Dark Nail Polish: +48 Beautiful Color Ideas to Use!

Dark Nail Polish: +48 Beautiful Color Ideas to Use!

If you're in love with dark nail polish and you're not sure what the next nail color will be, we've put together tips and a selection of colors to keep the dark tones and rock every nail done!


name="pictures-and-ideas-of-nails-with-dark-nail-polish">Pictures and ideas of nails with dark nail polish


For those who don't give up dark nail polish, one of the options that never goes out of style is black nail polish.

name="black-">Black nail polish is a classic for those who like darker tones and can be a simpler option with all nails painted in black.

The color can also be a different option with a matte finish or be a nail art proposal, including nails decorated with glitter or designs.

name="1-nails-with-black-nail-polish-and-gold-detail">1. Nails with black nail polish and gold detail


name="2-nails-decorated-with-black-nail-polish-and-silver-glitter">2. Nails decorated with black nail polish and silver glitter


name="3-nails-with-black-nail-polish-and-only-daughter-with-nail-art">3. Nails with black nail polish and only daughter with nail art


name="4-long-nails-with-black-nail-polish">4. Long nails with black nail polish


name="5-nail-inspirations-decorated-with-black-nail-polish">5. Nail inspirations decorated with black nail polish


name="wine--marsala-">Wine / Marsala

Wine and marsala nail polishes are popular and are among the most requested in salons, bringing vibrant and dark tones to the nails.

The burgundy and marsala shades look beautiful on the nails and can be color choices to be used alone on traditionally styled nails, or they can be highlighted through nail art, adding nail jewelry or glitter.

name="6-long-nails-with-burgundy-nail-polish-and-only-daughter-with-gold-glitter">6. Long nails with burgundy nail polish and only daughter with gold glitter


7. Long, square nails with burgundy nail polish


8. Nails with marsala nail polish and highlight for the only daughter with glitter


9. Nails with wine enamel and only daughter with matte finish and nail jewel


10. Long, square nails with marsala nail polish


11. Inspirations for nails decorated with wine nail polish



For those looking for a dark nail polish color option to paint their nails in winter, dark brown shades are a great choice to match the colder seasons.

Nails painted in dark brown look beautiful and can be an option for both short nails and long nails, being a versatile option!

12. Long nails with dark brown nail polish


13. Short nails with brown nail polish


14. Nails painted in brown


15. Brown nail polish color on short nails


16. Rounded nails with brown nail polish


17. Inspirations for using brown nail polish



The list of dark nail polishes also brings the options of nail polishes in shades of blue.

Among the darling color variations for the darkest shades of blue, shades like navy blue and teal are great choices.

The dark shades of blue can be used in a more traditional style or in decorated nail options, adding glitter, nail jewelry or nail art.

18. Square nails with dark blue tone


19. Square nails with navy blue nail polish


20. Nails with petroleum blue nail polish


21. Nails decorated with navy blue nail polish


22. Nails decorated with matte blue nail polish


23. Blue nail polish inspirations



For those who like nails with accent colors and that are between the darkest tones, dark purple shades are great options!

Dark purple nail polish is a way to add a touch of color to your nails and a beautiful dark color proposal for any time of the year.

To make the dark color stand out even more, the nails can be decorated with glitter or nail art.

24. Square nails with dark purple nail polish


25. Nails decorated with matte purple nail polish and nail jewelry


26. Nails with dark purple nail polish and only daughter with glitter


27. Nails with purple nail polish and glitter


Tips for nail polish brands, shades and models


Risqué is one of the most well-known nail polish brands in the Spanish market and brings a variety of colors, including dark and varied nuances.

The color “novo azul” is one of the tones for those who like dark nails and the proposal is a navy blue nail polish.

A Risqué classic is the color “rebu”, a dark wine nail polish that never goes out of style and is an option for those who like more closed tones.

28. Risqué navy blue nail polish


29. Nails with Rebu nail polish by Risqué



Among the options of cheap nail polish brands with great coverage, Impala is one of the favorite options and it brings a huge variety of colors.

Among the dark nail polish options, Impala brings the color “Santo Luxemburgo”, a shade of dark green that looks beautiful as a change between the more traditional colors.

For those who prefer a touch of shine, Impala brings the option of the “paparazzi” color, a shade of navy blue with a pearly effect.

30. Impala enamel in a closed shade of green


31. Impala nail polish in navy blue with a pearly finish



Colorama is one of the nail polish brands that are easy to find and cost-effective, offering a wide range of colors and varied tones.

Among the options of dark tones, Colorama brings the “real nudes” line with the color “I woke up like this”, a very dark brown nuance.

For those who prefer their nails with black nail polish, but want a different effect, Colorama brings the color “matte graphic black” in the “shape in color” line, an option of black nail polish with a matte finish, bringing a different and beautiful effect to dark nails.

32. Colorama nail polish in a dark brown tone


33. Colorama nail polish with matte finish



A brand option with nail polishes at an affordable price and great quality is Avon, which brings a wide range of colors, including the darkest shades.

The range of dark colors brings the option of nail polish in “chocolate” color, a dark brown tone that looks beautiful at any time of the year.

For those who prefer colorful options with a touch of shine, the color “mysteries of destiny” is a great choice for navy blue nuanced nails with glitter.

34. Avon nail polish in brown tone


35. Glittering navy blue nail polish



Dailus is one of the cosmetics brands that offers an incredible nail polish line with a variety of colors!

Among the options of dark tones, Dailus brings the color “Martini”, a very dark and closed green tone option, which is beautiful for colored nails and in darker tones.

Another color option for nails with dark and highlighted nail polish is the shade “blackberry jelly”, a color option that is between burgundy and purple, bringing a different tone with a dark background.

36. Nails with dark green nail polish by Dailus


37. Nails with dark tone and highlight



One of the brands known for the quality of their products is Vult, a cosmetics brand that also has an incredible nail polish line!

Among the dark color options offered by the brand, one of the options is the color “Cisne Negro”, a classic black enamel option that never goes out of style. The other possibility is the color “Ficar Juntinho”, a navy blue nail polish option to vary between dark tones.

38. Vult black nail polish


39. Nails with navy blue polish by Vult


Which dark nail tone is your favorite? With so many beautiful color options, there will be no shortage of options when it comes to getting your nails done.

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