Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

What are the Advantages of Homemade Hydration?

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Homemade hydration for hair has many benefits. One of them is in relation to the price, instead of paying a lot for a treatment in the salon, you can do your hydration at home, spending much less. Generally, homemade recipes bring natural ingredients and that can be easily found in supermarkets or fairs, which is very accessible.

Unlike the salon, at home we are more comfortable and can relax a lot during that powerful homemade hair hydration. You can listen to good music, take a refreshing shower and take care of your body, dedicating a moment to yourself.

After you make your first homemade hydration and see the result in your hair, it becomes much easier to maintain a care routine with your locks. After all, you know you're making your hair healthier and it will look amazing.

If you like or want to try homemade hydration for hair, check out our selection of recipes that you will love below!


How to Make Homemade Hydration for Hair: Step by Step

with cornstarch

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

corn starch (cornstarch) is a powerful hair moisturizer. It has the power to leave the hair super aligned, with less volume and an incredible shine. But to get the desired effect, you cannot use it in its pure form. It is necessary to prepare a porridge with it and add the hydration mask, so the substances will be able to penetrate the thread more easily. See below this recipe for homemade hydration for hair.



Half a glass of water

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 scoop of hydrating mask

Way of doing

Mix the water with the cornstarch and put it in a pan. Over low heat, keep stirring until you form a pasty mass, similar to porridge. Expect to get warm and mix in a bowl with your hydration mask.


Wash your hair with a shampoo of your choice to open the hair cuticle. Dry with a towel and apply the mixture, covering it strand by strand, from length to ends.

Wait for the twenty-minute action time, rinse with warm water and finish as usual.


With Honey / Sugar

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Honey is a powerful antioxidant and contains vitamins B, C, D and E. In addition, it contains several amino acids, organic acids, water and minerals that make our hair more beautiful. It has the power to keep the hair's natural moisture inside the hair fiber, which leaves our locks more hydrated and nourished.

Sugar, on the other hand, is another powerful moisturizer, it has several B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium. Just like honey, he can seal the wires and end those double ends. But to obtain this effect and bring these nutrients to the hair, it is necessary to use crystallized sugar or even brown sugar. That's because these two didn't go through the refinement process, where sugar ends up losing its properties.


homemade recipe with honey


1 spoon of honey

1 spoon of moisturizing mask

1 capful of liquid bepanthol

How to Prepare

In a vase, mix all the ingredients until you form a homogeneous cream.


With the hair already washed with shampoo, apply the mixture from length to ends. Wait the waiting time of thirty minutes and rinse your hair. Finish as you wish.


Homemade moisturizer for hair with sugar


1 spoon of sugar

1 spoon of moisturizing mask

How to Prepare

In a clean container, mix the ingredients until you form a homogeneous cream.


With clean hair, apply this mixture from the length to the ends, wrapping all the locks. Wait for the twenty minute pause time. Rinse your hair and finish as you wish.


With Aloe

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Aloe vera has several benefits for both our health and hair care. The gel taken from the leaf has a high moisturizing power and manages to protect the hair from the sun's rays, help with hair growth, prevent breakage and revitalize strands that are fragile or damaged. Check below the homemade hydration for hair with slug!



1 spoon of aloe leaf gel

1 scoop of moisturizing mask

How to Prepare

Mix the aloe vera gel with the mask in a bowl.


Apply the mixture to the hair, avoiding the roots. Let the product act for around thirty minutes and rinse. You can use a thermal cap to enhance the effect of the treatment.


with avocado

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Avocado is another favorite natural ingredient for girls who make homemade hydration for hair. It has many vitamins and is also rich in good fat. This fruit has many vitamins and minerals that help to make hair hydrated and healthier. If you have curly or curly hair, the hydration with avocado it's perfect for you! That's because he manages to leave the strands hydrated for a long time, which is wonderful for girls who have this hair type.



1 tablespoon ripe avocado

1 spoon of moisturizing mask

1 spoon of vegetable oil (coconut, castor, grape, any of your preference).

How to Prepare

Mix all ingredients in a plastic container with a spoon.


With the hair already clean with shampoo and damp, apply the mixture from the length to the ends. Let the homemade hydration for hair act for 30 minutes and rinse. Finish as you wish.


With Egg

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

The egg is used in many food recipes and its benefits for the body are many. It is rich in several vitamins, phosphorus, iron, calcium, cysteine ​​and proteins. Therefore, it favors hair growth, reduces breakage and helps strengthen the hair.



1 egg yolk

1 spoon of moisturizing mask

1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil

How to Prepare

Mix everything in a bowl with a spoon until you form a cream.


With the hair previously washed with shampoo, apply the mixture on the length of the hair to the ends. Wait for the thirty minute action time and rinse. You can finish according to your preference.


With milk

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Milk is widely used by the cosmetic industry as it contains very important elements for hair. It is rich in calcium, vitamins, proteins and mineral salts. Another interesting advantage is the straightening power and leaving the wires aligned. Did you like it? So check out this homemade recipe for hair below.



1 colher of mask soup

3 tablespoons milk

1 spoon of sugar

How to Prepare

Mix all ingredients in a plastic bowl with a spoon and set aside.


With clean hair, apply the cream from length to ends. Wait for the twenty minute action time. Rinse and remove all product residues from the hair. Finalize.


With Apple Cider Vinegar

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Apple cider vinegar is well known for balancing the Ph of the hair. Therefore, he manages to seal the cuticles of the threads, reduce the split ends and greatly improve the shine and softness. It is great for hair that is dry, porous or dry. Many girls mix this ingredient with their conditioner or use it at the end of homemade hair hydration. By closing the hair cuticle, it is perfect to be used after the treatment with the mask. Check it out below.



Β½ glass of water

1 spoon of apple cider vinegar

How to Prepare

Mix the vinegar with the water and place the mixture in a spray bottle.


After moisturizing with a mask of your choice, spray this mixture on your hair. The result will be very shiny and hydrated hair.


With coffe

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Caffeine has the power to accelerate hair growth. It is a natural stimulant, which helps to stimulate blood flow in the hair follicles. It also prevents hair loss and premature aging. If you want hydration that helps with hair growth, check it out below.



1 spoon of coffee powder

1 spoon of moisturizing mask

1 spoon of honey

How to Prepare

Mix all ingredients in a plastic bowl with a spoon.


After washing your hair with a shampoo, apply this mixture to the length of your hair to the ends. Wait for the thirty minute pause time and rinse.


with mayonnaise

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

A mayonnaise It is composed of vegetable oils and antioxidant elements. She is a great option for anyone who has gone through some chemistry or is in need of potent hydration. The hair also has a beautiful shine and wonderful softness, it is worth investing in it!



1 spoon of mayonnaise

1 spoon of moisturizing mask

How to Prepare

Mix the two ingredients in a bowl until you form a homogeneous cream.


Apply the mixture to the hair, avoiding the roots. Let it act for thirty minutes and rinse.


With Bepanthol

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

The liquid bepanthol contains a very important substance for the hair, which is vitamin B5. She manages to strengthen the hair from the root to the ends, giving a lot of shine and hydration to the hair. The hair is stronger and healthier and recovered from the chemicals and damage suffered. It is perfect for enhancing any hydration, just add a cap and your mask will have a wonderful effect.



1 cap of Bepantol

1 spoon of moisturizing mask

How to Prepare

Mix the two ingredients in a container of your choice.


Wash your hair with a shampoo of your choice, rinse and with damp hair, apply the mixture all over your hair, from the length to the tips. Wait for 30 minutes and rinse as usual.


With Glycerin

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Glycerin is a product that can be found in several pharmacies, the advantage is that it is very cheap and super easy to find. Glycerin is used in several cosmetic products, as it has a high emollient power and in the case of hair, it manages to return water to the strands. This is mega important to keep them hydrated and beautiful. It is great to be used on rainy days, as it manages to remove moisture from the air and deposit it in the hair.



6 ml of glycerin

1 spoon of moisturizing mask

How to Prepare

Mix the ingredients and book.


With the hair already clean, apply the mixture to the hair and wait twenty minutes. You can use a thermal cap to help get a more potent effect. Afterwards, just rinse normally.


With Gelatin

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Gelatin is rich in collagen and sugar, two substances that work super well on highlights. It is indicated for all types of hair, as it returns the natural elasticity of the strands and leaves the hair well aligned. For those who want to have long hair, gelatin is a good choice, as it stimulates hair growth. If you have blonde or platinum hair, choose the colorless one, because if you use the colored one, it can stain your strands, okay?!



1 sachet of gelatin

2 spoons of mask

1 spoon of sugar

1 spoon of vegetable oil

How to Prepare

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and set aside.


With clean hair, apply the mixture to the strands, letting it act for 30 minutes. Then rinse normally and finish as desired.


With Olive Oil

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Extra virgin olive oil is a natural humectant, so it can penetrate the hair, nourish and hydrate it. He manages to restore hair nutrients and leave them with incredible shine. No wonder it became one of the most used ingredients in homemade hydration for hair! The only tip is to pay attention when buying and buy only extra virgin, as this is a guarantee that you will have a natural product in your hands, without the addition of other oils.



2 spoons of extra virgin olive oil

Method of preparation and application

Apply the olive oil to the hair as if it were a moisturizing mask, covering all the locks. Hair does not need to be washed with shampoo beforehand. Then, secure the locks with a clip and wait for two hours. Wash your hair with a shampoo of your choice in warm water so that the oil is removed from the strands, and after washing use a conditioner and rinse again. Finish as you wish!


With Coconut Oil

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Coconut oil is another well-known homemade recipe. He is rich in vitamin K, E and fatty acids that help a lot in hair maintenance. This oil has the power to align the strands, reduce volume, frizz and maintain the natural moisture of the locks. However, you need to be careful when you buy yours. Always choose the cold-pressed extra virgin, this will guarantee that you are using a quality product and with all the substances preserved, okay?



2 spoons of coconut oil

Method of Preparation and Application

On colder days, coconut oil becomes a paste. To turn it into a liquid look, make a bain-marie for around five to ten minutes so that it stays that way. If it's hot, your oil will be liquid and you won't need to do the water bath. Gradually take the oil and pass it through the hair strand by strand, let it act for at least two hours and wash your hair normally with shampoo and conditioner.


With Castor Oil

Homemade Hydration for Hair – 15 Incredible & Cheap Recipes!

Castor oil has wonderful hair benefits. It strengthens the strands, fights breakage and hair loss, manages to activate circulation in the scalp region, reduces dandruff, favors hair growth and helps with hair hydration.



1 spoon of castor oil

1 spoon of moisturizing mask

How to Prepare

Mix all ingredients in a bowl.


Apply the mixture to shampoo-washed hair. Only pass from length to ends, avoiding the root of the hair. Rinse and finish as desired.


Did you like our tips on homemade hydration for hair? We hope you enjoyed it. Comment below if you've tried any of these and what the result was, we love to hear your opinion! Kisses!

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