Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!

The numbers according to statistics are there, and they don't lie. After all, only in North America, fashion grows absurdly. It is noticeable that in just 10 years oldThe consumption rates have grown near 500% the most, if compared to previous decades!

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!

This justifies a lot in terms of society and the market, which year after year is becoming increasingly capitalist, and without the slightest concern for what this may entail in the future in terms of social and environmental impact!

Although the numbers are alarming. This new concept based on educator and biosustainable design consultant Kate Fletcher, is increasingly becoming a positive revolution in the fashion market around the world.

Do you want to know everything about this visionary action, super concerned about the planet and future generations? Come with us, and we'll tell you everything!

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!


What is Slow Fashion?

You may have already heard the term "slow food" out there, which is basically based on going against some "patterns" of exaggerated consumption of industrialized and processed foods, which are commercially imposed by the "fast food" industry. Is not it?

Well, slow fashion is practically the same method, but its attention is focused on the fashion market!

After all, we only acquire the product, many times as a way of desire to buy and not as a necessity.

although buy the fashion blouse without real precision seems completely harmless, it will soon become just another disposable part.

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!

But that would be the least of all consequences if it only happened once. And as we know that this is not the case, it is precisely there, the center of all problems.

Awkwardly and somewhat “influenced” through consumerist marketing, we end up feeding this industry that is unconcerned with tomorrow and with ethical, environmental and social issues.

Increasingly prioritizing mass production, generating the so-called “vicious circle” of the industry fast fashion.

Opposing all this, the slow fashion concept has been growing and makes us reflect on a multitude of moral and biosustainable issues.

Bringing this vision “less is more”, adds values ​​mainly regarding the consumption of fashion in a conscious way!

 Concepts and Values

The concept that brings many innovative ideas to the fashion market, thinks in a more Management to be consumed or manufactured in a way intelligent!

Below, we list the core values ​​and concepts that the movement promotes:

Choose quality over quantity  

It's no use buying for the luxury of having infinite varieties of clothes, and they are completely forgotten throughout the year as you go shopping and stuffing them in the back of the closet!

As important as consuming with conscience is prioritizing purchasing pieces that will actually be much more useful than something disposable that you will use only once, or never.

Always remember that “less is more”! 

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!
Slow fashion concept, promotes ecological fashion.

Opt for thrift stores

Instead of feeding the “fast fashion” textile industry, use your money more consciously and invest in garments, shoes, bags and the like that, although semi-new, are much cheaper!

As for the quality and the fear of not buying the “new smell”, don't worry because the current thrift stores do a good job of digging and invest in sanitizing the best pieces, so that they can go on sale.

Feeding this type of trade, you will be helping the sustainable reuse market!


Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!
super thrift stores boost the slow fashion market.

Buy less and customize more

Many parts are replaced with new ones or even discarded simply because of small defects, such as holes or a simple stain.

This is precisely where customization or repairing the piece through a seamstress comes in. Any of these alternatives are allies of sustainability!

Customizing or providing service to seamstresses, you will consume less in the fast fashion market, resulting in a gradual decrease in this exacerbated production by industries.

Not to mention that giving a new face to a piece we already had is an exclusivity, all the best!

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!

Prioritize small and unpopular brands

You know those “mini companies” that almost every neighborhood has, where the neighbor sells crochet dresses or decorated slippers?

Because this is another option that really values ​​the slow fashion movement, consuming products that are handcrafted, in addition to helping your neighborhood’s “mini company”.

It will also be boosting the sustainability market. After all, the product will not cross oceans, take a thousand and one polluting means of transport until you have it in your hands!

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!

Donate or sell old parts

Do you have many pieces you don't like or don't identify with the style anymore? Donate to charities or make your own mini fashion bazaar, call your friends, sell the pieces and make some extra change!

If some are in perfect condition, you can try to sell them to thrift stores, many of them pay a good price for their outfits!

The fundamental of detachment in addition to moving the market "green" of fashion, is to be aware that if we don't use it anymore, there are those who will, and we all make a lot of profit from all of this!


Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!
Make what you no longer use something sustainable, let go!

Buy it consciously

Just worrying about the fact, if your clothes come from a trade with a legal form of work, where the workforce received wages and decent working conditions, you already do a great service to sustainability!

Think about the history of your clothing, and throughout the process until it reaches your hands, look at the labels, ask questions, research about the brand you consume.

But mostly always keep in mind, if you really need to buy the piece in question or it's just another luxury!

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!
sustainable fashion slogan.


4 Brands that Work with Slow Fashion

Currently, with the slow fashion market, it is gaining more and more visibility and notoriety in terms of promoting smart consumption.

Several industries joined this movement, dedicating the manufacture of parts with thought focused on issues based on sustainability.

Know some of them:


Straight from RJ, the brand Anas is dedicated to a mega beautiful handmade production of sandals with a super tropical footprint.

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!
Sandals, espadrilles and flats made respecting the slow fashion concept.

collective of two

Fashion brand produces clothes mega stylized, Colectivo de dois is very concerned about sustainability, transform even the papers from the molds used in the atelier, into bags!

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!
Daniel Barranco and Hugor Mor make exclusive and sustainable pieces based on patchwork.



Super focused on non-waste, the Karmen brand reuses fabrics discarded by the textile industry and transforms them into super stylish pieces.

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!
Street brand that respects the environment.

land of drizzle

respecting issues ecological, Land of the drizzle produces a variety of options for skirts, dresses and much more on a smaller scale. Super adhering to the concept slow fashion in your production!

Slow Fashion: All about this amazing concept that is revolutionizing the fashion market!
Co2Control, the slow fashion brand is super biosustainable.


Despite all the comprehensive and biosustainable issues that the slow concept preaches, it underlies the reflection that thinking fondly of the other is a way of caring for yourself and for the whole. Embrace with love the world you live in and your future generations!


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