How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

It is not something complex and it has nothing to do with possessions either. It all depends on how you behave in each environment, how you dress and the impression you give people.

Based on that, we prepared this post with some interesting tips. Learn how to become an elegant man and completely renew yourself.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

First, what does elegance mean?

Let's resort to the dictionary to unravel this much-spoken term, but that few know how to define.

The meaning of elegance is “grace, harmony and disposition in forms, manners and attire”. In addition, it refers to the fact that it is simple, effective and balanced.

In this context, we can understand that an elegant man is coherent when behaving in different environments, both in the way he acts and in the way he dresses. He is that person who stands out for a good education, good taste and refinement.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

Therefore, it is not so challenging to become a elegant man. And you don't need to change your personality for that. It is enough to know how to adapt to each occasion, to have common sense and good actions that stand out in a social circle.

being elegant is in mind, from then on, you can change the way you act, dress and behave in any situation. 

How to become a stylish man? #tips

So what are the best ways to get started? How to be an elegant man and be known for this feature? According to etiquette experts, a few tips make all the difference.


Appearance is the first impression we pass when arriving anywhere. In this context, there are several simple measures that make all the difference, such as:

  1. Always be clean, maintaining basic hygiene, especially when leaving home. Shower daily, brush your teeth and always use deodorant.
  2. Well-trimmed and styled hair and beard is essential. When they are big and messy, they give the impression of sloppiness, damaging any look.
  3. A well-cleaned face and well-groomed skin scores a few points when it comes to elegance. For this, it is worth leaving the hair trimmed, washing your face well and cutting your toenails and hands.
  4. Maintaining an upright posture also improves the look. This aspect improves self-esteem and gives more confidence to deal with people.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】


The way you dress contributes a lot to make a man elegant. And for that, you don't need to spend a lot or wear only designer clothes. It all depends on a few factors, such as:

  1. Wear quality clothing that is always clean and has no loose seams. A simple piece, as long as it is well cared for, already enhances the look.
  2. Understand which is the right attire for a certain occasion. The composition varies according to the environment: formal or casual. In both cases, you should dress in a balanced and comfortable way.
  3. When in doubt, always opt for the classic. If you have doubts about making combinations, don't try to dare. Bet on basic and timeless pieces, with neutral colors: black, gray, blue, white, brown, etc.
  4. Use pieces of your biotype and profile. Avoid following a style that has nothing to do with you, as well as wearing short, tight or too wide pieces.
  5. Values ​​for minimalism. This goes for both the colors and the type of each piece. Remember that less is more for any occasion, from a business dinner to a trip to the mall.
  6. If you enjoy an alternative style, try to balance this boldness with the frequented environment, so you don't become the center of attention.
  7. Use men's accessories. In many cases, a bracelet, a watch, a hat or a simple necklace enhance the look and make any guy more elegant.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

way of acting

The way you deal with your social circle says a lot about your elegance. It's no use dressing well and looking impeccable if you treat people badly, speak badly or are always stressed. Therefore, the way to act is essential, so it is worth following some etiquette rules.

  1. Keep the balance. As much as you are going through problems or difficult times, people are not to blame, so it is essential to treat everyone with politeness and courtesy.
  2. Avoid stress. Be calm, use the right tone of voice (no yelling or loud voices), and don't speak sarcastically or dismissively.
  3. Use correct Spanish. Speaking wrong can be a problem on many occasions. Have a good vocabulary and avoid using excessive slang. Likewise, you don't have to be overly formal when you don't have to.
  4. Be rational. Reason helps to deal with the most adverse situations possible. Don't despair and avoid being too emotional.
  5. Education is everything. As much as you don't sympathize with a certain person, treating them politely and with respect is paramount and shows superiority.
  6. Apologize. Everyone makes mistakes, no matter how perfectionist they are. Therefore, it is noble to apologize for a conduct that has not pleased someone.
  7. Be confident. Maintain an optimistic posture, this helps to value your self-esteem and consequently the way you deal with the outside world.
  8. Have good manners - whether it's time to eat, drive, talk, anyway.
  9. Help people. A little courtesy and proactivity never hurt anyone. Show that you are an individual who is willing to add up, regardless of the situation.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

Golden tips!

Finally, keep these general tips in mind:

  • Thank people, especially when receiving a gift or compliment;
  • Listen more and speak less (talking is silver, silence is gold);
  • Be well-informed – at least on the most current affairs;
  • Learn other languages;
  • Think quality over quantity;
  • Praise people and their actions at opportune times;
  • Be kind and courteous;
  • Keep your appointments punctual;
  • Avoid excessive complaints and criticism;
  • Leave your home and work environment always clean and organized;
  • Always wear clean clothes;
  • Wait your turn;
  • Learn to say “no” objectively;
  • Avoid unnecessary gossip and conversations;
  • Greet people – from the janitors to the president of the company;
  • Have empathy and put yourself in the other's shoes before judging them.

Photos of clothes and looks for stylish men

Becoming an elegant man is a daily exercise. Obviously, nobody changes from one day to the next, but with small actions, we get good results little by little.

Although elegance is formed by a set of variables, the fashion says a lot about this concept. Dressing in a balanced way is paramount in any environment.

When it comes to men's fashion, we can divide the compositions into two basic styles: formal e casual. The first concerns work, daily commitments and special occasions, such as parties, weddings, cocktail parties, etc.

The casual style, on the other hand, refers to our look at home and in lighter environments, such as shopping, nightclubs, the beach, among others. Therefore, to inspire you, we have selected some looks tips based on these concepts.

Formal style

O formal style goes far beyond the suit. You can bet on a more refined composition, usually with classic pieces, whether for work, attending a meeting, going to a sophisticated party, etc.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】 How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

See from the photos that it is possible to be formal and stylish (alternative) at the same time. Just use balanced compositions that match the frequented environment.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】 How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
A perfect social look for everyday life
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
It is a great option to compose a formal look.
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Overlapping the black look with accessories in complementary colors

Quality social pieces in neutral colors always stand out and make any man elegant.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
You can even assemble more casual and comfortable looks
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
A super refined and modern look for guys who love to dress up
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
For a casual office look, an interesting and tasteful idea
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Executive look for various events, whether during the day or at night
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Look with belt + shorts + loafers + basic shirt

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】 How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

Casual style

Although freer, the casual style can also make a man look elegant. Wearing quality clothes is a good idea, as well as prints that enhance your style, comfortable compositions and accessories.

You can follow several patterns according to the occasion, wearing basic and timeless pieces like jeans, chino pants, shorts, high-top or sports sneakers, slide slippers, monochromatic T-shirts and shirts, etc.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Super modern and cool look: black men's casual sneakers + ripped pants and leather jacket

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】 How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Ripped knee pants are on trend and look great in this style.
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Overcoats and longer jackets also work!
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Simple, beautiful and cool

It's easy to create funky outfits with simple pieces like jeans, sneakers, a basic t-shirt, and a few accessories.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
A different and bold pattern from rapper Chris Brown
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Perfect outfit for a casual outing on hot days
How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Combine the hat with a casual shirt, shorts and sneakers

The look must be balanced according to the season and the place where you will go.

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】
Super casual, stylish and comfortable look

How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】 How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】 How to become a stylish man? •【TIPS FOR 2022】

Anyway, this is our complete guide to help you become one. elegant man. Follow the tips, change little by little and surprise everyone.

We hope you enjoyed the content. Comment and share. Good luck and see you later.

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