Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian locks in short hair make the locks lighter in a very subtle way. If you need inspiration to finally change your hair, we'll show you 35 wonderful models with tips on how to take care of them on a daily basis. Will lose?

Photos of Californian in Short Hair

The Californian with short hair has become a trend and everything indicates that it will be in vogue for a long time. It is the type of hair that is the face of summer, it combines with tanned skin and lighter clothes to withstand the high temperatures. To get inspired, we've separated beautiful models of Californian women with short hair in different colors below by category.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

In addition to the traditionally golden tips, you can invest in different styles like platinum Californians and colored tips like green, blue and red. In this post we are going to show you all these models and you will want to run to the beauty salon.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

One detail that has everything to do with short hair is the bangs. It is possible to make the look of the locks much more elegant and modern with a beautiful fringe model combined with the Californian one.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian locks originate in California, as the name already says. Surfers use wax on the board to reduce friction with the water, intentionally or not, they end up running their hands through their hair with the wax, in contact with the sun the chemical action causes the hair to turn golden. Of course, you don't have to do that to have your Californian in short hair, right?

For those who want to adhere to the style, it is very important to know everything about Californians. Giving up the locks is always the right choice to change and bring more modernity and beauty to the look. This is a procedure that requires certain care before and after it is done, so it is important to have all the necessary knowledge so that the locks look beautiful and the result comes out as desired. To have all the necessary knowledge before doing the Californian, we prepared an incredible post with the main information about the procedure and 80 absurdly beautiful inspirations to be inspired and keep your amazing locks!


We can say that the Californian blonde is the traditional one, therefore the most requested in beauty salons. Short hair is synonymous with a lot of personality, it suits women with attitude and who are not afraid to intimidate, as it is also a very admired hairstyle.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

One of the main reasons why short haircuts are super popular is because the models bring women an air of strong personality and modernity. The short locks bring to the look the representation of how strong and daring the cut fan is. The combination of a beautiful and modern short cut with Californian ones attract attention and at the same time intimidate those who don't dare to dare.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Who has never heard a friend say that they would like to cut their locks, but don't have the courage? Well, to ensure that the Californian with short hair will look beautiful, it is also necessary to think about the type of cut.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Some cuts don't suit Californians, like the pixie and john cut. They are super short cuts and very close to the root, so it is impossible to make the locks.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

On the other hand, not-so-short cuts are the perfect combination. This is the case with the pointed bob, the long bob and the traditional bob. In all these cuts, the locks look beautiful, you can opt for golden, platinum or any color you want.


The platinum effect is with everything and is also a trend for winter. To get the white or gray tone it is necessary to discolor the hair until it opens a very light yellow tone. Afterwards, the toner is used to remove the yellowness and leave the desired color.

There's no denying that the Californian with platinum short hair makes the look modern and with a lot of personality. It's a way to make the locks more illuminated, but it also requires a lot of care.

To get the right tone to tint it may be necessary to bleach up to 3 times, depending on your hair color. It turns out that bleaching so often ends up harming the hair and removing the main nutrients, so it is necessary to do weekly hydration and invest in a good reconstruction mask.

In addition to these precautions, it is also important to tint every fortnight to avoid the risk of yellowing hair.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

If you want to give your locks a special touch, but money is tight, we have great news for you. We prepared a sensational post with 6 easy-to-follow tutorials so you can make your own Californian locks at home.

Curly hair

The Californian in short curly hair is not a recent fad. Bleaching the ends leaves the hair lit, especially the darker tones.

The marking is not as straight as on straight hair, but it is still Californian. The challenge is to maintain the hydration of the strands, as curly hair is naturally more dry, as the natural oiliness of the roots does not reach the ends.

To check out more Californian inspirations in curly hair, we have an amazing post with 25 lovely ideas for those who want beautiful and super modern curls!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

The color of the Californian streak on short hair directly depends on the natural color of your hair. The ideal is to open up to 3 tones lighter than the natural tone. This way, you only harm the strands and get a harmonic color, without causing too much contrast.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!


More and more women are creating the courage to dye their locks in colors that are not traditional. The hair is super modern, it makes you look more youthful, but you also need to be prepared for looks of strangeness.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

The red highlights are super high and are the right choice for those looking for a stylish and daring look. Among the shades that are most popular for California women are cherry red, magenta, copper red, carmine, sangria and burgundy.Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

These colors are called fantasy colors and are sold as a toner. That is, the color will come out as you wash it, it is not a definitive change in the look.

In order for the color to take on well, it is necessary to discolor the ends as much as possible so as not to run the risk of getting stained. In addition to tonalizing, there are other ways to paint with crepe paper and aniline for wood, but the color lasts even less than the tonalizing.

In addition to being a great option for those who want to improve their look, aniline is an economical option that can be used at home. To learn how to dye your hair with aniline, check out the special post we prepared with the main questions about the technique and a complete and easy step-by-step!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!

Because it is discolored hair, weekly hydration is very necessary. To preserve the color longer, use products suitable for colored hair and without salt in the composition.

Californian in Short Hair – 35 Divine Ideas with Unmissable Tips!


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