Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

The technique is so incredible that it can also be done on both natural nails and nails with extensions, such as acrylic, acrylic or porcelain nails.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Stylish encapsulated nails.

Frequently asked questions – FAQ

In the following FAQ we separate unmissable topics for you to discover everything about the encapsulated nail technique.

Come check out everything and stay on top of this pure practical novelty in the world of nail arts:

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Encapsulated colored nails.

 What are encapsulated nails?

Encapsulated nails are a kind of nail art whose main purpose is to seal, standardize and detail the decoration made on the nail.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Yellow nails with flowers.

In which the professional makes a layered application of gel (or layers of another product called acrigel) on her nail, above that she can still do a nail made with decorations with little stars and decorative elements and then use the famous UV light cabin that makes an instant drying that brings practicality to the process. In the second part of the technique, another layer of gel or acrylic is applied, which forms part of the sealing, ideal adherence of the decoration to the nail.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Colored fingernails.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

All this approach in details used in order to leave the nail art impeccable and lasting longer. The finish is incredible and has a dignified final result that leaves the nails perfect.

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Black and white encapsulated nails.

  How long do they last?

Since it is a type of shielding, the encapsulated nail technique usually lasts a long time, even longer than the duration of a traditional enamel done only with a common enamel, which usually lasts less than 10 days.

Encapsulated nails done above stretching nails, for example, usually have a duration that varies between 20 25 the day consecutive. When done on natural nails, the armor lasts a longer period, being able to withstand 30 35 the day , varying of course from person to person, daily activities, etc.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Nail with lime green nail polish.

 What are the advantages of the technique?

As it is a trending technique, it has many advantages as it is a practical way to always have beautiful and impeccable nails without worrying about retouching from week to week.

Here are some of those advantages:

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

  • Practicality: Encapsulated nails are practical because the decoration sealed in acrigel makes your nails last a long time β€œdecorated” without having to do touch-ups every week. Perfect for saving time and even money.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

  • Flawless effect: Always having beautiful and impeccable nails is every woman's desire, especially those who love to always have their nails up to date.

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  • Enamelling on top of the encapsulated nail: Yes, you can very well be at home with your encapsulated nails and if you get tired of the decor, you can apply another color of nail polish over it and give that basic change a break. When you remove this nail polish, the decoration of the encapsulated nails will remain intact below, due to the gel shielding.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

  • With each maintenance a different decoration: Yes, each time you maintain your encapsulated nail, you can adopt a specific decoration and change it according to your personal taste.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

However, pay close attention to the maintenance of your encapsulated nail, always look for a qualified professional to perform the technique with precision and care, to avoid future setbacks and protect your natural nail, of course.

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Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

 How much does it cost on average? #price

The price has a cost that can generally vary from city to city or region in which you are located. In estimating general values ​​the technique can revolve around R$ 130 to 170 reais.

And yes, the technique can be done while preserving its extension (if you have one) and at each maintenance a specific decoration can be done on your nail at the time of sealing, it may be your preference and will last the estimated time until the next maintenance.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Beautiful and decorated encapsulated colored nails.
Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
A cow print.

 Photos and models of encapsulated nails

In the following list, we separate countless incredible options for very charming encapsulated nails that I am sure you will fall in love with and be very inspired by. Come and see!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Delicate encapsulated nails

There is no shortage of delicate encapsulated nail models. Some inspirations highlight the decorations with nude tones, white and lighter details, bringing a subtle effect to the nail.

Decorations can be made with flowers, details and even the traditional francesinha that gains a very special touch with the encapsulated nail technique.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
blue encapsulated nails.
Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Delicate clear nails.
Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Delicate glitter nails.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Delicate nails with glitter details.
Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Nails with butterfly decoration.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
White nails.


Glitter encapsulated nails

Glitter is often used in the technique and brings a difference to this style of

nail art giving more life to this nail, since the glitter brings a little shine highlighting the decoration, it is perfect for those who love a very flashy nail.

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Glitter nails.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Among the inspirations for nails encapsulated with glitter, we have a lot of glitter in gold, silver and other beautiful colors that bring a more exuberant look to the nails.

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Nails reds.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Pink nail with white glitter details.

 The most interesting thing about this inspiration is that the glitter brings a point of light to your nails, making them much more beautiful and charming.

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A blue nail with glitter.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
A pink color with glitter.
Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Red nail with glitter detail.

   Nails encapsulated with flowers

In traditional decoration, the nail arts with flowers are already beautiful and very delicate. However, when it comes to nail encapsulated with flowers, the concept comes to life even more, since with the β€œarmored” decoration, the flower decoration will last much longer.

Be it delicate daisy flowers or even more adorned ones like sunflowers, roses, tulips. There is no shortage of inspirations with beautiful colors when it comes to nails encapsulated with flowers.

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Delicate flower nails.
Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Sunflower nails, delicate.
Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Pink nails.
Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Sunflower nails with delicate flowers.
Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Delicate flowers.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

  Nails encapsulated with francesinha

A classic in the decoration of delicate nails, French nails are charming and make the hands look amazing, and it is a timeless nail style, that is, it never goes out of style.

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Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Currently, there is a beautiful option of encapsulated French nails, starting from inspirations of models with colors, to the traditional white French nails.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Another advantage of opting for the encapsulated French nail is to guarantee the impeccable enamelling for much longer, and of course the technique looks beautiful.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

red encapsulated nails

Exuberant and far from simple, the red encapsulated nails bring a very charming and extravagant highlight to the nails. Some decorations that are part of the nail arts option are an option to escape that obvious and super discreet decoration.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Red nail inspirations with glitter, for example, make the decoration even more exuberant. Some models even have a point of light that makes the nails much more charming.

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Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

   Pink encapsulated nails

For lovers of more subtle and even delicate effects, some pink encapsulated nail inspirations are also a great option to give the nails a very feminine look, betting on this style of decoration with delicate nuances are literally devastating.

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Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

The variation of shades of pink is also another difference when choosing a delicate pink nail. Some options leave the nails in a more "closed" style one fuchsia rose, already in other ideas we can still find inspirations in a tone of pink in a more subtle nuance. 

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Another advantage is also the decoration styles that can be added to your pink encapsulated nail, betting on other beautiful elements such as colored sparklers, details and other effects that will make it even more beautiful and cute.

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Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

   Blue encapsulated nails

The charming blue encapsulated nails bring a very delicate and charming softness to the hands, many ideas with delicate butterflies and other different details in the decoration also attract a lot of attention and still bring a lot of charm to the nails, which can be a differential.

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Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Another interesting point is that blue encapsulated nails can be chosen in nuances, that is, there are both enamels in shades of dark blue, navy blue and in shades of pool blue, lighter and more delicate.

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Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Models in gradient or with half nails in shades of blue is also another encapsulated nail art style that is most successful, the details in glitter also bring a charm to this option.

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Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

 White encapsulated nails

White nail polish in itself is already an ally when it comes to opting for a very delicate and timeless nail style, with the encapsulated nail technique this style of nail polish also gains advantages, since your white nail polish will be shielded from any external effect , that is, that very clear aspect will last longer.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

The encapsulated effect will even bring much more shine to the nail art, a very good idea if you want to choose to put other details and decoration elements on your nail.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Delicate nails with white angel decoration.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

In some inspirations we can see white nails encapsulated with some details like pearl pebbles, shiny pebbles, or even details of extra colors, very cute designs in this decoration and that make the nails much more delicate.

Among the encapsulated nail arts of the moment are β€œprinted” nails, in which the cow print decoration (white background with black dots) remains one of the most sought after nail art trends on pinterest. The idea can also be a great inspiration when choosing something different and very original.

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  black encapsulated nails

A classic, encapsulated black nails have gained some bolder versions and styles, the black Frenchie however can be a beautiful example ranging from simple decorated models to the most different ones.

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Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

In some ideas we have both nails with a more square model and others with a more stylish format. estiletto (more pointed). Another differential is the encapsulated nail style options, some can be done in a matte black effect and others with bright enamelling, full of effect.

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Black nails with daisy decoration.
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Stylish nails decoration with charming rays.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!

inspirations that mix glitter, black and glitter details look amazing. Drawings such as β€œrays”, snakes and other ideas bring to the attention of the nails a more stylish look. In which the mix of black and white seems to be the classic that always works, even when it comes to nail decoration.

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In this beautiful inspiration we also have a beautiful example of an encapsulated nail with details in glitter golden beyond charming and that brought a super different look to the nails.

Encapsulated Nails – 93 Beautiful ideas, tips and EVERYTHING ABOUT!
Delicate encapsulated nails with black francesinha and glitter.


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Kisses and until next time!

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