Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

How to Identify Types of Curly Hair?

So that you can take care of your locks properly, you need to know which types of curly hair are and which category your strands fall into. And the best way to find out is through examples. In the following images you can understand the difference between the types of wires.

  • Number 1: Straight hair;
  • Number 2 (A, B and C): Wavy hair;
  • Number 3 (A, B and C): Curly hair;
  • Number 4 (A, B and C) Curly hair.

It's important to note that your hair may fall into one category at the back and another at the front. There is also a difference when it is dry or wet.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

if you are in hair transition, that is, if you are going back to curly hair, your hair will also fit into more than one category.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Cabelo 3A

Since it is often a little difficult to distinguish between curly and curly hair, we decided to give you a more in-depth explanation of the hair in the third category. The 3A are the ones that look like they were made with curling irons. That is, women with these locks have defined and regular curls, but loose.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

3B hair

Bunch 3B is a little more curled than the previous one. In this way, the β€œS” shape becomes narrower. In that case, the hair gets well defined curls. With regard to their main features, women with this type of hair often suffer from dry ends. Since, due to the type of strand, the natural oiliness of the hair cannot go through its entire length.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

3C hair

Anyone with 3C hair has even tighter, more defined curls. For the same reason as 3B hairs, women with this type of lock also tend to have dry ends.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Cabelo 4A

Finally we come to the hair of the fourth category: the curly. The first one is a junction of twists and curls, for this reason the curls are not very defined. To differentiate it from the previous type, just watch it while it's wet. 4A hair continues with the curls, while 3C hair is just wavy. This one is even drier at the ends than the previous ones.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

4B hair

This hair type has even tighter curls, but less definition. Therefore, most have a zigzag shape, especially when they are dry. In that case, the strands are thinner, which also makes them more brittle when they need hydration.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

4C hair

Finally, we come to the last of the curly hair types. Women who fall into category 4C have strands that form very squeezed springs and that shrink even more as they get closer to the scalp. For this reason, it is often difficult to identify the curls when the locks are dry. Just like the previous type, they are usually thin and can also be quite brittle.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Tips for Taking Care of Your Hair

Now that you've figured out which of the curly hair types fits yours, let's talk about the best ways to take care of your strands. The main tip we have is to follow a capillary schedule. With it, you know exactly what your hair needs. But for that, you first need to find out what the current state of your locks is. For that, do a test. Put a thread in a glass of water and see the result:

  • If it floats: you need one hydration better.
  • If it sinks: needs a good one reconstruction.
  • If it stays in the middle of the glass: you need nutrition.

For each of these processes, there are different products, as you can see in the image below.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Going back to the hair schedule, there are several types that you can follow. It all depends on how healthy your hair is. Below you can see an example:

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Specific Products

Once you find out what your hair type is and what it needs, it becomes simpler to define which products are best for it. And to give you a little help in this regard, we have separated some of the favorites among the bloggers in this segment.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!
With a very current proposal, the line Love, Beauty and Planet presents products that are good for the threads, without harming animals and the environment.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Before moving on to the next topic, we need to talk about the products No Poo, Low Poo and para Co Wash. Many brands had to adapt to meet this new demand. After all, many women, especially curly and curly ones, have noticed that some substances present in shampoos are quite harmful to the health of the hair. Therefore, these new washing techniques, which mean:

  • in the poo: complete elimination of shampoo in the wash.
  • Co Wash: washing technique for those who are adept at No Poo, using only conditioners without insoluble silicones and without prohibited substances in the hair.
  • low poo: use of lighter shampoos, which do not have the prohibited substances mentioned in the image below.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Photos and Ideas of Cuts and Hairstyles

Finally, after all these tips and information, it's time for you to be inspired by the beautiful references of courteous e hairstyles for curly hair that we separate below.

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

Curly Hair Types – How to Identify & 37 Incredible Inspirations!

After all these tips, we hope that you are already able to identify which of the curly hair types yours fits. With that, it's much easier to take care of your wires and keep them healthy. And if you want to go even deeper into the subject, how about taking a look at our posts about 10 products for curly hair, hairstyles for this type of hair and the best ways to treat it. Did you like our tips, did you have any questions or do you have a suggestion? Do not forget to leave your comment!

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