Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

This happens when hairs do not grow regularly, take time to form and leave several β€œholes” in the face. It may even seem interesting to some, but it is a fact that a missing beard does not value the look, even more so for those who need to maintain a great appearance for work and all social life.

But, as everything has a solution, there are ways to end this adversity and maintain a more balanced beard, without the characteristic flaws. We selected some tips and information on this topic, in addition to many photos with styles that may be cool for you. Follow, test and tell us if it worked.

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!
5 great solutions and essential tips to put an end to a patchy beard

A Patchy Beard it is a problem for many men these days. With all this tendency to value facial hair, it's annoying to realize that on your face they are irregular, don't grow right and don't fill all areas. Soon, that lumberjack and bulky look is far away, which is very frustrating for many guys.

Aiming to put an end to this situation, many give up growing a beard or look for miraculous solutions. The fact is that there is nothing so incredible to remedy this adversity, however some treatments help to stimulate hair growth and lead to the expected result. For those who don't have that amazing genetics, these are interesting options worth considering.

By the way, genetics and hormonal issues make a difference in beard growth, as well as some dermatological diseases can harm this process. It's no use thinking that doctors say this just as usual, it's important to pay attention to complete health before resorting to products, foods and types that promise effects in record time.

What are the Best and Most Efficient Solutions?

Some solutions are very efficient and help to get rid of the patchy beard, ensuring that your strands start to grow more often and can leave all areas of your face covered. But, before that, it's important to point out that you shouldn't treat this situation as a big problem, after all, nowadays even these flaws are considered stylish – you just can't let your look get sloppy, there's a lot of difference from one thing to another. the other.

Therefore, it is essential to be patient and careful not to resort to anything they promise out there. Among the 5 solutions we have listed, all are safe and can really make a difference:

  • Carry out tests to find out the cause of failures

As we have already said, health issues count for a lot when it comes to Patchy Beard. Many things can change hair growth, such as genetics or the level of vitamins, minerals and testosterone. In addition, conditions such as anemia directly affect this process, so it is essential to have a complete blood count to find out how these components are doing.

It's also interesting talk to a dermatologist for an assessment of your skin health. In addition, it is essential to pay attention to food, the practice of physical exercises and the consumption of sugar and fat. Try to keep everything balanced so that your body is always healthy.

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

  • Taking care of your facial skin frequently

Seems obvious, but a lot of guys forget about these basic care. Did you know that excess oil can clog pores and impair your beard growth? So it is. To end this, it is necessary to take great care in cleaning, always using an anti-dandruff shampoo to leave the hair clean, remove sebum and nourish the root.

It is also interesting to make a good exfoliation once every two weeks, eliminating all dead cells and keeping your facial skin healthier. If you want, it's worth doing a complete skin cleansing once a month.

A cool trick when washing is to make circular movements to stimulate hair growth. A lot of people say it's a very efficient mallet!

  • Accelerate your metabolism

routine physical activities they are perfect for keeping metabolism accelerated and even help with testosterone production, contributing to positive effects both on your beard and on other factors linked to your body. Otherwise, a sedentary lifestyle is terrible and harms several areas, so you can't stand still.

Take time to exercise, even if it's just a short daily walk. You can be sure that it will help a lot, as well as a regular and balanced diet. It may also be interesting to use some supplements (they say the ZMA is good), but it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist before consuming any product.

  • Use stimulant products

Some options help stimulate the threads, such as the famous minoxidil, a hair tonic that is attested by many experts and users. We'll talk more about this product in the next topic, but first it's good to keep in mind that it will not work miracles alone.

These lotions only help in the hair growth of guys who have good habits, that is, they are influencers. Therefore, it is not enough to use it and continue eating poorly, being sedentary and avoiding skin care. It is necessary to follow all the previous tips to use this product that will boost the growth of your facial hair.

Stay tuned and always look for original and proven versions. Do not use any product of dubious origin, it can be terrible for your body.

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

  • Perform a beard implant

In the last case, the solution is to resort to a beard implant. This procedure is increasingly popular and solves the problem of a failed beard at once. And that's right: it's a process that takes the wires from a bulkier region and transfers them to the affected area.

In addition to ensuring a full beard, the implant helps to cover facial scars, which is why it gains many fans. As it is performed directly on the hair bulb and with natural (and not synthetic) options, growth will be normalized even after shaving, that is, it is a direct fixation that has a lasting effect.

There are three implantation techniques available, it all depends on the quality of the implanted hairs, the professional and the way the fixation will be carried out. Overall, the result appears quickly and impresses. The investment, however, is not so encouraging: the average price of the cheapest treatment is 8 thousand reais.

And the way of shaving, does it contribute to growth? There is no evidence that this influences, but it is always good to use a quality razor / blade that will even help to avoid irritation.

Is there treatment?

Yes, there is treatment for the strands to grow and the failed beard to stop tormenting you. In addition to the solutions we've detailed, it's worth getting to know more about some effective remedies and vitamins.

Medicines and Vitamins

There is no doubt that the minoxidil It is the remedy that most helps to stimulate the growth of facial hair. This capillary lotion has proven results: it is a product that contains components that act as vasodilators, stimulating blood circulation and ensuring that nutrients quickly reach the follicles, a factor that contributes to a more agile development. 

In addition, many experts reveal that minoxidil helps cells to better absorb nutrients, giving more strength to the hair and making it grow quickly and look great. The first results appear about 3 weeks after use, with a good change after 3 months of starting treatment. 

It is very easy to use, just apply the gel directly (1 to 2 times) on the face after a good cleaning. This is the most effective version, but for those who prefer other options, there is also minoxidil in capsules or liquid. To find out more, check out this post that details everything about using minoxidil for a bald beard.

As to Vitamins, it is interesting to carry out an examination to check how the levels are in your body and if there is a lack of any option. In addition, a cool alternative is to resort to multivitamins. Talk to your doctor and see if this is your case, as normally a good diet is able to make up for any lack and maintain good health.

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!
Minoxidil is sold in several versions

Home Treatment

You can see many tips from different home products, but none of them will be as effective as the solutions we have highlighted. There are no miracle products or foods that are directly there and make your beard full and voluminous from one day to the next, it all depends on patience and good treatments for the results to appear a few weeks / months later.

Bald Beard Photos and Styles

Moreover, you can assume your Patchy Beard without worrying about conventions, adhering to a cool and harmonic style. O goatee is a good example, as well as the thinly drawn beard – which requires frequent maintenance, but is able to enhance your face – and the stubble, a trend that is worth knowing.

To make you even more inspired, we selected some images. See how some guys deal with a patchy beard and how they managed to disguise it to keep their charm and beauty!


A big bald beard can reveal impressive nuances and give your look a fresh start. To maintain this style, you can even disguise the most obvious flaws – including the cheekbones – with some tricks that we'll teach you in the next topic.

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

Realize that many celebrities have a beard and were not afraid to keep it, such as Chay Suede, Wagner Moura, Keanu Reeves, Justin Timberlake and even the icon Brad Pitt.

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

Thin or voluminous, the stubble beard can be a glamorous style for many guys!

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

While Alexandre Nero appeared with a very large beard, actor Jake Gyllenhaal preferred to keep his hair thinner and shorter.


A great idea for disguise the failed beard is to adhere to the designs, which balance the look, giving it a discreet and sober look, especially when the holes are more noticeable in the cheek region. The result is fascinating, but you need to pay attention to maintenance so you don't get a sloppy look.

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

Cherish the mustache and goatee region that is success!

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

The designed beard is interesting for guys of all styles and ages, a timeless and elegant option.

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

Disguised / Fixed: Before and After

want to see the before and after disguised and corrected failed beard? Surprise yourself with the transformation in the look of these guys and follow our tips to make it work for you too!

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

Remembering that everything depends on patience, care and attention to treatment. The effects will appear after a while, don't despair, stay calm and follow all the steps.

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise! Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

With these comparisons, you can understand why the beard makes all the difference in the look and why it is increasingly valued!

Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!

In this last image, the results actually appeared after three months. Stay tuned and wait until the effects are noticeable and efficient.

How to Disguise a Bald Beard: Easy Step by Step

Some tricks help to disguise the flaws and keep your look balanced, especially when trimming your beard. For this, it is worth using an electric shaver instead of a blade, which is only indicated for short beards or for details/finishing. Check out some tips:

  • Trim the sides so they look shorter than the rest of your face and give the impression that your beard is full.
  • Removing the hair that grows unevenly, which ends up with that sloppy style that ends up harming your look.
  • Valuing areas such as chin and mustache, giving an alternative and different touch to your composition.
  • adhere to thin/short or stubble beard designs or styles. For this, count on the help of an experienced barber, he will definitely do a good job.
Bald Beard – 5 Efficient Solutions, Tips & How to Disguise!
Adhering to the goatee is a great solution to disguise the failed beard

This was our complete tutorial on Patchy Beard. We selected the best tips and information to guide you, tell us what you think and if you will try them. Be patient, change your habits and forget about options that promise miraculous results. Take care of your health, your skin and your hair, everything will work out, you can be sure. Do you have questions or any thoughts? Comment. Good luck and until next time!

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