Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

to understand what it is eco fashion, we need to analyze the fashion market from the “fast” culture to the role of conscious fashion – considering companies and consumers.

In addition, it is worth knowing how to join and get to know the brands that are currently linked to sustainable fashion. In this post, we break down all of that and more. Follow and be surprised.

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

The art of dressing well has always permeated people of all ages. We are bombarded with various advertisements for products, new collections and trends from personalities and many of them generate interest.

The desire to put together different looks and adhere to a series of brands leads to great consumption. Just analyze your closet: how many blouses do you have? And shoes? Which ones have you never used or rarely used?

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

O fast fashion concept changed many parameters and made people find (and buy) parts quickly and easily. In any department store or website you will find the most varied types of clothes, shoes and accessories, with attractive prices and for different styles.

This scenario emerged in the 1990s and gradually increased over time. However, recently discussions have arisen about these habits, mainly in the way in which the brands produce and distribute all these products.

The internet helped unravel the fast fashion cycle and revealed many facts hitherto unknown to consumers. From there, consumer awareness began to gain strength, as well as new parameters, such as sustainable fashion.

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

What is sustainable fashion?

As it does not indicate to me, sustainable fashion (eco fashion) it is a concept that relates to the production method of all these articles that reach people. The idea, in general, is to minimize impacts on nature and avoid damage to the environment.

The production chain is very important, from the choice of raw material, to the manufacture and distribution of the piece.

In addition, sustainable fashion is based on some essential methods:

  • Reuse of fabrics, avoiding waste;
  • Use of materials that would otherwise be discarded – such as jute and even PET bottles;
  • Pigmentation with natural and non-toxic inks;
  • Use of organic fibers (such as flax and bamboo), which require little water and the use of chemicals in the manufacture of parts;
  • Production of resistant and durable clothes – unlike fast fashion, which prioritizes the consumption and quick disposal of clothes;
  • Valuing the workforce that makes the pieces, such as better working conditions and fair payments.

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

Therefore, this concept aims to create awareness both in companies and in the public about sustainability, avoiding damage to the environment (which is already seen today) and ensuring a better use of resources.

And to dress well, you don't have to rely only on new or designer clothes. It is possible to be stylish and conscious at the same time, and fortunately big companies have already paid attention to this need. To get an idea, the eco fashion it is present at major fashion events around the world and is gaining more and more strength.

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

conscious fashion

And conscious fashion, is it the same thing?

Although similar, the conscious fashion presents some differences in relation to sustainable fashion.

It is an individual's desire to know the origin of the pieces and consume only the brands that value good behavior.

There are many cases of large brands that produce in mass, but do not offer good working conditions to their employees. This happens a lot in Asian countries, where labor is cheap. The cost to produce a piece is low, but the final price is very high. 

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

Therefore, some people avoid buying certain brands when they know their history. Likewise, they don't like companies that pay little or no attention to environmental issues, in addition to those that are even involved in controversial cases, such as the use of slave labor.

According to a survey by The Global Slavery, fashion is the second sector that most exploits people, behind only technology. Among the problems are precarious work situations and the payment (or not) of undue amounts.

In addition to paying attention to the production cycle, conscious fashion also pays attention to the day-to-day use, the choice and durability of the pieces and, of course, responsible disposal. Clothes must be donated or sold to raise funds for social projects, for example.

Likewise, concepts like Minimalism e capsule wardrobe also stand out in this regard.

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

How to join eco fashion? #tips

adhere to eco fashion it's nothing complex. With small attitudes, you change your habits and become a more aware person. Among the tips, we highlight:

  • Know your style – it is the first step towards buying what you really like and will be common in everyday life.
  • Analyze wardrobe – cleaning the closet is essential to donate what you no longer use and have only what you need, with pieces for certain occasions.
  • Buy Consciously – before making a purchase, it is interesting to reflect on whether you really need it.
  • Know the brands – there are many brands that adhere to eco fashion and you can give preference to these options over others that don't care about the concept.
  • Repurpose – Do you want to change your looks? Swap parts, buy from local artisans and seamstresses or thrift stores.

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

You can be elegant and sustainable, you know? 

It is possible to put together stylish and incredible compositions without spending a lot. Likewise, give preference to sustainable fabrics, such as cotton versions instead of polyester, for example.

If you're going to discard, buy something equivalent. The ideal is to get rid of one piece and put another in its place, without excesses, prevailing a casual and versatile look. Following sustainable fashion brands, pages and groups can also help a lot.

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

Brands that follow sustainable fashion

Did you know that many brands already follow this sustainable pattern? Discover good examples:

  • Narooma

Spanish brand that uses certified raw materials from renewable sources. Versatile, it features options for men and women. In addition, it allocates 1% of its sales to the SOS Amazônia project.



Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands! Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

  • My Basic

It invests in basic women's fashion, with clothes for different occasions, focusing on style, comfort and, of course, sustainability.

Instagram: mybasic


Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands! Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

  • Insecta Shoes

With the slogan “Wear a cause”, this award-winning brand from Rio Grande do Sul manufactures ecologically correct footwear. The products are vegan, made from recyclable cotton and even PET bottles.

Instagram: insectashoes


Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands! Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands! Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

  • Book

In fact, few people know that Reserva is a reference in conscious fashion. The Spanish company has already won awards and is always involved in social causes, such as the development of easily decomposed fabrics, as well as sewing classes for needy communities.

instagram: reserve


Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands! Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

  • osklen

In addition to being one of the biggest brands in the world, it still follows the eco fashion concept, using a series of sustainable raw materials in the manufacture of its pieces. Perfect for those who love alternative trends, especially the stylish ones.

Instagram: osklen


Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

Undoubtedly, the looks conquer men and women of all styles, as shown in the photos.

Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands! Sustainable Fashion【2022】ᐅ What is + “eco fashion” brands!

Other brands to discover and, above all, follow on social media:

  • Sim Store
  • Vert Shoes
  • Yes I am Jeans
  • Reformation
  • Flavia Aranha

Finally, follow sustainable fashion it's not as difficult as it seems. Above all, it's worth understanding your whole goal and starting to change little by little.

We hope this guide has answered many questions. Leave a comment and spread it on your social networks. Until later.

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