Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

And to help you with this task, today's post brings essential tips to do the hair schedule correctly, tips for different hair types, and lots of information about products and brands that can be used during the treatment of highlights.

So, if you think your locks are in need of extra care, keep an eye on this post to learn how to get your hair back.

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

What is Hair Schedule?

Daily hair suffers aggressions, such as exposure to the sun, pollution, water chlorine and even heat sources that we insert in the locks, such as dryer, flat iron and curling iron.

And all of this causes the strands to become damaged, and it was in this context that the capillary schedule (CC) emerged, which is a way to replenish the capillary mass and all the nutrients that we lose on a daily basis.

The CC is like a calendar/diary that defines which type of treatment to perform at each wash – hydration, nutrition or reconstruction.

In this sense, the schedule is an agenda that indicates appropriate treatments for each wash, recovering the locks and returning shine, softness, elasticity and nutrition to the strands.

In short, CC is nothing more than a deep and continuous treatment to recover hair that suffers daily damage.

What are the Steps?


What is it?

Hydration is one of the best known hair treatments and one of the most frequent in hair schedule tables.

This treatment consists of replacing the water that the hair naturally loses and after this step it is noticeable that the strands are softer to the touch and with more shine.


How to Identify Need for Wires?

Hydration is a treatment that can be used on any type of hair, as water replacement is important for locks.

And despite being a suitable treatment for any type of hair, there is even more need for hydration in hair that is dull, with excessive volume, with scales, with split ends and dry hair.

For those undergoing hair transition, hydration should be a repeated item on the CC table.



Despite being a well-known treatment, in order to hydrate the skin in the right way, it is necessary to take some precautions, such as avoiding the use of moisturizing products on the roots and scalp, avoiding excess oiliness.

In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the spacing time between the repetition of one hydration and another. The correct thing is to wait at least 48 hours to carry out a new hydration in the highlights.


Types of Products

To choose the ideal products for the hydration stage, it is interesting to analyze the composition and prioritize products that have in their formula ingredients such as vitamins, protein (from soy, hydrolyzed corn, etc.), silicone, fruits, panthenol and masks and hydration with aloe vera (aloe vera).




What is it?

Nutrition is also usually called wetting, and at this stage the intention is to return lipids to the hair and ensure the natural oiliness of the locks, which nourishes the strands to the ends.


How to Identify Need for Wires?

It is possible to notice the need for nutrition in hair that loses definition, becoming misaligned, without balance and with little movement.

In addition, the lack of nutrition also reflects in excess frizz, dryness and opacity of the hair.




Although nutrition is a very important step for hair recovery, its excess can cause excessive oiliness and weigh hair down; therefore, the recommendation for already oily hair is that the repetition be at most 1 time a week.


Types of Products

At this stage of the capillary schedule, the best products for nutrition are or contain natural oils (coconut, argan, marrow, avocado and olive oil); and butter (shea, cocoa, murumuru, cupuaçu, avocado, macadamia or marrow).



What is it?

The reconstruction phase is the stage responsible for replacing proteins and capillary mass.

The reconstruction results in making the hair thicker and more resistant, stopping hair breakage and treating each strand more deeply.


How to Identify Need for Wires?

Note the need for capillary reconstruction in strands that are brittle, porous, thin and sparse.



Despite being the most powerful stage of the CC, reconstruction can also be a dangerous stage, as excessive and unnecessary repetition of this stage can leave the strands with keratin beyond what is necessary, and the result will be stiffened hair.

In order not to fall into this error, it is recommended to do the reconstruction step with a minimum spacing of 15 days, and never add keratin ampoules in reconstruction masks that already have the ingredient, as the excess of keratin is what makes the locks stiffer.


Types of Products

In the reconstruction stage, opt for products that have keratin, arginine, proteins, creatine, collagen, and wheat amino acids among the ingredients.


How to Know if the Hair Needs More Hydration, Nutrition or Reconstruction?

For those who want to find out which is the best hair schedule table, the first step is to recognize the needs of their own hair, after all, each type of strand may need one step more than another.

For this, the ideal is to carry out a porosity test, which identifies which stage of the CC needs to be repeated more.

The test consists of placing an entire strand of hair in a glass of water and thus analyzing whether the strand floats, stays in the middle or sinks, and thus identifies the appropriate steps. To know the test result, just follow the illustration below:


Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
The test indicates which treatment steps the hair most needs


In addition to the porosity test, another way to find out which priority is for your hair is by analyzing the locks' appearance:

  • Lackluster, excessive volume, dry and tangled: if you've identified one or more characteristics of this type in your strands, prioritize hydration treatments.
  • With frizz, porous and misaligned: such characteristics reflect the need for hydration and nutrition (humectation).
  • Thin hair, with split ends and brittleness: this evidence points out that the hair needs a more powerful treatment, and in this case reconstruction is the most indicated step.

Ready-made Templates and Tables

For those who want models of tables ready for a capillary schedule according to each type of hair, let's go to the necessary indications for repeating the steps according to each structure and capillary characteristic.

for blondes

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

For curly hair

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

healthy hair

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Damaged Hair

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Extremely Damaged Hair

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Frizzy hair

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

How to Build a Home Schedule?

For those who want to make a capillary schedule, but without having to spend a lot, a good bet is to choose homemade recipes for each stage of the treatment.

The first step in the homemade schedule is to identify your hair type and choose a table that you will follow, or even assemble your own table according to the characteristics of your strands and the tips that we have already given above.

With the table set up, now it's time to move on to the homemade recipes for each step:


Homemade Recipes for Hydration

Among the many homemade recipes known to hydrate the hair, the hydration recipes with honey are excellent, but it is also worth following other formulas, and even varying the recipes at each new hydration stage, and thus always introducing a new homemade moisturizer to the hair .


Hydration with Aloe Vera


  • 1 aloe leaf
  • 100 ml of mineral water


How to Do and How to Apply:

Open the aloe vera leaf and remove all the gel. Beat the aloe vera gel with the water in the blender to mix.

Then, with your hair washed with shampoo, apply the mixture over the entire length and let it act for 30 minutes. To finish, rinse and use conditioner.


Hydration with Banana and Papaya


  • 1/2 papaya
  • 1 dwarf banana


How to Do and How to Apply:

Remove the papaya seeds and place it in the blender with the peeled banana. Beat until you form a mix.

To apply wash your hair with shampoo, remove excess water and then apply the fruit recipe along the entire length. Let it act for 20 minutes, rinse and finish with conditioner.

Homemade Recipes for Nutrition

How to Do Wetting Step by Step

When the step is yarn nutrition, wetting is on the list of favorite recipes, after all it is easy, cheap and simple to make; and above all, the result is already noticeable.

To do homemade moistening, you need to choose a type of oil – coconut, argan, or another.

With dirty hair, apply the oil from the roots (does not leave the roots greasy) to the ends, strand by strand. Let the oil act for approximately 1 hour on the hair and then rinse and finish the wash using only shampoo to remove excess oil.


Nutrition with Olive Oil


  • 2 tablespoons of hair mask of your choice
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil


How to Do and How to Apply:

In a container mix the mask with the oil until the two ingredients are integrated.

Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and remove excess water. Apply the mixture strand by strand along the length of the hair, avoiding the roots.

Let the homemade nutrition mask act for 30 minutes and then rinse.


Homemade Recipe for Reconstruction

The reconstruction stage is the most powerful in the capillary schedule table and therefore it is the least repeated, as the excess of this stage can make the hair stiff.


Reconstruction Mask with Keratin


  • Liquid or gel keratin
  • Hair mask (choose one that does not have keratin among the ingredients)


How to Do and How to Apply:

Wash your hair with shampoo and remove excess water.

Apply the keratin strand by strand and only on the length. Let the keratin act for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, apply the mask on the keratin that is already in the hair and let it act for another 20 minutes. To finish, just rinse the wires.


Doubts About Hair Schedule

What shampoo to use?

A common doubt of those who are following the CC is about which shampoo to use in the washes.

And ideally, the shampoo should be from the same line as the manufacturer of the other products you are using in the hydration, nutrition and reconstruction stages, so that the treatment is continued from the beginning of the wash to the end.

However, if you are opting for homemade recipes for your hair schedule or want a shampoo option that is wildcard for all hair types regardless of the table you are following, the best option is to use a transparent shampoo.


How long can I do it?

The capillary schedule table has an indication for a period of 4 weeks, and this is a very suitable time for the recovery of highlights.

However, if you still notice the need for hair recovery, the hair table can be restarted, in order to repeat the treatment and maintain continuous hair recovery until the hair is healthy, shiny and soft.


Do I Need to Use Conditioner?

Not for the case of choosing to use masks at each stage.

The CC is a treatment that involves washing with shampoo and then sealing the hair with an appropriate mask and according to each stage of the capillary agenda.

In this case, it doesn't matter if the mask is for hydration, nutrition or reconstruction, such products already act as an agent that closes the cuticle of the hair, a role that the conditioner plays after the shampoo.

Creams and Products Tips


Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

YKAS Crossfit Capillary Schedule Kit: the kit is an economical option that meets the 3 stages of the capillary schedule. The set is indicated for dry and dry hair, and the masks can be used together in a single step for a more potent effect or separately following a CC table. In addition to being a great option because of the cost-effectiveness, the kit still has the advantage of being in the poo.

For Beauty Reconstruction Kit: for strands that have undergone a chemical process, this kit is a great proposal. The set of three masks complies with all stages of the capillary schedule, recovering post-chemical hair at an excellent cost-benefit ratio.



Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
The kit is formed by different lines of the brand L'oreal

If the idea is to have the effect of salon hair in the hair schedule, but without having to go to the salon so many times, it is worth investing a little more and buying a line that is often used by professionals, as is the case of L'oréal Professionnel Chronograma Capillary.

The line is made up of 3 different masks from L'oreal that are intended for the different stages of the CC:

  • L'Oréal Professionnel Liss Unlimited: mask that acts on the hydration of the strands and reduces hair frizz.
  • L'Oréal Professionnel Force Relax Nutri-Control: mask for the nutrition stage, whose main function is to nourish the hair, leaving the strands less voluminous and with more shine.
  • L'Oréal Professionnel Absolut Repair Cortex Lipidium Instant Reconstructing Masque – restores the hair by rebuilding the strand and rebuilding the hair fiber through lipids.

Despite having a somewhat salty price, around R$ 400 a kit, L'oreal's products really give an incredible effect to the locks and leave the result very evident and with a salon look.

Forever Liss

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
The masks meet each of the steps

A well-known brand on the cosmetics shelves is Forever Liss, and among the possible combinations of the brand's masks to form a Forever Liss hair schedule kit, the following combination is worth following:

  • UTI: this is an ultra-hydrating mask version, that is, it is a perfect option for extremely damaged and dry hair, which needs a deep hydration step in the capillary schedule.
  • Varnish Bath: for the nutrition stage, this mask is an excellent option, as in addition to leaving the hair treated, it also gives immediate shine to the locks. The only thing is for those who are bothered by sweet smells, as this version has a sweeter aroma.
  • Capillary Energetic: for the reconstruction stage, this version of Forever Liss is perfect, because it acts more deeply on the strands, and in addition to recovering the highlights, you can still notice that it leaves the hair with less volume.


salon line

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

For those who want a complete capillary schedule kit for curly hair, it is worth investing in the Sopa de Letrinhas line by Salon Line.

The line features three masks – H, N and R – where each letter refers to one of the hair treatment stages.

The use of the three products during the CC process is a sure bet, because in addition to having a cheap price, the result is very satisfactory and fulfills what it promises, leaving the hair silky, soft and healthy.


Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Anyone who has used or knows Lola's products must have already noticed the beautiful packaging!

And in the case of the Hair Schedule Socorro kit. The presentation is a beautiful little can with all the products that make up the treatment, and in this case the line doesn't just come with the masks, the treatment is super complete and comes with:

  • Shampoo Detox
  • Treatment Shampoo
  • Intensive Regenerator
  • intensive mask
  • Split End Balm

According to brand information, all products can be used in sequence, and then you need to analyze what your hair needs most to define the products that will be used at each wash.

The result is great, and you can notice a lot of difference in the hair, starting with the shine that the locks gain, but you can also notice that the strands are more hydrated.

The only negative point is the price, as the kit costs around R$ 155. However, it is a complete treatment for the month, so it is worth the cost-benefit.

Bio Extract

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
The kit is compact and practical

If you're not very fond of having several pots of hair masks in the bathroom and want a practical and simple option to follow the hair schedule, it's worth buying the Bio Extratus Multifunctional Kit.

The kit is made up of 3 products, each containing 10 ml, which serves each stage of the CC.

To use the products, just dilute a few drops in the mask you already have at home, so there are 3 small products and just have a hair mask to make the combination.

Despite looking small and unmarked, the line is super potent and it really is noticeable healthier strands after following the CC table.


Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

The Inoar brand is an old and adorable acquaintance for those who love the world of hair products, and the Doctor line is not left out of the beloved products.

The kit is known for the 3 masks that meet the stages of the capillary schedule, and when washing, you can already notice the difference in the hair after using the products, as the strands become much silkier. This difference is also noticeable when the hair dries and the result of soft and shiny hair is evident.

And for those who are in doubt about which shampoo to use in the hair treatment process, you can still buy the shampoo from the same line.

In addition to being an excellent kit, it still smells delicious!


Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Using a complete line from the same brand can guarantee better results, and in this option you can find the Cronopower Haskell kit.

The kit consists of shampoo, 3 masks (moisturizing, nourishing and reconstructive) and a leave-in finisher.

The continuous line attends to all stages of the treatment and also guarantees the finalization with the leave-in, which is a way of taking care of the wires even after washing.

The price of the complete kit is very fair for the amount of products, and can be found for an average of R$ 130.


Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

The Kérastase brand is an old acquaintance, and despite being older on the market, it is still an excellent competitor when it comes to good hair products.

And for those who are thinking about adopting the CC with Kérastase masks, the idea is to combine different products to meet the treatment steps.

And to give you a little extra help, we've compiled a compilation of the best Kérastase masks for CC.

  • Discipline: the mask is an ultra-moisturizing version, which in addition to leaving the strands soft, also helps to tame the locks, removing excess volume and leaving the strands more disciplined.
  • Nutritive: for the nutrition stage, it is worth choosing the mask from the Nutritive line, which helps to nourish the strands and leave them super soft; being an option even for extremely damaged and dry hair.
  • Resistance: in the reconstruction stage, the Resistance mask is a great option, as it rebuilds the strands from the inside of the hair fiber.


Oh, and I have to agree that the products from the Kérastase line aren't very cheap, but if your hair is really in need of a super help, maybe it's worth investing in just one of the masks, and choosing a version that is more suitable for the treatment step your hair needs most.


Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

For those who like products that follow the “good and cheap” category, you can now include the tip of using a Novex mask for your hair schedule.

And with so many good mask options, you can put together a complete Novex treatment by choosing products from different lines, but that meet each of the treatments and stages of the CC.

And to help, we have a suggestion of Novex products for each stage of the CC:

  • Mysteries of the East: to bring life back to the strands and shine, it's worth using this ultra-deep hydration mask, which acts inside the strands, leaving the locks soft again.
  • Argan Oil: in the nutrition phase, the mask with natural oil is a perfect choice, as it acts more deeply, nourishing the capillary structure and giving the hair a lot of shine.
  • Anti-Age Reconstruction Plastic: in the reconstruction stage, the most intense mask that makes a capillary plastic surgery on the wires is the perfect option. This line, in addition to rebuilding the strands, also acts on the anti-aging of the hair.

Low Poo / No Poo

And for those who follow the “Low Poo No Poo” line, who seek natural hair treatment without introducing parabens, silicones and other chemical components, we have separated some released products, so just make your favorite combination and follow a schedule table capillary.

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Links to Hydration Masks: Curls Yes! Haskell / Yamasterol Cream / Novex No Poo

Links to nutrition masks: Kanechom Nutrição Intensiva / Inoar Doctor / Sete Oils

Links to reconstruction masks: Max Keratin Novex / SOS Bomba de Vitaminas / Arte dos Aromas

Photos Before and After Hair Schedule

And for those who want to see photos of the results of those who have already followed the hair schedule, we've separated a selection of before and after photos, so you can see the difference in treatments for different types of hair.

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
After the treatment the hair became more shiny
Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
The curls were more defined after the treatment

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
Wires are brighter

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
The hair became more straight

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
In the after, hair with less frizz is noticed

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
Hair with highlights looks healthier
Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
It is noted that the hair became more shiny
Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
Frizz has been controlled

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
The result is hair with more shine.
Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!
In the after, the hair was straighter

Capillary Schedule: Complete Guide To Take Care Of Hair!

Now there are no more excuses for not leaving your hair well taken care of, after all, you don't even need to do salon treatments or even spend a lot of money. So, now just take advantage of the tips in the post and have healthy and beautiful hair!

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