+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

In general, some tips make all the difference, either to improve your look or your way of acting. What matters is to unite these two concepts to, in addition to being an elegant man, inspire other guys and become a better person.

Therefore, it is worth checking out this complete post with some essential steps. We have prepared a complete and awesome guide to inspire you, read it and be surprised.

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
A complete guide with the best tips to be a stylish man

First, what is the concept of style?

According to the dictionary, it is the “set of tendencies, tastes, modes of behavior characteristic of an individual or group”.

That is, it is the way a person expresses himself and becomes authentic, whether by way of acting, speaking or dressing.

Therefore, style does not refer only to fashion, but to a whole context that will make a person stand out in a social environment.

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

Obviously, clothing influences a lot, as well as the look. When it comes to men, it is even more evident, as there is a certain concept that boys do not care as much about this aspect as women do.

At this point, many people are mistaken. It is essential that men also pay attention to these standards and become increasingly elegant and stylish. It seems like a difficult mission, but it's quite simple if there are changes. For this, some tips make all the difference.

How to be a stylish man? #tips

How to be a stylish man? Find out which habits most influence you to achieve this status. 

  • pay attention to details

A stylish man pays attention to what is really important. Contrary to what many think, he doesn't want to attract attention, but to stand out for subtle details: hair, skin, good combination of clothes, choosing the right accessory, best look according to the occasion, in short.

  • Less is more

The best way to leave people delighted is to value what really matters, avoiding exaggeration (both in the way of acting and dressing). So there's no need to be too fussy. Maintain poise and politeness in any setting so you naturally draw attention.

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

  • Quality is better than quantity

When it comes to the way of dressing, the quality is essential. It's better to buy a piece that has good durability than several that will be faded after the first wash. What makes the difference is not the diversity of looks, but the way of combining and using the pieces.

A stylish man knows how to choose the exact outfit for every occasion. In addition, he always uses clean, well-pressed pieces with good combinations.

A good pattern is also fundamental, choosing the pieces according to your body and profile, as well as the colors and models. In any case, betting on the basics is always a good idea.

  • Know your wardrobe

Clothes help to make a stylish and authentic man. However, the main rule is to choose pieces that are comfortable on the body and that you feel good wearing.

It is in this context that style goes far beyond trends. It's no use wearing fashionable clothes if it has nothing to do with your personality or doesn't look good on your body.

Always value coherence to create harmonic looks, so you can put together the perfect wardrobe and have an idea of ​​everything you have there to create great compositions.

In addition, clothes must be stored correctly, always folded and washed frequently.

Avoid wearing torn, worn-out pieces that don't fit the outfit for a given occasion.

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

  • A good appearance always counts

A appearance needs to be a concern of every boy. More than dressing well, it is essential to have your hair cut and well hydrated, shaved and skin clean.

Likewise, good hygiene habits are paramount, such as good breath, keeping fingernails and toenails trimmed, as well as a pleasant odor – with deodorant or perfume.

  • Harmonize the compositions

A person who dresses well is one who knows wear the right clothes for the right occasion. It can be something formal, casual or alternative.

In the same way, combinations are essential to create a harmonic, comfortable, beautiful and, of course, stylish look!

always think with coherence and balance. Evaluate what you have and what can be used in a given location. Stay on top of trends and seek inspiration.

Here on the site, for example, there are several posts about the most diverse pieces and concepts of men's fashion. In addition, you can search for images on Instagram, Pinterest and other social networks.

  • Know how to behave in different places

It's no use wearing the best clothes and looking beautiful on the outside if you treat people harshly, speak ironically, live under stress or frown.

Remember that style has to do with the way you act too? So it is. Therefore, it is essential to appreciate the good education, sympathy, empathy and cordiality in any environment. Be a nice person to build a good reputation.

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

Photos of clothes and looks for stylish men

See photos of looks for stylish men and get inspired to create the best compositions. 


O formal male look it is ideal for the work environment or for occasions that call for an exquisite composition, such as parties, cocktails, meetings, gala events, weddings, among others.

In this case, it is interesting to value the complete outfit, fine sport and sophisticated clothes, in noble fabrics and sober colors.

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
Super sophisticated, modern and formal look
+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
It is a great option to compose a formal look.

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】 +40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】 +40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】 +40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】 +40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】 +40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】 +40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】


O men's casual style It is ideal for everyday use, whether for outings or parties, birthday parties, anyway. The composition changes according to the environment, but it is possible to follow a more laid-back and basic pattern.

Men's accessories, printed pieces, shorts, T-shirts in different patterns, sneakers and open shoes are good options.

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
Perfect casual look to spice up your style
+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
Shirt in red and blue tones that stands out in the casual look
+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
Men's belt in a casual look for everyday life

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】 +40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
Combine the hat with a casual shirt, shorts and sneakers
+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
Perfect outfit for a casual outing on hot days

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】 +40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】


O alternative style it is classified as something out of the ordinary, authentic and daring. It is always linked to a concept, a tribe and even a lifestyle.

There are many variations that go beyond the standard: streetwear, swag, punk, rocker, headbanger, surfer, skater, among others.

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
Innovate in color and make unique combinations
+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
Plain men's swag t-shirt with denim shorts

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】

+40 looks and habits of a STYLISH MAN •【2022】
Among the most common shoes, the All Star models stand out.

In fact, it's not that complex to become a stylish man. Follow the tips and pay attention to the main habits to change little by little and reach that goal.

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