Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!

Above all, hydration is recommended for all cases, but few know how it should be done step by step. Do you need to go to the salon? Is it possible to resort to home treatments? What are the most suitable inputs?

As there are several questions, we prepared this complete guide on deep hydration. Understand how it works, the importance and how to do it in curly, blonde, chemically treated hair, among other varied cases. You will definitely be surprised.

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
How to hydrate your hair? | pinterest

First, what is hair hydration?

According to experts, It is an essential treatment to replenish water and hair nutrients that are lost daily. Anyone who thinks that only chemistry is responsible for this is wrong.

Everyday, the wires lose strength due to pollution, sun rays, as well as the use of dryers, flat irons, anyway. It is worth noting that hair is a part of the body and as such also requires care.

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Hydration can be done with several ingredients | pinterest

Wires without hydration, in addition to losing nutrients, become opaque, dry and ugly. Also, you start to notice more serious problems over time, which appear due to lack of maintenance.

The best part is that hydration is very simple, you can do it yourself at home with basic products. It starts with the frequent use of shampoo and conditioner, evolving into the use of masks and other fortifying options.

Keep Your Hair Beautiful | pinterest

What is the Importance of Hydration?

Why is it important to do deep hydration?

In addition to daily hair care, such as washing well and using shampoos, conditioners and creams, it is recommended to resort to complete hydration from time to time.

As we pointed out, this process helps replenish nutrients in the strands, keeping them healthy and looking great. This goes for all hair types, even oily ones.

Hydration is important for a range of benefits. Starting with chemically treated hair, to prevent dryness. Likewise, they keep the wires revitalized.

In addition, it ends with split ends and frizz, nuisances that affect many people. It's also important to make the wires malleable and brighter, ensuring an amazing look for any occasion.

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Example of moisturizing hair mask | amazon

Some questions:

Should hair hydration be done every day? According to dermatologists, only on dyed, dry or chemically damaged hair. Already in natural and oily hair, weekly hydration is enough.

Does the conditioner work as a hair additive? Yes, but it does not replace hydration. It's a daily use product that helps keep hair healthy, but masks are more efficient.

Is it possible to hydrate at home? For sure! There are a number of easy-to-use products and inputs. So, you don't have to spend to do the procedure in the beauty salon.

Who has oily hair can moisturize? Yes! In that case, it can be a weekly hydration or every fortnight. Also, the tip is to use a lighter product, which should be applied away from the hair root. Afterwards, wash your hair with exfoliating shampoo.

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Hydrated hair makes all the difference | Photo: Pinterest

How to Do Deep Hydration: Step by Step

Now that you know what it is and how it works, how about learning how to do deep hydration step by step? We have prepared many amazing tutorials for various cases!

 For curly hair

Curly hair deserves frequent hydration, precisely because it dries out more easily compared to straight hair. Also, treatment is important to avoid problems like frizz.

Among the hydration recipes for curly hair, the best ones are:

With aloe – the plant also known as aloe vera is perfect for leaving hair beautiful and healthy. To make it, take an aloe vera leaf, open it and remove all the pulp.

Then blend with water in the blender. Then mix the cream of your choice. Apply strand by strand and protect with a cap. Let it act for about 20 minutes. Wash well with conditioner and voila! This potent blend is perfect for your curls!

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Via: Studio Luiza Mari

With coffee and olive oil – mix a tablespoon of coffee with a spoonful of olive oil and two spoons of your favorite cream. Apply strand by strand and use a brush to apply to the root of the hair. This scrub is perfect for scalp health. Protect the wires and let it act for half an hour. Afterwards, just wash! Your wires will thank you!

In addition to coffee, you can also use a egg yolk to enhance hydration. Apply, leave for 20 minutes and rinse! The difference is astounding!

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Via: Today

With honey – buy a moisturizing mask that best suits your curly hair. Then add a spoonful of honey and mix well. Ahead, apply strand by strand, carefully, to penetrate well. Put on a cap and let it act for half an hour. Finish with the wash.

Other ingredient options for moisturizing curly hair: cornstarch, cocoa powder, coconut milk and glycerin. For each homemade ingredient, always use a moisturizing cream to mix and serve as a base.

See more in the post: Hydration for curly hair.

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Photo: Pinterest

 for blonde hair

Who has blond hair should also resort to deep hydration. Especially those who use this dye to transform their look.

It is worth noting that, to achieve the ideal blonde, the strands must be discolored. With that, excess chemistry is inevitable. So, to keep your hair healthy, check out some recipes.

Power Combo – mix two tablespoons of hair mask with one tablespoon of chamomile tea, one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of glycerin and one teaspoon of olive oil. Wash your hair and apply lock by lock. Let it act for half an hour and finish with the wash. This combo is perfect for dry blonde hair!

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Via: Archzine

coconut oil – only with this ingredient it is possible to leave your blonde locks healthy and hydrated. Just pass through the locks and keep for about thirty minutes. Wash well and notice the transformation in your hair!

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Photo: Pinterest

With Apple Cider Vinegar and Vitamin Supplement – in fact, apple cider vinegar is a versatile and functional product, even considered miraculous. Mix two spoons of capillary mask with a capful of Glicopan Pet, a vitamin supplement suitable for animals, but which can be used on the hair for hydration.

Apply to all hair and let it act for about thirty minutes. Then mix 100 ml of ice water with 50 ml of apple cider vinegar. Rinse and apply this mixture, keeping it for 10 minutes. Finish with the wash and see how your strands are soft and looking new.

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Photo: Pinterest

The recipes apply to damaged and dry blonde hair, hair with highlights, colored locks, among other similar situations. See more tips in the post: Hydration for blonde hair.

For very damaged / chemically treated hair

Those who resort to dyeing and use a lot of flat iron, dryer and babyliss can have damaged hair. Therefore, deep hydration is necessary to rebuild and revitalize the hair.

Here are some powerful recipes to make your hair beautiful again:

With Bepanthol – make a potent mixture with these ingredients: a tablespoon of honey, a few drops of liquid keratin, a capful of liquid Bepantol and two tablespoons of reconstruction mask (preferably cassava). Mix everything and apply strand by strand. Let it act for thirty minutes and wash well. The change is clear!

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Photo: Pinterest

coconut oil – another wonderful recipe for deep hydration uses two spoons of hair mask, one spoon of coconut oil and a few drops of liquid keratin. Mix well and apply all over the hair. Let it act for half an hour and finish with the wash.

Deep Hydration – How to Potentialize Wire Hydration!
Photo: Pinterest

Tip: for capillary reconstruction, choose masks for this purpose. In fact, there are products with renewing nutrients that add shine and softness, in addition to revitalizing the hair. A good mask costs between 50 and 150 reais.

Finally, would you like to know more about deep hydration? Put the tips into practice and make your hair beautiful! Good luck and see you!

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