【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022

There are several mustache models and also several other goatee models. Gathering the two in a single look you should get a unique and personalized result.

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022

After all, everyone has their own biotype, hair of a different thickness and shade, as well as a different volume. Thus, each man will get his own look, full of personality.

There are perfect models for men with a full beard, others for those with a thin beard, others for those who want to leave the "unshaven", and even those who want a hipster and very different look.

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022

A mere detail can change the shape of the mustache, as well as the goatee. So if you are thinking about betting on this look, you should pay attention to how your beard is at the moment and what you want for it after you go to the barbershop.

Speaking of barbershops, there are currently more and more professionals specializing in different cuts for mustaches, beards and goatee. So it might be a good idea to use them when changing your look.

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022

You can do like some artists, athletes and influencers and invest in the stylish look with a mustache and goatee together. They are two elements that talk very well and work on many types of faces.

To let you know the possibilities of this style, we decided to create a post full of tips and inspiring images! What do you think about checking it out right now? Follow!

Which type of face does it suit?

Before defining a new beard, goatee or mustache style, it's always nice to see if it's going to match. As with haircuts, not all haircuts look good on everyone.

One of the essential points to analyze is the shape of the face. Do you know which one is yours? See below representations of each type and you can already see which face you have:

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Source: Barmetrosexual

For those who don't know, these face shapes match certain concepts of beard, goatee and mustache.

Barbershop specialists without a doubt know which suits you best, but it's always important to arrive at the establishment already knowing what you want, knowing that it will look the way you want.

We also have an overview of all face styles with the respective beard, goatee and mustache models that best match. Check below:

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Faces and types of mustache, goatee and beard – Source: Pinterest

According to the image and the barbershop professionals themselves, there are faces that go better with the combination of mustache and goatee. Are they:

  • Oval
  • Round
  • inverted triangle
  • Hexagonal

Below you can see models of how the mustache and goatee look on oval and inverted triangle faces:

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022

Soccer players have dictated a lot of fashion around, especially here in Brazil.

Among the looks most used by footballers are the mixture of mustache and goatee. Just look at an image below that symbolizes how strong this trend is:

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022

And what would be the types of faces that definitely don't look good with a goatee and mustache, you know?

Well, according to those who understand the subject, faces that tend to have a very square base and a very marked jaw do not match this style.

We can cite, in general, the following formats as those that may not give good results:

  • Square
  • Triangular
  • Losangular
  • long / long
  • Diamond
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Stylish mustache and goatee

If you still have doubts about the best type of beard, goatee or mustache for your face type, we recommend that you talk to a professional.

Think carefully about which model you would like and ask the barber you trust if he recommends it. That way you will be completely safe.

Photos of mustache and goatee types

Choosing a mustache and goatee is not something very simple. As you can see earlier, you need to think about the type of face first.

Also, it's important to keep in mind what your style is like. After all, the mustache combined with the goatee are usually more sought after by men who like to dare in their looks, value vanity and also practicality.

It also needs to be a man who likes and adapts with the mustache. Those who are not used to it can be very strange if they opt for this look from one hour to another.

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
There are several styles of mustache and goatee, which are super fashionable

The good news is that the mustache along with the goatee can be done even on those who have very little beard. It requires the use of few strands and this does not compromise the look in the end.

So, we can say that this type of “cut” can be done from those who have thin hair on their face to those who have many and “fill” their beard. In that sense, you can rest assured!

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
How about changing your look to one with a mustache and goatee?

The difference between a look with a goatee and mustache and another can also be given in the size and shape of the two.

The goatee is characterized by covering only the chin region, without extending to the jaw. In Brazil, many people know it as 'barbicha'.

Usually the goatee is trimmed to a point, but it can be cut very short and be close too.

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
The goatee, namely, covers only the chin area

The volume and shape of the goatee will depend not only on the type of trim that will be made, as well as on the biotype of each man. That is, how is your beard type conventionally?

As we said, there are men who have little hair and others who have a lot of volume. According to these characteristics, the goatee must appear in a certain way.

The star Brad Pitt has little volume:

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Brad Pitt has a neatly trimmed and gray mustache and goatee

Actor Christian Bale has a full goatee and mustache:

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Christian Bale with a voluminous mustache and goatee

Regarding the mustache, there is also a way to customize it when trimming, and the characteristics of its hair will influence the result.

If you have a lot of hair growth in this area, your mustache will be fuller. So, you can cut it to the height you want and even let it grow as long as you want.

It's super trendy these days to make your mustache longer and more pointed. It reminds us of mustaches used in the 20s, 30s and 40s... and that's why they are considered retro and not alternative.

David Beckham left his mustache like this and it looked really stylish:

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
David Beckham with the pointed mustache with the goatee

Anyone who likes a more well-behaved look or needs to keep their hair always very well trimmed, without daring the look, can ask the barber to do a better job with the scissors!

There are many models to be inspired by mustaches and goatee and 'dry', let's say.

Flamengo soccer player Bruno Henrique displays an example:

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Bruno Henrique do Flamengo with mustache and goatee

When the subject is 'lack' of hair, we can say that there is a way out, letting the few hairs be born and from them create the desired goatee and mustache format.

Even with few hairs, Justin Bieber bet on this style:

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Justin Bieber has little hair, but he still invested in the mustache and goatee

Those with a lot of hair, like the actor Caio Castro, for example, have more freedom when choosing the style they like in relation to their beard, mustache, as well as the goatee.

In the image below, Caio Castro opted for a fuller goatee cut, matching the traditional mustache.

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Caio Castro also bet on this trend

There is no denying that this is one of the favorite looks of players, actors, musicians and male celebrities in general.

After all, both the mustache and the goatee manage to enhance the male face, emphasizing the chin and jaw region.

Those who like to create varied looks, to always renew their appearance, can try the combination of mustache and goatee without fear!

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Colin farell is another artist who always appears with a mustache and goatee

Anyway, there are many models and types of mustaches and goatee that can be adopted by you.

What do you think now about meeting many others and being inspired to go to the barber shop for what you want? Check it out below!

【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Another style that might inspire you
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
The curved and pointy mustache is inspiring many young people these days.
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Player Gabriel Jesus has a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
The haircut can also match your style.
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
The full goatee can even blend in with the stubble as it starts to grow out.
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
This is a masculine look style that is super trendy
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Some men prefer a well-trimmed beard.
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Red-haired man with beard and mustache
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Another example of an artist with a goatee
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
For you to have an idea that this style is from the old days!
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
This is one of Johnny Depp's favorite looks.
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Kaysar, former BBB, displays a look with a goatee and mustache
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Curved mustache is trend nowadays
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Combination of a pointed mustache and a well-trimmed chinstrap
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Mustache with thin beard
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Very dry mustache with more voluminous beard
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Neymar Jr. from time to time bet on this style even though you have few hairs
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man, comes up with this look sometimes
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Hollywood fashion for mustaches and goatee
【MUSTACHE AND GOATE】– 30 types and styles of 2022
Finally, Zac Efron with his understated look

And then, he liked to know more about the look with mustache and goatee? We hope so!

Take the opportunity to also read other posts about men's fashion:

Beard WITHOUT MUSTACHE – Does it match? • +45 Photos and Styles【2020】

Beard Oil: What is it for? – Tips + Brands and Products!

How to Have the Perfect Beard – 15 Sensational Tips & Inspirations!

We always post news about the fashion universe, come back often 😉

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