White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

And although it seems quite basic, there are many options for white nail polish and styles to do your nails with the versatile color, and in the post you can check out the types, brand tips and inspirations to surrender to white nails.

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

How to apply white nail polish? #tips

Although white nail polish is a classic and quite versatile, some people shy away from this color option because of the difficulty when applying nail polish and possible stains that may appear with white nail polish, but with some tips it is easy to avoid stains and make enamelling simpler.

  • Brush strokes: a good trick for not staining your nails with white nail polish is in relation to the way you apply the nail polish. The best way to do this is by applying quick, continuous strokes, ensuring an even, smudge-free result.
  • Cuticles: the appearance of the cuticles can interfere with the result of enamelling, and the white color on the nails can enhance the dry and worn look of the cuticles. To prevent the nail polish from being perfect, the tip is to constantly keep the cuticles well hydrated, which makes the result better for white nails.
  • Texture: to paint your nails white, it is important to pay attention to the texture of the nail polish, avoiding options that may be thicker or older. The best texture to avoid stains with white enamel is a fluid enamel, which glides on more easily with brushstrokes.
  • Base: to ensure a perfect result with nails painted white, an essential tip is to use a colorless base on the nails, creating a base layer. When applying the base coat, the nail has a smoother surface and makes brushstrokes slide better on the white enamel, avoiding stains.

Pictures and ideas of nails with white nail polish

pearly white nail polish

Nail polish in white is a great option for those who want versatility, and among the many options for white nails, one of the variations is nail polish with a pearly effect.

Nails with a pearly effect are different from the proposal of a classic white and give the effect of a softer and brighter white, which can vary according to the brightness.

The pearly effect guarantees a differentiated finish for white nails that can resemble the shine of a pearl, guaranteeing a delicate result!

1. Nails decorated with a pearly effect

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

2. White nails with a pearl effect shine

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

3. Nails with a pearly and delicate shine

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

4. Short nails decorated with pearlescent nail polish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

5. Nails with a pearly effect that change with the light

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

6. Pearlescent nail polish with glitter effect

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

matte white nail polish

For those who want to get away from the more classic finishing options for white nails, one of the options is the matte nail polish, which ensures shine-free enamelling.

White nails can be painted with a white nail polish option with a matte finish, or they can be painted with a traditional nail polish and given a matte base coat, which ensures the lackluster effect of traditional nail polish.

Matte nail polish gives a matte effect to nail polish and a white, dull nail polish result to nail paint.

7. Round nails with matte effect nail polish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

8. Nails with purest white and matte finish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

9. White nails with a matte finish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

10. Long nails decorated with matte nail polish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

11. Matte effect on nails with purest white

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

12. Inspirations for white and matte nails

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

pure white nail polish

Among the variations of tones for white nails, one of the classic versions is pure white, a more intense white tone option.

The purest white is closely associated with the white of “correction”, making a reference to the classic “whites” used to erase pen writing.

The purest white shade has great coverage and is usually an option for those who want a white highlight on their nails.

13. Nails with a pure white tone

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

14. Long nails in an intense white tone

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

15. Short nails with intense white and highlight

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

16. Square nails with intense white shade

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

17. Enamelling with pure white highlights long nails

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

18. Inspirations for using purest white on your nails

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

white glitter nail polish

White nail polish does not have to be restricted to a very classic option, and a variation is white nails with glitter.

The white nail polish can be accompanied by glitter in small particles, adding silver, gold and even colored shine to the nails.

The glitter of the nail polish stands out against the white background and is an option to get away from the more classic and neutral versions for nails, ensuring shine.

19. White nails with small glitter particles

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

20. White nails with golden shine

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

21. White nails with glitter particles of different sizes and colors

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

22. White nails with discreet silver glitter

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

23. Inspiration of white nails with small dots of colored glitter

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

24. Ideas for white glitter nails

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

transparent white nail polish

For those who prefer nails with a more natural effect, transparent white is an option for nail polish.

The transparent shades are softer and bring a more natural white tone to the nails, leaving the coverage lighter.

Enamelling with transparent shades of white is a great choice for those who want a more discreet option when it comes to getting their nails done or even choose a soft tone to match nail art.

25. Short nails with clear and natural nail polish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

26. Nails with transparent and smooth white

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

27. Long nails with a soft white shade

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

28. Enamelling with transparent and delicate white

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

29. Short nails with a natural look and a soft white tone

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

30. Nails decorated with shades of white and flowers

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

31. Long, square nails with smooth polish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

32. Nail art with francesinha in shades of white

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

white nail polish on foot

The white color on the nails can also be an option for enameling the toenails, as a neutral color option for those who prefer the classic on their feet.

The choice of nail polish for the toenails can vary between the different shades of white, and you can even combine more than one white option with a French nail art.

The most chosen colors for toenails are variations of soft white and with little coverage, but nothing prevents you from using a pure white.

33. Toenails with white French manicure

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

34. Toenails in a soft white and french tone

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

35. Intermediate white tone for toenails

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

36. Toenails with purest white

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

37. Shades of white for toenails

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

Tips for nail polish brands, shades and models

For those looking for color options to paint their nails, we've brought tips on brands and shades of white for nails, so it will be easier to choose the tone you like best for the next nail polish.


Risqué is a classic brand among nail polish options, and brings a variety of white tones to nails.

One of the most classic options among Risqué's whites is the “lace” nail polish, a very soft white tone and ideal for those who want a slightly transparent and smooth option.

38. Nails with “lace” nail polish by Risqué

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

For those who prefer white tones with a shimmering finish, the “crystal” color is one of Risqué's options, and brings a light white tone with a shimmering effect, giving a glossy look over enamelling.

39. Risqué's “crystal” nail polish has a sparkling finish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!


Among the nail polish brand options with great cost-effectiveness is Impala, which brings variations in white tones for nails.

For those who want a corrector-like effect on their nails with a purest white, Impala's “white” color is a great option to leave nails with excellent coverage and a more intense white.

40. Impala enamel with a pure white tone

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

Impala also offers the option of a pearly white with the “moon” color, which has a white appearance with a slight silver background, guaranteeing an effect between pearly and metallic for nails with a light tone.

41. Nails with Impala nail polish with a pearly effect

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!


Among the different options of nail polish brands, Colorama is one of the most popular and with a great cost-benefit ratio!

The Colorama brand brings several options of white tones for nails, and one of the variations is the “white petal” tone, a nail polish option with great coverage and an intense and pure white tone.

42. Nails painted white with a concealer look

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

For those who prefer a less intense nail polish, the “coconut smoothie” shade is an option from Colorama and provides good coverage, but without looking pure white.

43. Nails with “batida de coco” nail polish by Colorama

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!


For those who want to vary between brands and options of white tones, it is worth betting on Dailus nail polish options.

Among the options is the “pearl necklace” color, a shimmering white nail polish option. The shade is a smooth white with a pearly effect, ensuring shine for white nails.

44. NAILS WITH clear nail polish WITH a pearly effect

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

Dailus also offers the option of a more intense white with the “white party” color, a creamy nail polish option with pure white that covers the nails well.

45. Dailus enamel with an intense white tone

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!


Avon is a well-known cosmetics brand, and among its wide range of products it has several nail polish options, including variations in white tones.

One of Avon's most traditional lines is Color Trend, which brings a white option called "milk white". The color is a pure white variation with great coverage, ideal for those who want to highlight white nails.

46. ​​Nails with Avon nail polish from the Color Trend line

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

Another nail polish line by Avon that brings a shade of white is the Gel Finish line, a gel nail polish option with the color “absolute white”, which has a pure white tone and with the advantage of gel nail polish, which lasts longer. .

47. Nails with pure white gel polish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!


Anita brand nail polish is a great option for those who want to choose from the numerous color options, including classic color options, such as white variations.

One of the brand's successful options is the “matte white”, an enamel option with a matte finish, which brings pure white coverage and without shine to the nails.

48. Nails with matte nail polish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

For those who can't do without the creamy and shiny effect on their nails, the “sushi” color is a great choice for white nails. The shade is an intermediate white with a creamy finish.

49. Light and classic colored nails with a creamy finish

White Nail Polish: +62 Beautiful Nails and Tips on How to Apply!

Are you already a fan of white on your nails? With so many variations in finishes and styles, this color can be a good choice for those looking for versatility.

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