Male hair loss: tips and solutions to combat it!

Male hair loss: tips and solutions to combat it!

About male hair loss

And if you've been dealing with hair loss and already have the warning sign on, in this post we've compiled everything you need to know about male hair loss, with the main causes, prevention, vitamins and remedies, and many home remedies. recipes for dribbling falling wires.

What are the Main Causes?

Hair loss in men has no single cause, and several factors can influence hair loss, so it's important to recognize what may be causing your hair to fall out more frequently.

Male hair loss: tips and solutions to combat it!

  • Age

Over the years, the body changes and one of the changes that happens is a drop in hormone levels, which begins to be reflected in thinner and weaker strands, and consequently in hair loss.

This factor is inevitable with age, since there are hormonal variations, but hair loss with age does not mean baldness, and the result can be less voluminous hair.

  • Inheritance

The genetic inheritance we carry from our ancestors is an important factor in hair loss, and if one side of the family has a tendency to baldness, it may be that you have received this genetic load, and therefore suffer from the same problem.

However, do not despair if your parent or grandparent is bald, you may not have inherited the genes that lead to baldness. Therefore, only time can tell if the sudden hair loss is a hereditary relationship.

  • Feed

The classic saying "we are what we eat", may be one of the factors linked to hair loss in men.

A poor diet can be decisive in leaving the strands weak and without nutrients, thus causing hair loss.

It is therefore important to eat a varied diet, rich in nutrients, to cover all the nutritional needs of the body and avoid weakening and consequent hair loss.

  • Stress

External conditions can also affect hair loss, and stress is one of the main causes of hair loss in men.

Stress can cause hormonal variations, which interfere with hair health and can lead to hair loss.

  • Hairstyles

Not all men are fans of bobby pin hairstyles, but for those who wear their hair tightly tied back, it can lead to hair loss.

This happens because the constant use of tightly tied locks can leave the scalp fragile, so frequent use of this type of hairstyle can cause the locks to weaken at the roots and lead to hair loss.

What to do? When to seek medical help?

Hair loss is not an abnormality, on the contrary, it is common to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, but when this hair loss becomes severe and the hairs begin to fall out excessively, in order to create flaws in the scalp, the warning sign should be enabled.

If you are losing excess hair, and you are already taking care of your diet and not experiencing stress, it is time to seek medical help to diagnose the causes of the problem.

The doctor will evaluate the situation and may order some tests to make the diagnosis, and thus evaluate the exact cause of the problem, indicating the appropriate treatment.

Are there any prevention methods?

If you are not yet experiencing the problem of hair loss in men, but you want to prevent it from happening, there are some measures that can be preventive, such as:

  • Have a varied diet rich in nutrients and vitamins;
  • Avoid continuous stress;
  • Treat dandruff, which can cause hair loss;
  • Avoid hairstyles that pull your hair back too much;
  • Keep your hair moisturized, avoiding dry strands and subsequent fall of fragile strands;
  • Avoid sleeping with wet or damp hair, which can develop fungus and bacteria on the scalp and hair roots.
Male hair loss: tips and solutions to combat it!
A varied diet can meet the body's needs and stop hair loss.

How to combat male hair loss

Vitamins and Medications

With male hair loss already identified, some hair vitamins and hair loss remedies may be indicated to treat the problem.

Among the main vitamins and remedies indicated for the problem are:

anastinHair Loss Blocker (HL Blocker)
Vitamin AFollixin
Vitamin EMinoxidil

Male hair loss: tips and solutions to combat it!

It is worth remembering that this type of treatment must be indicated by a doctor, so vitamins and/or medications are prescribed according to the analysis of the tests previously performed. The use of medications and vitamins without prescription can cause problems, such as hypervitaminosis, which can even cause intoxication due to excess vitamins.

Shampoo for hair loss

As the problem of hair loss is often quite uncomfortable for men, there are currently several brands that invest in specific products to treat hair loss through shampoos.

Among the main brands and shampoo lines to treat male hair loss are:

  • Anti-Hair Loss Energizing Shampoo - Vichy
  • pilexil
  • Guanxuma
  • Hair Loss Prevention - Head & Shoulders
Male hair loss: tips and solutions to combat it!
Shampoos can help treat some causes of hair loss

Home treatment

For those who want to try natural and homemade treatments, we bring you easy recipes that will help take care of your hair and treat the problem of hair loss.

Stimulant with essential oils


  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
  • 3 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 3 drops of peppermint essential oil
Male hair loss: tips and solutions to combat it!
The mixture nourishes the hair preventing hair loss.

How to make and apply:

In a bowl put the olive oil and add the essential oils, then mix well so that all the ingredients are incorporated.

The application should be done on dry hair and with circular massages on the scalp. After applying and massaging the scalp, leave the stimulant on the hair for 1 hour.

Then rinse your hair and wash as usual.

Homemade Banana Shampoo


  • 6 tablespoons whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 teaspoon (coffee) of castor oil

Male hair loss: tips and solutions to combat it!

How to make and apply:

To make the homemade shampoo, peel and mash the plantain well. Add the other ingredients to the mashed plantain and mix well.

To apply, wash hair with clear shampoo and apply the mixture from scalp to ends, carefully massaging the scalp.

Let the mixture act on the hair for 10 minutes, then rinse and wash with shampoo and conditioner.

Homemade Egg Recipe


  • Whole egg 1
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 5 drops of tea tree essential oil
Male hair loss: tips and solutions to combat it!
Eggs are rich in vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

How to make and apply:

Crack the egg into a bowl and with the help of a fork mix well; add the coconut oil and essential oil and mix again.

With the mixture ready, apply it on dry hair, including the roots.

When applying the mixture on the hair massage well and leave it on for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse your hair and wash it as usual.

If you are experiencing or have experienced this problem, which is quite common among men, tell us in the comments what treatment you have adopted or used to remedy the problem.

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