber (yellow): Widely used in meditation, this stone carries the meaning of awakening, bringing the joy of living, as it fully activates the flow of light energies with positive vibrations. It also helps fight and cure muscle and skin diseases.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
  • Bronzonite (brown): Great stone to bring peace to the soul, it is widely used to heal trauma, acts as a shield of protection for both the mind and soul and destructive thoughts. Widely used for healing methods linked to depression.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
  • Howlite (pink): It positively stimulates love relationships, bringing more harmony and union. For singles, it also helps to attract the loved one.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Pink howlite.

Photos and Models of Stone Necklace

Did you like the meanings? See now some more wonderful stone necklace options and even see some more interesting meanings!

Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!

From the moon

Typical of countries like Australia and India, crystals such as moonstone have a direct connection with the universe, the natural intuition of human beings and especially with the moon (as the name suggests).

Also considered a symbol of female power and strength. it is entirely linked to harmony, peace, love and clairvoyance of those who possess it, due precisely to its peculiar color characteristics between blue and silver (which are very reminiscent of the earth's natural satellite).

Known in Indian medicine also for curing various ailments, the moonstone helps in some ailments of the body and soul, such as:

  • Anxiety - For agitated and anxious people, it can be a great aid, due to its energy that calms emotions, also bringing clairvoyance to understand what happens to us, elevating the soul to evolution.
  • Energy balance – Because it is a stone very connected to feminine energies, it ends up showing sensitivity and intuition for the development of psychic gifts.
  • Accelerates Metabolism – Helps weight loss, in addition to other benefits such as the digestive system, reproduction (for those who want to get pregnant) increasing fertility and even pacifying childbirth and stimulating milk if you are breastfeeding.
  • TPM – Great for relieving symptoms related to PMS, but during menstruation, contact with the stone should be avoided due to intensifying emotions. (mainly at full moon).
  • Spiritual – They help to rescue your nature that connects to your subconscious power.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
With details of a moon in very delicate metal.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Inspiration moonstone necklace.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Necklace with symbol of meditation.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
beautiful option
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Super feminine.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Hippie style.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Heart shaped.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Delicate and very feminine design.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
With mini star-shaped blue moonstone detail.


The violet tones stone is considered the symbol of wisdom and relief from mental tensions and the opening of our third vision.. Often used in meditation the amethyst stone also transitions between consciousness to the deep meditative state connected to the subconscious.

To relieve tensions, amethyst can be used in a beautiful necklace. (as we show selection of photos below), or even put it in the bag as they carry a lot of energy connected to serenity.

In terms of design, you can find rougher amethyst stones,the ones cut with a gold chain or something simpler that reminds me a lot of the hippie style!

Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Crafted with handcrafted details.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
With two different stone styles.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Necklace tumblr amethyst stones.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Raw amethyst stone.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Another tumblr amethyst stone necklace option.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Hippie style option.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
With silver chain and round amethyst stone.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Inspiration necklace with amethyst stone.


Known as Onyx, stones in this color are very powerful according to mystical studies. After all, they say that they carry the power of energy protection without equal and that it is even capable of absorbing all kinds of negative energy emanated to the individual who possesses it.

Persian and Indian peoples used stone black a lot to protect themselves from envy and bad energy. They also clean the space where they are placed of all astral impurity that is accumulated there.

Therefore, if you want to be protected from envy and carry with you the power of self-confidence that helps you to pass through delicate moments in life, It would be very interesting to invest in a necklace with a stone like that!

Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Owl design option.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
More tumblr style.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Made with rope.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
With golden chain and delicate design.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
With mini shiny black pebbles.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Chocker with heart-shaped onyx stone.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Another beautiful and delicate alternative.


From quartz (minerals) to emeralds, the green stone cut and with a delicate design in general is beautiful and goes well with party looks like a beautiful sophisticated dress.

But its mystical meanings seem to be much more enriching for those who own it, after all the green stone in meditation acts as a cure for the whole body as it is linked to the most important Chakra, the heart!

And the energetic benefits of this beautiful stone don't stop there, as it even brings courage, disposition and balance, managing emotions in a beneficial way!

Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Another very delicate piece.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Beautiful option with matte green quartz.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Delicate pieces.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Beautiful option.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Chocker with raw stone (green quartz).
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Pieces elaborated with sophisticated design.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Large necklace of cut green stone.

Do you like maxi necklaces? Click here and see many amazing models!

That Glows in the Dark

Beautiful and very thematic, the stones that glow in the dark are stones that have become very popular for their fun and super tumblr effect.

They are handmade and were created through hippie crafts and generally do not carry a deep mystical meaning like the ones mentioned above. But their difference and peculiarity are due to the fact that they are made of phosphorescent resin and end up glowing beautifully in the dark.

Below you can see some different alternatives for necklaces with this interesting effect!

Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Inspiration with stone that glows in the dark in shades of blue.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
With the moon.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
In the shape of an eye.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Super delicate and feminine piece.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Piece that glows in the dark with illustration detail.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
fluorescent green.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Glow in the dark tumblr necklace with fairy design.
Stone Necklace: 50 perfect options, amazing meanings and + DY!
Women's necklace that glows in the dark in the shape of a heart.

How to Make a Stone Necklace: Step by Step

In the following video, learn a very simple step-by-step on how to make a beautiful moonstone necklace. But first see the list of materials you will need:

  • Moonstone or Stone of your choice
  • Waxed quail thread or twine
  • ruler to measure

And if you liked this article, you can't miss this other post with lots of golden tips on rings with stones!

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