Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo Meanings

The panda is a typical mammal of China. In Brazil it has already been present in some zoos but our climate is not the best for its thick skin covered with thick fur.

There are those who say that the panda tattoo refers to an affectionate and friendly animal and people like the main character of Kung Fu Panda are thought of in this way. Others remember movies and how ferocious this animal can be in its natural habitat.

The first time the Giant Panda (as it is known in the scientific community) was seen dates back to 1869. The French missionary Armand David saw the animal up close and reported to his supervisors about the unknown and ferocious animal.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

There are several possible associations for the panda tattoo meaning. By living isolated in its habitat and with slow movements, the animal is associated with its serenity and harmony. Many seek in this information the meaning to choose the tattoo.

The Chinese nicknamed the Panda “Da Xiong mao” or “big bear cat”. It is a solitary animal, does not usually live in flocks and is faithful to a single companion. This image of a strong and familiar animal, faithful and united with its relatives, also motivates some to use the design on their skin.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own


Panda Tattoo Pictures and Ideas

Whether because it is an animal with beautiful features, “cute” and even “childish” in its animated version, the panda tattoo is still one of the favorites on the list of animal tattoos.

In the neck

The neck has thick skin and is considered a nice part to scratch because the skin is not as sensitive. To the touch maybe, but when it comes to the needle it's not on the list of the worst areas.

Care should be taken when choosing a panda tattoo on the neck because the region is in constant contact with the sun and natural actions. Cell renewal is usually faster and this makes the ink lighter. It needs touch-ups in a shorter period of time and the use of sunscreen to preserve the color. 

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

In hand

Hand and foot are delicate parts of the body. It is necessary to know this before opting for a tattoo in this area because the pain is not the most pleasant. And as we all know, you can't move while the skin is being scratched, right?

Tattoo on the hand requires care. A sunscreen and moisturizer help preserve the colored ink for longer.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own The coolest thing about hand tattoos is that they are visible. Everyone will be curious about the choice of panda tattoo, so it's worth including skin tone in the design.

If your skin is white or Asian, it would be interesting to invest in light colors or techniques like watercolor to stand out.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Keep in mind that the skin on the hand is the first to show signs of aging. She gets wrinkles from the age of 35 (sometimes before) and when it happens she usually deforms some tattoo designs. Evaluate

On the arm

The nice thing about the arm is that it provides a large area for drawing. The biceps is the preferred region for male tattoos because it is highlighted with a tank top.

As long as you have security anywhere on your arm will be fine for a panda tattoo. It is a region of the skin to invest in experimentation as well and realistic designs are the most used. Inspiration comes from a photo or frame illustration. For realistic tattoos always remember to contact a good professional.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your ownPanda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own The detailed panda tattoo style calls for a bit of caution. Depending on the size, it can take more than six sessions to get ready.

Part tattooing is common. The richness of details requires a long session and waiting for healing to go on to a new stage.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

On the leg

Tattoos on the shin, calf or thigh are among the favorites of men and women. They prefer it on the calf or lower for being discreet and elegant. They already prefer it on the thigh for drawing attention.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

The water reflection is one of the most complex drawings to make. It is necessary to select a great professional and pay attention to details. It can be a print in black and gray or in color.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

In some regions the Panda is a sacred animal. Using this to create a cool panda tattoo design on the back or arm can make your skin line unique.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

on the foot

The foot is part of the list of sensitive places in the body and causing discomfort when taking the risk. Nothing unbearably uncomfortable, just sore enough for more sensitive people to shed a tear.

Remembering that the instep is a part with rapid cell renewal and the ink tends to lighten faster. It takes at least three years to touch up and some extra care such as applying moisturizer and body oil. It's drier skin too and body oil should keep color and good hydration.

Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own Panda Tattoo: 30 photos, models and tips to make your own

Whether on the leg, foot or other part of the body, extra care is needed in the post studio. The skin needs to be washed well and not covered to avoid infection. In case of fever and constant redness of the skin, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

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