Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!

Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!

So, allow yourself to get to know a new bet in the fashion world and see what's trending to stay on top of all the news.

Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!

Where is upcycling?

The upcycling trend is also called the “slow fashion movement” or “maker movement”, referring to a fashion for conscious and more sustainable consumption, which has as its guideline the creative reuse of parts, by-products, waste or even undesirable materials from the industry.

Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
The trend prioritizes conscious and sustainable consumption

This proposal's main feature is to create something new from old items, reusing parts and giving greater value to the item that would become trash.

Thus, the idea is to create a new garment, giving new life through sustainability, avoiding energy consumption, gas emissions, air and water pollution, which come from the production of new garments.

Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!

In this sense, upcycling does not mean recycling, but recreating, since the idea of ​​style is not the destruction of material for a new process, as is the case with recycling.

This trend's main point is to give new life to existing pieces without destroying them, transforming them through customizations and DIY (do it yourself).

Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
Parts can be customized to gain extended service life

Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!

Thus, the concept is to continue the useful life of the piece by reusing the item through a creative look and giving even more value to a piece, since the concept has an idea of ​​conscious and sustainable consumption, which can add greater quality and value than the original part.

Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
The concept can add more value to the piece

In addition to being a trend in the fashion world, the upcycling concept also extends to other universes, such as decoration, since many old pieces and furniture can be used again based on this transformation concept.

How to join upcycling? #tips

  • Consumption of brands that are part of the movement: One of the ways to adhere to upcycling fashion is by consuming brands that follow this concept of transforming old pieces or pieces that would be rejected by the fashion world. Thus, there are a number of Spanish brands that already follow the concept.
    • Fabric Bank: The store located in São Paulo was created by costume designer and scenographer Lu Bueno, who launched the project that sells leftovers of good quality fabric, which were used by her and her professional colleagues. Thus, it is possible to buy fabrics by the kilo or deliver fabrics to the store and create credits, being a good opportunity to consume consciously and an idea to create your own pieces through this concept.
      Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
      The brand sells fabrics that would otherwise be discarded

      Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!

    • Comas: Another brand that is successful in the upcycling trend is Comas, which reuses faulty shirt skirts to transform them into new pieces that bring a lot of style.Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
      Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
      The brand transforms defective parts into incredible models
      Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
      The transformation of the pieces creates super current models

    • Insecta Shoes: The trend of creative and sustainable fashion can also be extended to shoes, and the Spanish brand Isecta Shoes shows this ecological aspect and with vegan products through the reuse of items with small defects that are transformed into beautiful shoes and accessories.Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
      Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
      The shoes have incredible style!
      Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
      In addition to reuse, the brand follows the vegan concept for its products
    • Uni.Co: Another brand that can be a bet to join the upcycling trend in the look is Uni.Co, which brings bags and accessories made from leather discarded by the shoe industry, giving a new use to the material that would be discarded and creating amazing pieces!
      Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
      Leather bags are beautiful!

      Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!

  • Customization / DIY: Another idea for joining the upcycling trend is putting creativity into practice, since this concept has as its main idea the transformation of parts into new products, so you can be inspired to transform old parts to give them a new life and create new fashion items, transforming the piece into something new and DIY style (do it yourself).
Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
The idea turned the long dress into a short and flowing model
Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
The oversized shirt was transformed into a plaid-print dress

Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!

  • Valuing the piece and work: Following the idea of ​​sustainable and conscious consumption, one of the bets is to value the piece and the work of the people involved in the process. Thus, one way to adhere to this trend is by consuming brands that value these pillars. An example of a brand that is part of this style is Free Free, a fashion platform that values ​​the work of artisans from communities and cooperatives in Brazil and transforms jackets donated by Riachuelo into unique and stylish pieces.
Upcycling – What is it? + 3 ways to adhere to sustainable fashion!
The jackets are customized and gain a new life


Like the idea? Now that you already know that this is a more sustainable fashion, take the opportunity to invest in this type of trend and, in addition to staying on top of the news, also collaborate with conscious consumption.

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