【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

Success in past decades, ended up getting out of fashion, but nowadays it is more and more popular. In fact, it makes all the difference in the look, highlights the face and improves the masculine appearance.

If you intend to adhere to this style, but have doubts about which type of goatee best suits your face, follow the post with great tips + 70 photos is going

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it
All about goatee in a guide with great tips + 70 photos

Frequently asked questions – FAQ

What is goatee?

Do you know how to define what a goatee is?

Well, it's about the beard that grows and stands out on the chin of men. Many call it barbie, especially when the strands are thin and with little volume.

To get an idea, the goatee was popularized in France, at the time of Emperor Napoleon, who was known for this style. In the European country, it is called goat, in literal translation, goat. This reference also bases the English term: goatee style (goat means bode).

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

Loved by some and hated by others, the goatee adapts to the style of many boys. Today, due to the boom do visual bearded, gained new patterns, with thin strands, with volume, combined with other types of beard, among other references.

It is a more designed version, which can give an interesting charm to any guy, going beyond conventional beard types.

Which face types does it suit?

If you are thinking about growing a goatee, you need to adapt it correctly to your face type, valuing the contours and, consequently, its entire style.

According to experts, men of square face they combine perfectly with a goatee, as it elongates the vertical axis of the face and harmonizes the look. In addition, it gives more volume to the face, so it is possible to adhere to all types, choosing the one that best suits your style.

Already for those who have round face, it is ideal to choose a goatee with straighter lines, to create angles and make the appearance thinner, disguising the sides of the face, which are naturally wide.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

For the guys with oval face, you need to check which style of goatee best suits the face, so it's worth chatting with your barber and taking a look at guys who adhere to this style. As the oval face is well proportioned, it is capable of enhancing and harmonizing any pattern, whether solo or with other types of beard.

It is worth mentioning that the goatee highlights any face, leaving it more defined and striking, which is why many men are afraid to use it. However, there are several variations that adapt to different profiles and enhance any look.

How to care and what products to use?

Os goatee care are the same as with any type of beard, starting with washing.

Wash at least three times a week, using a beard shampoo. Thus, the wires are free of dirt and impurities.

Dry well with a towel and finish with beard oil, essential to keep it hydrated and looking beautiful. For styling, ointment and a wooden comb are indicated. All very simple and easy.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

 Goatee photos and types

There are some goatee types that change according to the beard style and the proportion of hairs on the chin. We list the most conventional ones for you to know.

However, it is worth noting that the classic goatee it is one in which the strands are concentrated entirely on the chin and with a small proportion on the lower lip. It is not used with a mustache or a beard on the sides and on the cheek, which is why many call it a goatee. As it is a simple pattern, it is easy to maintain and adds to the look.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

On the other hand, the centered goatee it is known for a thin line that runs from the chin to the upper lip. It's a very discreet and small pattern, although it doesn't please some guys.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

thin goatee

O thin goatee stands out for its little excess hair or for making the face “cleaner”. It generally matches a mustache, without facial hair on the cheek and sides. The idea is not to maintain a full beard, but a simple and clean style.

Therefore, it is easy to care for and highlights the face, especially the designed models. It suits round-faced guys and suits those with oval faces. Older men, by the way, cultivate a thin goatee with white hair, for many it is a way to make the look more charming.

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The thin goatee designed highlight the face and make the look more elegant.

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goatee drawn

O goatee drawn it has returned to be a trend in the style of many guys, even more so when combined with a faded haircut or beard.

It's an interesting style that can be both chunky and slim, it depends on each guy's perspective. Some even use it with a full beard, leaving the strands in the chin area huge, following a lumberjack beard pattern.

In addition to being easy to maintain, it completely transforms any guy's style and draws attention to its versatility.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it 【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

The voluminous strands in the chin area harmonize with a full beard and a neat mustache.

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The designed goatee combines with the gradient style both in the beard and in the haircut.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it 【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it 【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

goatee with mustache

Another way to fearlessly wear a goatee is to combine it with moustache. If you feel insecure about opting for the classic or centralized style, it is worth adhering to this modern pattern that gives the look a plus.

However, care for the drawing of the mustache and chin hairs they should be bigger, so that it doesn't get irregular. The design concept is very common and must adapt to each face shape.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it 【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it 【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

The goatee with mustache became a trend among young people and many celebrities.

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In fact, this style leaves the face striking and already makes all the difference in the look, going beyond a thin and failed beard.

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big/full goatee

How about joining a big and full goatee? This pattern is common among many guys who follow the lumberjack style. It can be combined with a mustache, with facial hair on the cheek to make the style more harmonic and balanced. In addition, it is ideal for older men and for the chubby ones.

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A full goatee makes any guy's style more charming and elegant.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it 【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it 【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it 【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

The beard suits gentlemen and is more beautiful with white threads, as shown in the photos.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it 【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

Anchor Goatee (Van Dyke)

Another style that is on the rise is the anchor goatee, ideal for the cool guys. In addition, it suits men who do not have a full beard or one in the process of growing; as well as those who have a thin and patchy beard.

This pattern is popularly known as Van dyke, when the hairs on the mustache do not connect with the hairs on the lower lip. Elongates the face, improves the look and is indicated for those who want to change their style.

However, this pattern requires care so that the wires do not grow too much and impair their appearance. You can trim it yourself at home, it's very easy and fast. You can even use creativity to enhance your style.

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The anchor goatee is one of the most democratic types! Guys of all ages can follow this concept to enhance their look.

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There are those who follow a hipster style, with a large, prominent mustache and a full, elongated goatee.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

Tony Stark Goatee (Iron Man)

O Tony Stark's Goatee became a fever and took over the style of several boys. This pattern is based on the protagonist of the feature Iron Man, a businessman who transforms into the hero to fight crime.

Currently, Tony Stark is lived by the actor Robert Downey Jr., who is 54 years old and fully adhered to the goatee that follows a Van Dyke (anchor) style, but more drawn and aligned.

In fact, the goatee made the actor more charming and elegant, it's no wonder that he served as an inspiration for several guys. Therefore, this pattern is worth following to renew your look.

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How to make goatee? - Step by step

How about joining the goatee fashion? Learn to do it step by step!

First, you must choose pattern that most enhances your face. If you want to follow the classic style, understand that the excess hair should be concentrated in the chin area – connected or not to a mustache.

Therefore, you must grow a beard before drawing the goatee. When the hairs appear, start shaving the sideburns about 2 / 3 cm from the corner of the mouth.

Already in the part of chin, the size changes according to your taste. If you want more design, leave the strands short. Who prefers a stripped touch, the wires can be longer.

【GOATEWAY】– Who it suits • Types • How to do it

To create this effect, you must use electric shaver. For details, it is ideal to use a blade or tweezers. If you have difficulty, invest in a professional barber service.

Finally, it is worth using an oil to highlight the strands and make them soft. The idea is that the goatee stays regular and matches yours. face shape.

O goatee It's a beard style that can make all the difference in your look. Did you like to know more? Tell us and share the content. Good luck and until next time.

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