Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

Shampoo for beards usually brings many questions to bearded people, and the question “you can’t use hair shampoo on your beard” is usually quite frequent. So, if you are part of the bearded team and have this or other questions about this type of shampoo, in the post we answer the questions and even gather tips for beard care.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

About Beard Shampoo

What is it for?

Many men are in doubt about the functionality of beard shampoo, and there is not much of a secret.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The shampoo sanitizes the beard

Just like hair that needs proper cleaning, the beard also needs to be cleaned, and therefore the need for a specific shampoo for beard hair care.

This type of shampoo helps in cleaning the beard strands, leaving them sanitized, fragrant and even more aligned.


Who Can Use?

The beard shampoo was developed to be used by everyone who has a beard, and the indication is that the length of the hair is greater than 1 cm.


How to use?

There is no secret to using this type of shampoo, but if the product is still new to you, let's take a simple step-by-step guide on how to use the product.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
Shampoo should be applied to the entire beard
  • Wet your face well with water;
  • Apply a small amount of shampoo to the palm of your hand and spread from one hand to the other;
  • Pass your hands with shampoo over the beard and rub it gently, so as to pass shampoo from the beard that is on the face to the final length;
  • After cleaning the beard well with the shampoo, just rinse the beard and remove all the product.


Can You Use Hair Shampoo on Your Beard?


Despite the ease of already having the hair shampoo in the box at bath time, this is not the right product to use on the beard.

The use of hair shampoo on the beard can cause the hair to dry out, leaving the beard more dry and messy.

In addition, the contact of the shampoo with the skin of the face is also not suitable, since the product was not developed for this purpose, and may even cause irritation to the skin of the face.


Advantages of Beard Shampoo

If you think that beard shampoo is a mere freshness, you are wrong! And to prove that this is a product that deserves to be part of the bearded routine, we have gathered the advantages of the shampoo for specific use for beards.

  • Cleaning: one of the main advantages of this type of product is the cleaning that the shampoo does on the beard, leaving the hair properly sanitized and with a pleasant smell.
  • Does not irritate the skin of the face: as the product is developed exactly for use on the beard and is in direct contact with the skin of the face, this is a type of product that can be used on the skin without the risk of causing irritation, sensitivity or redness of the skin.
  • Beard Hydration: in general, the composition of this type of product usually includes essential oils, which in addition to helping to clean the beard, also moisturize the hair, leaving the beard more aligned and the hair softer.
  • Feeling of Refreshment: the feeling of getting out of the shower is always pleasant, and you can have that feeling of cleanliness and freshness with the use of shampoo for beard hair, which sanitizes the hair and leaves the feeling of cleanliness.


Homemade Beard Shampoo Recipe

For those who want to save money and still make a homemade beard shampoo, we brought you an easy and great recipe to maintain hair care and leave your beard well cared for!



  • 2 teaspoons jojoba oil or coconut oil
  • ¼ cup liquid castile soap
  • 1⁄8 teaspoon peppermint oil
  • 1⁄8 teaspoon tea tree oil (tea tree)
  • ¼ cup distilled water (tea)

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

How to Prepare and How to Use:

In a container place the liquid castile soap and the oils (jojoba or coconut, mint and tea tree). Mix well and then add the distilled water. Continue stirring the mixture until it reaches a uniform consistency.

Then just put the homemade beard shampoo in a bottle and use it every other day (every other day) to clean your beard.


Brand and Product Tips


For those looking for a cost-effective brand, Hinode offers a complete line of male care products, and one of these products is the specific shampoo for beard hair.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The beard line is composed of several products

The brand's shampoo proposes a fluid and easy-to-apply option, in addition to preventing hair oiliness, taking care of the beard in order to sanitize it and also ensuring that the hair is well hydrated.

Average Price: R$ 19,90, 150 ml package on the Americanas website.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
Shampoo feels refreshing
Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The product is suitable for all types of beard.



Rubra offers a 3 in 1 shampoo option, which is indicated for beard, hair and body, and a great option for men who don't want to accumulate several products in the box.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The brand offers a 3 in 1 shampoo option

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The brand has several beard products

Although it is not recommended to use the hair shampoo on the beard, this is a different product, as it was developed to also be used on the beard, in addition to being able to be used to clean the hair and even the body, as a liquid soap.

Average Price: R$ 21,99, 250 ml bottle at Submarino.


O boticario

Among the practical and functional options of beard products, O Boticário has the Men line with the product “shower gel 3 in 1”.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The product is practical and functional
Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The Men line is composed of other products

This product is a version for hair, body and beard, so it is a unique product for bathing and beard care.

Average Price: R$ 18,80, packaging with 205 g, at O ​​Boticário's online store.


Beard Brasil

Beard Brasil is one of the brand options that offers specific products for beards, and in the case of hair shampoo, the brand offers a shampoo bar version and a liquid shampoo version.

The bar version is a glycerin version with spheres, which is ideal for rubbing the bar on your beard for cleaning and a light massage.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The shampoo bar has small spheres

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

The liquid version is a very fluid product and easy to apply when washing your beard.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The liquid version is quite fluid

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

Average Price: R$20,27 for the bar version at Dafiti; and R$ 41,77 for the liquid version with 140 ml, also at Dafiti.



Among the brands that offer a complete line of beard care, Usebarba has a specific shampoo version for hair.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!
The brand offers a complete line of products.

Beard Shampoo – How to Use? 6 Beard Care Products!

The shampoo has a mild scent and is suitable for all types of beard, helping to clean and moisturize the hair.

Average Price: R$ 33,00, 140 ml package on the Época website.



If you're on the bearded team, tell us here if you've used this type of product and if you have a favorite brand.

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