How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!

Although for many people hair has an agile growth, there are many cases in which it is difficult to have a nice and regular beard. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to some methods to give this process a plus, either with specific products or good life habits.

If you are in that group who want to have an amazing beard to guarantee a different and charming look, check out our complete tutorial with tips to grow a beard, the most conventional types and really working methods. Keep reading and don't miss any details!

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!
How to make a beard grow faster and naturally

How to make a beard grow faster and naturally? This is the main doubt of many guys who intend to follow this style that yields great compositions. A beard enhances the look, increases self-esteem, pleases crushes and promotes that ideal change that everyone is looking for.

In many cases, relying on facial hair is simple, just let it grow naturally. However, there are several guys who can't have a regular beard and that's why they look for a series of methods to leverage this process and leave it flawless, with strong and healthy strands.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!
beard growth process

The question that remains is how to grow a beard easily, without having to resort to long treatments, such as the famous implant. There are several ways and indications, but first you need to know how to take care of it and what is the best way to keep your beard always beautiful and admirable.

The bearded look is on the rise and has won favor with men of all ages, with various stylish and eye-catching patterns.

Beard Care Principles

1 – Cleanliness is essential

Maintain a clean beard it is the first step so that the wires are always healthy and beautiful. You can't parade around with a dirty beard, it's essential to wash it well with specific products so that all impurities are eliminated.

Use specific beard shampoo. In addition to leaving it clean, it also hydrates, prevents messy hair and ensures a great appearance. The oil is also recommended to replenish nutrients and make the hair look perfect at any time.

You know that story that the beard is dirty to the point of having fecal coliforms? Fortunately, that doesn't make sense. Of course, hair gathers waste, but just wash it and keep it clean and everything is fine!

2 – Be careful when trimming

As soon as the beard begins to grow, it is indicated to trim so the strands don't get totally out of control and irregular. As much as you want a big beard, always keep the sides cut and well combed – for that, use a beard comb and a shaver.

Those who prefer shorter strands should trim once every two weeks. In other cases, it is worth thinking about this process at least once per month. The mustache deserves special attention. Never let the wires fall over your mouth, in addition to being a part that accumulates a lot of dirt, it will still bother you a lot.

Leave the mustache with the wires in place, always trimmed and fixed with a special wax. You can be sure it will make all the difference.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!
A full, even beard makes all the difference in the look.

3 – Don’t give up your own beard products

Although traditional shampoos and mild soaps will help clean your beard, nothing better than relying on specific products to carry out the hygiene of the wires. That's why it's essential to have a beard kit complete with:

  • shampoo;
  • Beard oil;
  • Modeling wax;
  • Machine;
  • Beard comb;
  • Scissors;
  • Shaving cream and aftershave gel.

4 – Avoid scratching your beard

One of the main precautions for a beard to grow healthy is avoid getting itchy. It seems inevitable, but this habit ends up contributing to ingrown hairs, which can cause a problem over time.

To alleviate this sensation and avoid itching you should use a good shaving cream and a great aftershave gel. Whenever possible keep the wires well combed too.

5 – Good habits make the difference

If your beard doesn't grow evenly and the process takes time, you might want to look for a dermatologist to check if there is any adversity linked to health.

Generally, this happens due to genetic factors, in many boys the wires do not develop faster than in others, this is quite common.

One method to stem this problem is to focus on good life habits, especially with regard to food. Prefer healthier options and take it easy on the consumption of industrialized and slow-digesting products.

Parallel to this, the physical exercises they help keep metabolism accelerated and contribute to all bodily functions working well, which will directly affect your beard growth, you can be sure!

Did you know? A beard keeps your face hydrated, hides scars and acne marks, and even works as a barrier to prevent inhaling bacteria that cause asthma and other respiratory problems.

After these general tips, you already know how to take care of your beard so that it always looks great and beautiful. Follow all guidelines and always be aware of your health.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!
Follow these tips and learn how to grow a beard quickly and healthily

How to Grow a Beard: Step by Step

How to grow a beard? Well, there are some interesting methods that you can consider to make the strands develop in a more agile and harmonious way. We've listed some step-by-step tips, check it out.

1 – Pay attention to your diet and consumption of vitamin sources

We have already mentioned this fact, now we will be more specific. Everything we consume directly influences various aspects of our body and the growth of beard and hair strands would be no different. If a person only eats fatty, nutrient-poor, high-carbohydrate products – especially frequently and regularly – it will certainly harm his or her health in the short or long term.

As vitamins and minerals they are essential options that must be consumed daily according to a certain amount, so they cannot be missing from the menu. Some - such as vitamin D, zinc and magnesium – are great for boosting hair growth, as well as keeping them strong and resistant.

Therefore, it is worth eating foods such as eggs, bananas, fish (such as salmon and tuna), oranges, seafood, corn, mushrooms, among other options indicated by an expert.

2 – Avoid smoking and harmful habits

A sedentary lifestyle is terrible for anyone and also harms beard growth. In addition, smoking often affects metabolism and hormones such as Testosterone - one of the main responsible for hair growth.

With everything out of order, it is practically impossible to have a nice and even beard. In addition, bigger problems may appear, such as excess oiliness, folliculitis, alopecia, among other terrible conditions.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!
How to make a beard grow faster? 7 amazing methods

3 – Keep your metabolism accelerated and put an end to stress

You may have already realized that one of the secrets to growing a beard is metabolism. The faster the better. If you maintain good habits, this will definitely positively influence the growth of facial hair.

For this, in addition to eating well and exercising, it is essential to avoid daily stress and anxiety. Do everything in your time, eat at the right times, maintain a healthy routine and sleep well, at least between 6 and 8 hours a day. It may be difficult, but it's not impossible!

4 - Have patience 

Many guys want to know how to grow a beard and prefer to look for miraculous methods than to focus on the real situation. If you want to have a full, uniform and regular beard, it is essential to have a lot of patience until it reaches this β€œstatus”.

Even in guys who don't have problems with hair growth, the process is time consuming. There are people who will only conquer an incredible beard after many months – even with the care and stimuli that we are citing here.

So there's no point in getting impatient. It is common for wires to grow in an unregulated way or one part to be fuller than the other. Until everything is balanced it will take time. During this time, keep trimming to leave them with a harmonic appearance, avoid scratching and running your hand and always use specific products for beards.

Stay tuned: the beard begins to grow regularly from the age of 25/30, so young people should be patient and wait a little longer to achieve the beard of their dreams. The average ranges from 3 months to 1 year!

5 – Consult an expert 

If you are full of doubts and discouraged because your beard does not grow even following the tips that we are explaining, do not hesitate to consult an expert to get a more targeted opinion for your case.

Go to a dermatologist and clarify your questions. The professional can guide you better, perform tests and even indicate products that stimulate metabolism and consequently hair growth.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!
Different beard styles for all tastes and ages

6 – Use a reliable product

With this boom in the bearded look, many products appeared on the market that promise to make the beard grow quickly. But it's good to be careful not to fall into traps, after all, there is no miracle.

In fact, some stimulants can even help in the process, but as long as they are allied with the good habits that we have already mentioned here. The famous minoxidil is an example that yields effective results, but it must be associated with other healthy factors that will positively contribute to your beard growing.

Do you want to use a specific product that is reliable? Don't do this on your own. Consult a specialist before using minoxidil or other similar options.

7 – Consider more advanced treatments

A current trend that draws the attention of young men whose beards do not grow regularly is the implant, a super advanced treatment that yields interesting results. There have already been several articles in the media about this process that attracts guys of all ages.

O beard implant it is also very successful abroad and there are several techniques for carrying out this procedure. The strands are taken from the scalp and the selection depends on each method – some simpler and others more advanced, to maintain a very natural look.

The price is not so affordable, costing between 6 thousand and 20 thousand reais. Fixing is quick and maintenance is easy, so many people say it's worth it. To learn more about the beard implant you can refer to the featured link.

This is an interesting option, but we suggest that it be considered only by those who have tried everything and failed to grow their beard due to genetic, hormonal, and other problems.

Get to know the main types of beard – and choose which one you like the most!

With this complete tutorial you already know how to grow a beard naturally and faster. Finally, check out some beard styles that are trending – they are great inspirations for guys of all tastes and ages.

  • The key beard

The most conventional and the apex for any guy who wants to have a bearded eye. Maintenance, however, must be constant, to trim the wires, hydrate and always clean.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work! How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!

The lumberjack beard is a real hit that delights many men. It is perfection when it comes to a full, voluminous, beautiful and attractive beard.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!

  • beard drawn

The designed beard is a current trend for guys who prefer a neater look, with the strands aligned and in their proper place. It takes some work to get it defined, but the result is impeccable.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work! How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work! How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work! How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!

  • messy/natural beard

There are those who like a natural beard with the most messy and not so regular. You just have to be careful not to get the look damaged and look sloppy.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work! How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!

This look is typical for guys whose beard is growing, with the strands still not regular and uniform.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!

  • scraggy beard

A thin beard it also looks attractive. As it grows, you can trim the unruly strands and leave it looking like that by creating interesting compositions.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work! How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work! How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!

  • Beard with mustache/goatee

Two styles that never go out of style. One moustache highlighted is part of a classic look. already the goatee It is a technique that changes the look and allows you to go beyond conventional beard models.

How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!
Beard with a very long and fixed mustache
How to Grow a Beard – The 7 Best Methods that Work!
The goatee looks great on more experienced guys

Want to see more amazing beard styles? Check out our post BEARD STYLES: Tips and 75 models to get inspired! and surprise yourself with a complete guide!

We hope this post has cleared some doubts. Now that you already know how to grow a beard, it's worth following the tips and having a lot of patience until the strands are big, perfect and looking great. Tell us what you think, comment and share! Good luck and until next time! 

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