Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

With a little research you can find product tips and homemade techniques for those who want to take care of their hair, but can't always be at the salon, either due to lack of money or time.

The internet helps a lot in disseminating these techniques and that's why co-wash quickly became very popular. If you are not sure what it is or are in doubt about how to do it at home, in this post we will tell you all the details about this type of amazing wash.

About the Co-Wash Technique

The co-wash is part of the capillary schedule and those who already use other techniques such as poo and low poo will also get along with this novelty.

These homemade techniques promise to make your locks healthier and more beautiful, without the need to invest in different products than what you already use on a daily basis.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

As you may have noticed, co-washing is a different technique for washing hair. You know that story about not applying conditioner at the root to not make your hair greasy? Forget about it, because this technique came to revolutionize this popular knowledge.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

What is it?

The co-wash consists of washing the hair only with conditioner, without the use of shampoo, applying the product even to the roots. Here there is no misery, it is not necessary to save product for fear of leaving the hair too greasy.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

What's the problem with using shampoo? Most shampoos found in supermarkets and cosmetics stores have sulfates in their composition.

Sulphates help clean the hair, eliminate oiliness and dirt from pollution, dust, etc. So far so good, right? Yes, but sulfate also removes the healthy part of the hair, such as natural lipids and oils.

With prolonged use of sulfate, it turns out that we no longer know the real state of our hair. He may look very healthy from these chemicals, but be malnourished on the inside.

In addition to sulfates that are super harmful to hair health, it is common to find petroleum derivatives in shampoo, paraffin, insoluble silicone, mineral oils, vaseline and a bunch of other junk that we don't need, on the contrary.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

What are its benefits?

The Co-Wash is a technique for cleaning the strands that brings a series of benefits, mainly for chemically treated hair, be it dye or straightener. Within the main benefits of Co-Wash we can mention frizz control, defined curls, shine and volume control.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!
Have you ever heard that to keep the color of dyed hair you need to wash less often? This happens because the chemical agents in shampoos and conditioners remove the ink, but with the co-wash technique, the color and shine last longer.

Who is it for?

The co-wash is indicated for all hair types, as long as the capillary schedule is respected.

Those with oily hair should be a little more careful and observe the reaction of the strands with this technique. Even so, it is indicated, but it may be necessary to give a longer interval between one application and another.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Dry hair is the one that most benefits from co-washing, as the technique hydrates and stimulates the production of natural oil. It is also a good choice for those with dyed or highlighted hair, as it restores chemical aggressions.

For those who have dyed hair it is a great technique to make the color last longer. What wears out the color in the washes is the shampoo, so maintenance is easier and the beautiful color lasts longer.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!
Curly hair tends to be drier, because the natural oils from the roots do not reach the ends. The co-wash massage helps take the oiliness to all the hair, giving it a softer and more hydrated look. In addition, the technique also avoids the famous frizz, those little strands that become electric and spiky.

Oily, highlighted, dyed, straightened, curly, wavy, curly, dry, normal, mixed hair: everyone can co-wash.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits! Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

What Type of Conditioner to Use?

Now comes the moment of truth: not all conditioners are suitable for co-washing. Those who invest in this type of technique need to get used to reading the labels, because the product may contain a hidden ingredient that will make the technique not work.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Conditioners with insoluble silicone and petrolatum form a layer on the hair and prevent water and other nutrients from entering, which is why the co-wash does not work.

In addition to preventing nutrients from entering, these agents can cause several problems on your scalp, such as hair loss and seborrheic dermatitis.

Avoid conditioners that have the following items in their composition: alkane, dodecane, petrolatum, silicon, dimethicone, isododecane, isoparaffin and mineral oil.

Even finding a product that does not have these items in the composition, it is important to always read the label before buying, as companies change the compositions with a certain frequency and a product that you trusted may have these items.

Can I Do Every Day?

This is a very important question for anyone thinking of investing in this technique. As it does not harm the hair, it is possible to co-wash every day, but it is important to observe how the technique reacts to your hair.

Some women use the technique every day, others intersperse with the use of shampoo while others co-wash only once a week.

If your hair is naturally oily, it is not recommended to use the technique every day, as it may look dirty. In that case, it's better to intersperse with the use of shampoo.

Care in choosing products without chemical agents that are harmful to health should also be applied when choosing shampoo. One technique does not cancel the other and for the effects to be enhanced you must use good products.

Regardless of the technique you choose to use, sulfate-free and petroleum-derived products are always the best options. Even for everyday washes, without following the capillary schedule.

Regardless of whether you choose to do it every day, intersperse with the use of shampoo or use the technique only once a week, it is extremely important to never let more than a week go by without washing your locks. The accumulation of oil can stimulate the proliferation of fungi.

If for some reason you do the technique and then go more than a week without washing, we recommend that you use a deep cleaning shampoo to remove all residues.

Best Co-Wash Products

Below we list some products that can be used for the co-wash technique. As we said earlier, it's important to always read the label before buying, as the formula can change.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

As you can see, they are cheap conditioners, easily found in supermarkets, cosmetics stores and pharmacies. Yamasterol, for example, is a super old brand that never goes out of line precisely because it is indicated in techniques such as no poo, low poo and co-wash. It can also be used as a combing cream and costs less than R$7.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

The choice of product is very personal. Within the sulfate-free options, we have several brands with the most different prices. The tip is to test to find the product that your hair likes best. What works for you may not work for your friend and vice versa.

Co-Wash – How to Wash Your Hair with the Technique & Its 4 Benefits!

In addition to choosing the right product, it is also necessary to think about the ideal amount for application. It doesn't have an exact amount, it depends on the size of your hair and the type, for example, on dry hair there will be more conditioner than on oily hair. The tip is to test until you find the ideal amount, always leaving the hair very wet with the product.

How to Co-Wash: Step by Step

Now that you know almost everything about co-washing, it's time to learn how to do it at home. This technique is very simple and you won't spend more time than a normal shower. Let's go step by step!

  1. Start by wetting the locks with warm water. Be careful not to use too hot water and end up cooking the wires.
  2. Massage the root with your fingertips to loosen the natural oil in the scalp.
  3. Remove excess water using a towel. Don't rub the wires on the towel.
  4. Apply conditioner to the roots and then spread to the ends.
  5. It's important not to save product, it's to get really smeared.
  6. Massage the hair well, including the scalp, so that the dirt is loosened and the hair is clean.
  7. To massage the locks always do from the root towards the ends to remove all the dirt.
  8. Rinse your hair in cold water taking care to remove all residues.
  9. You can apply the more concentrated oil to the ends without using mineral oil and rinse well.
  10. Finish as usual.

To further enhance the co-wash action, you can combine the use of the conditioner with some essential oils, such as copaiba, lavender, lemon, orange or cedar.

It is worth mentioning that the co-wash must be done within the capillary schedule and must not be used directly. Every 15 days it is very important to do a deep wash using anti-residue shampoo to avoid the accumulation of oiliness.

The first few times you do this technique, it's common to feel that your hair is heavier and oily. This happens until your hair gets used to the novelty. As it makes your hair more oily at first, it is not recommended to invest in this technique on a day when you have an important event, for example. After the organism gets used to it, your hair will be normal and without the appearance of excess oiliness.

Did you like to know a little more about co-wash? Have you ever done it? Did you like the results? Leave your comment.

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