Chamomile Shampoo – What It Is For & How To Make It At Home!

Chamomile Shampoo – What It Is For & How To Make It At Home!

Especially in the summer, both women and men tend to leave their locks light and bright with the face of the sun season. Those who don't want to invest in chemicals have been looking for more natural and even ancient alternatives to conquer the much-loved golden locks.

Chamomile has become one of the main natural resources used to lighten hair, which is why we can increasingly find product options in stores, supermarkets and pharmacies that have this ingredient in their formula. Would you like to use chamomile shampoo on your locks? Check out in this post tips on brands and products that are on the rise and learn everything related to this product that has been revolutionizing whitening methods.

name="envelope-or-chamomile-shampoo">Envelope or Chamomile Shampoo

Chamomile is an incredible homemade solution for those who want to lighten their locks naturally, avoiding the use of chemical products that cause damage to health.

Experts claim that the whitening effect of chamomile is due to the presence of two pigments, apigenin and azulene. Apigenin, which is a natural yellow pigment, accumulates in the threads during the times the procedure is performed, bringing the golden effect to the threads. As for azulene, which has a more violet color, it neutralizes the yellow color, thereby bringing the beautiful golden effect to the hair.

As it is a product that does not harm the hair like certain types of chemicals, chamomile shampoo has become the alternative for those looking for beautiful, clear and healthy locks. However, before including the product in your care routine, it is important to pay attention to several information. Thinking about it below, we explain it in different categories: purpose, for whom it is indicated, brand tips and much more.


name="what-is-it-for-lightens-hair-">What is it for? Lightens Hair?

Chamomile shampoo is a product that has been widely used by those who want to bring a beautiful golden hue to their locks in a natural way. In addition to brightening the strands, this shampoo also has the function of cleaning and promoting shine for the hair.





name="what-are-your-benefits-">What Are Your Benefits?

name="one-of-the-main-benefits-of-chamomile-shampoo-is-that-as-it-is-a-more-natural-product-than-other-types-of-products-it-prevents-the-hair-from-becoming-dry-and-dull-after-washing-in-addition-to-maintaining-the-hydration-of-the-locks-there-are-other-benefits-that-the-use-of-this-type-of-shampoo-can-bring-such-as-">One of the main benefits of chamomile shampoo is that, as it is a more natural product than other types of products, it prevents the hair from becoming dry and dull after washing. In addition to maintaining the hydration of the locks, there are other benefits that the use of this type of shampoo can bring, such as:

  • wire cleaning
  • Controls oiliness
  • Stimulates growth
  • Combat split ends
  • Remove dandruff
  • Brightness



Unfortunately excess oiliness is a problem that many women have to deal with. To facilitate hair care, it is currently possible to find great products that help deal with oiliness. With that in mind, we prepared a special post with shampoo tips for oily hair. We are sure that among the brands and products that we have selected you will find the perfect option for your locks!

name="who-can-use-">Who Can Use?

There's no denying that a good part of female vanity is in the beauty of locks. That's why paying attention to the care to maintain the beauty of the threads and always having self-esteem up there is fundamental.

For those who want to use chamomile shampoo to lighten their hair, unfortunately it is only possible to notice good results on hair that is already naturally light. Therefore, those with dark hair may not get the desired results.

Two super positive points that chamomile shampoo brings to blondes is that in addition to making the strands lighter, using the product also promotes radiant strands for much longer.



Can It Be Used Daily?

An important point regarding the use of chamomile shampoo is that frequent use can lead to dry hair. That's why it's important to use the product in moderation. It is best to use it only once a week, thus preventing the product from causing problems for the locks instead of benefits.

Where to Buy: Best Brands and Products

Now that you already have the main information about chamomile shampoo, it's time to know the best brands and also where you can buy the product. With that in mind, below are some of the brands that are currently being used the most and the main places where you can buy them.

It is important to remember that any hair product can have different effects that vary from hair to hair, that is, it is important to test until you find the option that best suits your hair type.


Phytoervas Shampoo is a chamomile shampoo that is currently being used a lot by those who want to lighten their locks. Those who have used it claim that its benefits are incredible, especially for those who suffer from dry hair. Its price is super affordable and can be found in different pharmacies and supermarkets for R$9.90, great price, isn't it?




Uncle Nacho

Tio Nacho chamomile shampoo is the product that is currently being used the most. Those who choose this shampoo also make use of the conditioner which, according to the brand, promises nutrition, hydration, strengthening of the threads, strength and the long-awaited lightening. A super positive point stated by those who have already used the product is the reduction in hair loss.

However, it is worth remembering that if your locks are with some kind of dye or chemical, the effect may not be as fast as you expect. Regarding the price, it is possible to find the product in several stores and websites with the price around R$25,00 reais.

All products listed can be found at:

  • Supermarkets
  • Pharmacies
  • beauty on the web
  • Mercado Livre
  • Blazers
  • Shops specializing in chromaesthetics

How to Make Chamomile Shampoo: Step by Step

Bought shampoos are not always the best for the health of our hair. There are few brands that sell products with 100% natural origin and those that sell charge more for it.

Over time, industrialized shampoo leaves residue in the hair, increases oiliness and can cause a number of problems, such as seborrheic dermatitis. A tip to get around this problem is to make your own chamomile shampoo. Want to learn how to do it? Check out our step by step:


  • chamomile essential oil
  • 1 spoon of glycerin
  • 4 spoons of neutral soap previously re-laid
  • 500 ml of chamomile chamomile concentrate

Step by step

  1. The first step is to prepare chamomile tea. It is nice to pay attention to the amount so that it is concentrated and brings more positive effects to the locks.
  2. With the tea very hot add the grated soap. Mix well until completely dissolved.
  3. Let it cool.
  4. Add the glycerin and chamomile essential oil. Put the amount of oil until you get the aroma intensity you want.
  5. Place in a jar with a lid.
  6. Let rest for 3 days before using for the first time. This will be important so that the nutrients and aroma are well concentrated.
  7. Ready! Whenever you use chamomile shampoo, remember to close the bottle well to prevent it from spoiling quickly.

Did you like our tips for using chamomile shampoo? Do you have any questions about how to make the product at home? Leave your comment.

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