8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

And if you need some extra help to moisturize your hair at home, the post has many tips on how to use honey as an ally in this homemade hair care.

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey


What Are the Benefits of Honey for Hair?

Honey not only enters the list of foods beneficial to health, but also adds to the list of beneficial ingredients to be used throughout the hair through hydration with honey.

The composition of honey brings water, minerals, amino acids, organic acids and vitamins from complex B, C, D and E; which results in a very rich ingredient for food and homemade hydration recipes with honey.

And for those who want to invest in honey as a hair recipe, the benefits are many and this composition only adds positive points, such as:

  • Excellent natural conditioner: honey is a great emollient and helps to make the hair soft, just like a conditioner, but with the advantage of being free of parabens, sulfates, and petroleum-derived ingredients.
  • Hydration and wetting: for those who are thinking about adopting the hair schedule, you will need recipes that result in the hydration and wetting of the strands, and in this regard, hydration with honey is a great ally. The ingredient leaves the strands hydrated and soft, and in addition, its composition, which is based on water, helps in the process of wetting the hair, maintaining the natural moisture of the strands.
  • Helps in the treatment of porous, elastic and brittle hair: for those who are in need of hydration that has great power of action even on the most damaged strands, hydration with honey is a great alternative to a homemade recipe. The mixture of proteins and amino acids in the composition of honey, acts more deeply on damaged strands and recovers hair elasticity, leaving the strand silkier and less brittle.
  • Gives hair shine: if the idea is to make homemade recipes to take care of the strands and give more shine to the locks, bet on honey as the main ingredient, as this is capable of returning shine even to the driest hair.
  • Hair growth: for those looking for recipes and tips to make their hair grow faster, it is worth including honey as an ingredient in recipes. Hydration with honey goes beyond leaving the strands beautiful, but also helps to clean the hair, maintains moisture, prevents hair loss, and strengthens the hair follicles, factors that result in scalp care and consequently in growth. from the hair.

How to Hydrate with Honey: Recipes and Step by Step

And for those who don't want to miss any tips on how to moisturize with honey at home, we've separated homemade recipes that will help you in the process of taking care of your locks at home.

With sugar

For those who need a little help with a homemade recipe to make a product for capillary exfoliation, the recipe is a great alternative to save money and also helps to remove excess oil from the roots and hair growth, and all this without damaging the locks and hair. still leaving hair soft.



  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 drop of shampoo (of your choice)
  • 2 tablespoons granulated or brown sugar*

*The advantage of using brown sugar is that it undergoes fewer chemical processes.

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey
Shampoo makes honey more emollient

Method of preparation:

Put all the ingredients in a container and mix well until you reach a homogeneous mixture.


Application of the mixture:

Wet your hair and remove excess water.

Apply the mixture all over the root of the hair and massage slowly to exfoliate the hair.


Action time on hair:

After massaging the entire hair root, let the mixture act for 10 minutes.

Finally, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.


With Cream

Recipe for dry hair


  • 3 tablespoons of hydration mask for dry hair
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


Method of preparation:

In a container put the hydration cream and add the honey. Mix the two ingredients well, so that it is a homogeneous mixture.


Application of the mixture:

Wash your hair using shampoo only. After rinsing the shampoo, remove excess water from the hair and apply the moisturizing mask with honey strand by strand.

To apply the mask to the strands, separate the locks and apply the homemade recipe only to the length, avoiding the hair roots.


Action time on hair

Let the mask act on the hair for approximately 1 hour. After that rinse your hair under running water and use a conditioner to close the hair cuticles.


With Olive Oil

To give shine and softness to the threads, the mixture of honey and olive oil is perfect, as they hydrate the threads and leave the locks silkier.



  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

Method of preparation:

Place the honey and oil in a microwave-safe container and microwave for 15 seconds.

After taking the mixture out of the microwave, stir well to incorporate the two ingredients.


Application of the mixture:

With the hair washed only with shampoo and still damp, apply the warm mixture to the hair.

To apply hydration with honey and olive oil to the strands, separate the locks and apply only to the length of the hair, in order to avoid the root.


Action time on hair:

Let the mixture act for approximately 30 minutes on the hair, and if you want to enhance homemade hydration, use a thermal cap.

After the action time, rinse your hair and finish washing with a conditioner of your choice.


With Egg

recipe for dry hair


  • 4 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 egg yolks

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

Method of preparation:

Place the egg yolks in a small bowl and mix them alone until they break and form a more homogeneous liquid.

Add the honey and stir well until the honey is incorporated into the egg yolks.

  • Tip: to prevent your hair from smelling like an egg, sift the egg yolks before making the homemade hydration recipe.


Application of the mixture:

Wash your hair using only shampoo, and with the strands still damp, apply the homemade honey hydration recipe.

To apply the mixture to the strands, separate the hair into sections and apply the mixture strand by strand from the height of the ears down.

Massage the strands for the mixture to better penetrate the locks.


Action time on hair:

Let the hydration act for approximately 30 minutes on the strands and then rinse your hair and use your usual conditioner to finish washing your hair.


With cornstarch

This is a very effective recipe for curly hair with excess frizz. The homemade mixture leaves the curls softer, more defined, with less volume and even removes the frizz from the hair.



  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons of hair mask
  • 1 cup (200 ml) of water
8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey
Mask makes application easier

Method of preparation:

Put the water in a pan and gradually add the cornstarch. Stir until the water and cornstarch mixture is not lumpy.

Take this mixture to the fire and stir until it reaches the point of a porridge.

Remove from the heat, add the hair mask and then the honey. Mix well until all ingredients are incorporated.



Application of the mixture:

Wash your hair using only shampoo and remove excess water to apply the hydration mask with honey and cornstarch.

Apply the mixture strand by strand and do not take too long in the application so that the mixture does not harden in the container.


Action time on hair:

Let the hydration act for 30 to 40 minutes on the wires, and then rinse and finish the wash using only conditioner.


With Aloe

The hydration recipe with honey and aloe vera is a great tip to make your hair soft and shiny.


  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • gel from 1 medium to large aloe vera leaf


Method of preparation:

Open the aloe vera leaf and use a spoon to scrape off the gel.

Put the aloe vera gel in a container and mix it with the honey.


Application of the mixture:

With dry hair, apply the hydration with honey and aloe vera along the entire strand, strand by strand.

After applying the homemade recipe to the strands, lightly massage the hair to incorporate the mixture into the strands.


Action time on hair:

Let the mixture act for 30 minutes on the hair and then wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner.


With Banana

Recipe for Deep Hydration


  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 medium banana
  • 5 tablespoons of whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons moisturizing hair mask

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

Method of preparation:

Peel the banana and cut it into pieces. Take all the ingredients, except the hydration mask, to the blender and beat until it's a homogeneous mixture.

Pour the mixture into a container and add the hydration mask. Stir well to incorporate all the ingredients and then sieve to make the hydration with honey and banana even more homogeneous.


Application of the mixture:

To apply the homemade honey hydration recipe, start by washing your hair with shampoo only. After this wash, remove excess water from the hair and apply the recipe from the length of the strands to the ends.

Massage the hair so that the mask penetrates the hair.


Action time on hair:

Let the mixture act on the hair for 30 minutes and then rinse. Finally, just finish washing using a conditioner.


With Coconut Oil

For those looking for hydration with honey that has an immediate effect, a good bet is the mixture with coconut oil, which guarantees deep hydration to the strands, and leaves the locks even smoother.


  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

*If the amount is not enough for your hair, just double the measurements.


Method of preparation:

In a container mix the coconut oil with the honey and leave the mixture very homogeneous.


Application of the mixture:

Wash your hair only with shampoo to open the hair cuticles. After rinsing the shampoo, use a towel to remove excess water from the hair.

Apply the mixture all over the hair – from the roots to the ends*, taking it from strand to strand.

*In the case of oily roots, start the application from the length of the hair.


Action time on hair:

After applying the mixture to all the hair, let it act for approximately 40 minutes.

To finish moisturizing with honey, rinse your hair under running water and apply conditioner only to the length of the strands to close the cuticles that are still open.


Photos of Before and After Hydration with Honey

For those who like the idea of ​​using natural ingredients in the threads, such as hydration with honey, but want to see real results, we separate before and after photos to show the comparison of how honey brings instant benefits to the threads.

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey
The result is more defined curls with less frizz.
8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey
Wires are lighter and less frizzy

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey
The result is softer hair.

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey
Wires are more defined

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

8 Incredible Hydration Hair Recipes with Honey

And to continue with beautiful hair, just follow the tips in the post and take advantage of the homemade recipes to take care of your locks at home and spending very little.

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