Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

The treatment considered revolutionary has been the sensation of the moment, but is it really worth it?

If you want to discover a little more about this trend in the hair world and are looking for the best hair treatments, it's time to take a break and read the post to learn more about hair botox.

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

About Capillary Botox – FAQ

What is it? What is it for?

Capillary botox receives a somewhat curious name, after all, the term botox is well known in the aesthetic world as a skin filling technique to soften wrinkles and expression marks.

And fleeing the aesthetic world and facial fillings, capillary botox is a technique developed for wires.

Unlike the facial filling version, which uses botulinum toxin, hair botox does not use this medium, after all, such a compound would not act on the hair.

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The product works by recovering old and damaged hair.

A common fact, and therefore the similar name, is that Botox for hair has as its main function to act in the restructuring of the oldest and most damaged strands and thus recover the locks, a fact considered as a hair rejuvenation.

In a simplified summary, hair botox is a most effective and potent treatment for hair recovery.

What are your Advantages and Benefits?

In a treatment rich in amino acids, nutrients and vitamins, the benefits and advantages are countless, and to show some of the positive points of hair botox, we made a list of benefits:

  • Deep nutrition: the nutrient-rich treatment opens the hair cuticles and acts on the structure of the strand, leaving the hair more hydrated and then closing the cuticles and sealing the hair.
  • Frizz reduction: for those who suffer from the famous raised strands, hair botox helps to soften frizz, as it leaves the strands lower.
  • Volume reduction: as the technique acts deeper into the hair as a super potent hydration, the idea is for less voluminous and even smoother looking hair.
  • Hair restructuring: for those who are suffering from brittle, dry or even chemically cut hair, hair botox is a good way to restructure the hair and give it the appearance of rejuvenated hair.
  • Reduction of split ends: as the treatment acts deeply on the locks, the result can deliver silkier strands with less split ends.
  • Increases hair resistance: the treatment works from root to tip, leaving the hair more hydrated and with the hair in the same thickness, from root to tip. This makes the hair more resistant and less brittle.
  • It can be used on chemically treated hair: unlike other techniques, capillary botox is an option that does not have any contraindications in the use followed by other capillary treatments, such as straightening or dyeing. That is, after resorting to a more severe technique for the strands, it is worth doing the botox to make the hair more hydrated and nourished.
  • Immediate result: after performing the procedure, it is already possible to see the positive effects on the hair. That is, you don't need to accumulate repetitions to see healthier hair.

Who Can Use?

As the treatment is a highly nutritious procedure, there are no contraindications for its use, except for pregnant women, who must always have medical clearance to adopt the use of any new product or technique.

The indication of who should use it is quite wide, and can range from dry, brittle, chemically treated, frizzy, very voluminous hair that needs deep hydration, with split ends, among many other strands that need a little help to stay healthy. healthier on the inside and beautiful on the outside.

How much does it cost? #price

For those who intend to include Botox treatment in their hair and want to prepare a budget, the truth is that there is no fixed amount, as it depends on the salon, the line of products to be used, and especially the length of the hair.

However, to have an average of how much you will spend, there are amounts that vary from R$ 100 to R$ 500.

How long does it last?

The result of rejuvenated and well-nourished hair is evident and that is why we want the effect to be long-lasting, but as it is a technique that does not change the structure of the hair, but only treats it, the effect lasts around 2 months; this is because the wires start to suffer new aggressions, such as the use of flat iron and curling iron, pollution, among others.


How to care? Post Treatment Care

If the idea is to enhance the effects of botox on the hair and keep the treatment in the locks longer, some care is needed:

  • Avoid using anti-residue and deep cleaning shampoos, as they can open the hair cuticles and minimize the rejuvenating effect.
  • Reinforce and intensify the treatment with moisturizing creams to keep the strands always nourished.
  • The maintenance and repetition frequency of capillary botox is very important, because the strands are suffering new exposures and damage, and the treatment must be redone, on average, every 2 months to nourish the hair again.


What are the Risks? Do you have Formaldehyde?

Botox for hair does not involve risks, as it is more powerful nutrition and hydration, which acts on the hair only leaving the strands healthier.

However, before adopting any procedure, it is recommended that a strand test be carried out to verify that there is no adverse reaction with the hair or even an allergy in contact with the skin or scalp.

And for those who have doubts whether the technique includes the use of smoothing substances such as formaldehyde, the answer is no. Hair botox does not use formaldehyde; or at least it shouldn't be used, since it is more and more recurrent the addition of this substance by some misguided professionals.

If the salon where you intend to perform the technique guarantees a smooth effect, make sure that formaldehyde is not included in the formula, as this substance has the opposite effect to true capillary botox. While botox acts in deep and healthy nutrition, formaldehyde changes the capillary structure and over time can make the strands weaker and more brittle.

And a great way to find out if the treatment really does not include formaldehyde is by the smell, which in cases of botox is a mild smell, whereas in the mixture with formaldehyde a strong odor is common and that causes burning in the eyes.

So, the rule is clear – go to the salon before performing the procedure, talk to people who have already done the technique and ask for referrals from good professionals, and make sure that the salon does not include formaldehyde.


Treatment X Chemistry

A very common doubt is whether hair botox is treatment or chemistry, and many professionals already include the technique in both variations.

In the treatment version, Botox uses products based on nutrients, vitamins and amino acids that act deeply on the hair, leaving the strands silkier and healthier, which does not change the structure, but only treats the hair.

In the chemical version, the idea is that Botox is combined with some other treatment, such as straightening techniques, and in this case the idea is that the hair is treated and at the same time undergoes straightening.

Being more strict, the truth is that capillary botox should fit only in the treatment techniques, as it is a procedure that aims to recover the locks and consequently rejuvenate the hair, thus having the purpose for which it was prepared. While chemistry has an action that changes the structure of the thread and over time it can damage.


Damage Hair?

On the contrary, botox is a treatment, that is, it aims to recover the locks and not damage them.

As the base of the treatment consists of a mixture of amino acids, vitamins and nutrients, the hair is deeply nourished and rejuvenated.

In case the wires are damaged after the procedure, the product or salon should alert you to include some type of chemical with the technique, such as straightening products.

Another tip is to be aware of the real need to carry out a deep nutrition treatment, as excess hydration can make the hair stiff. To avoid this effect, it is recommended to go to a salon for the professional to analyze what treatment is necessary and the type of product to be used on your hair.


Difference between Botox and cauterization

As there are several types of treatments to recover hair, confusion between them is common, and a frequent mistake is to associate hair botox with cauterization.

In the case of Botox, deep hydration is made up of amino acids, vitamins and nutrients, filling in the damage to the threads, that is, it acts internally where the thread is badly treated.

Already cauterization, or hair plastic as it is also called, is a keratin-based treatment that acts on the entire thread and creates protection around it.

What are the Best Products on the Market?

If you love getting to know the hair products that are available on the shelves, we've made a list of the most suitable brands for hair botox, so you can choose the best options from a huge range of products.

Porter B-tox Ciclos Volume Control 

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

An option for a botox mask with a chemical effect, the option is enriched with polyphenols and organic acids, leaving the strands more nourished, but also brings in its composition a volume reduction effect, and consequently smoother strands.

The option is a good choice for those who do a homemade hair botox version with a volume reduction effect.

Average price: BRL 50 (1kg)


L’oreal Fiberceutic Botox Capilar

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Undoubtedly, L'oreal's treatment is one of the darlings when it comes to botox for hair.

The treatment consists of several products that act continuously on the strands, helping to recover the highlights throughout the entire process.

The treatment is an indication for professionals, so it is ideal to have L'oreal botox only with specialized professionals, since the treatment is a sequence of products.

Average price: from BRL 300 to BRL 500 (kit) / from BRL 200 to BRL 320 for in-salon treatment


Botox Lady Hair

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

The brand has a hair botox line with 2 products – a shampoo that is step one of the process, and the mask that is used to finish.

The product is composed of ammonia, and in addition to hydrating more dry hair, it is also compatible with other chemicals.

Average price: BRL 100 (shampoo and mask kit)


How to Do Homemade Hair Botox: Step by Step

As you can imagine, each line is made up of its own products and therefore it is necessary to read the manufacturer's guidelines to apply them correctly and guarantee total effectiveness in the result.

However, if you want to know how most of the procedures in this treatment work, let's take a step-by-step guide for those who intend to do hair botox at home:

  1. Wash your hair 2x with shampoo from the kit or a deep cleaning shampoo to open the hair cuticles;
  2. Remove excess water with a towel and then with a dryer, but without brushing;
  3. Divide the hair into sections and apply the botox product from the roots to the ends;
  4. Comb your hair and let the product act for the time indicated by the manufacturer;
  5. Rinse your hair under running water and remove all the product from the strands;
  6. To finish, use a hairdryer to brush the strands and seal the hair.


Before and After Hair Botox Photos

If the explanations have already left you tempted to perform the hair procedure, we have separated before and after photos that will sharpen even more the desire to treat the strands with the rejuvenation technique.

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The result is hair with less volume.
Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
Blonde hair is more shiny

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
Frizz has been reduced

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The result gave more shine and evidence of the color.
Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The appearance is of silkier hair

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide! Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
Colored hair has a more open color

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide! Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The tips are more hydrated
Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
Black hair is so shiny
Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The treatment left the hair frizz-free and shiny.
Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
Hair was dull before

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
Wavy hair looks straight

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The hair became the brightest blonde
Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The result is silkier hair.
Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The shine is evident

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
The waves became looser and the hair more hydrated
Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
Hair became smoother
Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
Wires have less waves

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!
Dry hair came to life

Capillary Botox – Benefits, Tips & Best Products! COMPLETE guide!

Have you done the thread rejuvenation technique? Tell me in the comments what you thought of the treatment. And if you haven't done it yet, would you risk doing this trend in the world of highlights?

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