June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Nicole Bahls and Angela Bismarck bet on sexier Festa Junina dresses, which value the neckline and are all printed

The middle of the year is approaching and many people are already starting to think about the popular June/July parties. It is a strong Spanish cultural characteristic that derives from the colonial period, brought by the Portuguese and with a strong European influence, to celebrate the fertility of the land and good harvests.

In addition to being a pagan festival, it also has strong religious roots, especially Catholic, with the day of three important saints: Saint Anthony (June 13th), Saint John (June 24th) and Saint Peter (June 29th). So much so that it quickly became popular and nowadays all corners of the country do not let this event go unnoticed. Around two months, it is possible to go to several themed parties that are guaranteed fun.

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!

A hillbilly influence also sets the tone for these parties. The Northeast and the interior regions are known for organizing the biggest ones in Brazil, attracting thousands of people attracted by the typical foods, traditional customs (such as the quadrille) and to check out the looks that range from a classic to a modern style.

In addition to the bride, as actress Sophie Charlotte is dressed in the photo above, there are many possibilities to put together a stunning composition that will stand out at the event. There is June party dresses for all tastes and biotypes, you will surely find a type that will make you beautiful and powerful, with the nuances you like the most.

Needless to say, celebrities love to dress up for the celebration. And they take it very seriously, so much so that they appear with incredible looks and leave their fans impressed. See some ideas:

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Camila Rodrigues and her blue dress with details in red and yellow
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Geisy Arruda preferred a sexy Junina party dress version
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
See how beautiful this composition by Lívia Andrade is
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
The singer Solange Almeida is an option with a lot of brightness
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Bride Alice Weggmann
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Always sensual, Juju Salimeni also wanted to dare in her dress
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
A modern version of Anitta and a traditional dress by Juliana Paes
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Ana Hickmann, Ticiane Pinheiro and Joelma's questionable composition

Realize that versatility is not lacking in celebrity dresses, so you have several options to choose the one that best fits your style. It can be from a traditional type, with the face of old gangs, or something revamped and daring, which draws attention and values ​​the body.

Are you loving these ringtones? Calm down, there are still many cool tips and photos of Festa Junina dress models for you to be inspired by! 

What to Use? Festa Junina Dress Models and Looks

The main question for many women is what to wear for this celebration and keep the look balanced without looking tacky. In fact, it's not because the event allows free and colorful compositions that you should choose anything, is it? The idea is to favor and value its attributes with a model beautiful and elegant.

Well, if you don't feel comfortable wearing very round and colorful pieces, you can opt for something tighter and with a more discreet play of colors, whether sexy or traditional. You just have to be careful not to deviate from the main proposal. Balance a 'free' concept with 'luxury'. You shouldn't look sloppy, but you also don't have to dress like you're going to a gala.

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!

Therefore, the pairing in the look is important. The colors in the dress do not interfere so much, since the main feature is having prints and being super colorful, but in the other details:

  • We feet, opt for heels and boots. Other shoes can work too, but you have to be careful with the combination;
  • The hair can have the famous braids, divided with bows (the popular 'maria chicinha') or loose. If you think it's cool, wear a hat;
  • Makeup counts A LOT! A beautiful and balanced make-up highlights the look. While exaggeration is allowed, use common sense when embellishing yourself.

By following this guide, you'll be left with a charming look and ready to rock any Festa Junina! Now, meet the most common models!

I enjoy

The short and round model is one of the most traditional. There's no way not to love this classic version that goes above the knee and allows you to put together different compositions. The younger ones like it a lot, so much so that he is the main one, seen in various celebrations!

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Blue model with details and embroidery by Juliana Paes
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
The checkered and frilly version of Ivete Sangalo
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Bruna Marquezine chose a sexier dress
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
See how beautiful this piece by Paula Fernandes is
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Sheila Melo preferred something more traditional

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!


Those who don't get along with colorful and flashy models can opt for the black Festa Junina dress, which is also a trend and enhances the look. In addition, he hide the fat and balances the look at night parties. Other than that black is a basic tone that goes with practically everything, isn't it?

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Leandra Leal wears a black dress with details in colored flags
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
The dress can have checkered and plaid details in tones that match the black

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!

With suspenders

Suspenders, on the other hand, are those accessories that enhance the dress and reveal a very delicate and romantic nuance. It looks great in children's and square dance looks, for those who want a more graceful and light composition. The result is charming and stands out in different concepts.

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!


Why stick to the traditional if you can opt for a modern party dress and with new details? The idea is precisely that, to adapt the piece to your style, giving it a contemporary and savvy touch. Ad celebrities love this possibility and always inspire with interesting types that many fans love to copy!

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Val Marchiori and a very modern wedding dress
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
How about something sexier, tight and full of ornaments?
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
See what an interesting and cool trend
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Vanessa Giácomo and Fê Paes Leme wanted to create a cleaner look

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!


If there is the modern version, why not invest in the model luxury? So it is! Since it is to cause and become powerful, taking care in choosing the dress is essential. In this case, it can be a piece with a lot of embroidery, balanced colors and details that stand out. From the photos, you will see how there are types so well done that any woman will fall in love!

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Embroidered model by Fabiula Nascimento
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Round dress by Solange Couto
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
How about this powerful look from Angelica?

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!

plus size

The fat ones also have many plus size party dresses to give that look up and feel wonderful in these celebrations. They can also opt for versatile and colorful models, especially the round ones with different openings. Caprichar in make-up and accessories is a great alternative for a perfect and balanced composition.

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
See what an interesting modern idea
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Floral models never go out of style
June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!
Actress Fabiana Karla is always a plus size fashion inspiration

June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models! June Party Dress: What to wear? See more than 50 beautiful models!

Where to buy Festa Junina dresses?

You can find many models in costume stores, on websites (Mercado Livre, Enjoei, Aliexpress) or ask a seamstress to make them for you, the way you like. You can be inspired by an idea from the photo, ask to reproduce and customize it your way. What about?

To put together an amazing look, you need to think about the June party dress that you will use in the celebrations in advance. Be sure to research and choose the one that has everything to do with you and your style. If you have questions, leave a comment on the post. Until later! 🙂

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