Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!

Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!

So, if you've already identified your hair as dry, let's see the special tips to put into practice and take care of your locks.

Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!

Difference between dry and dry hair

It is quite common to use the definitions of dry and parched interchangeably, but these are actually different definitions.

  • Dry: the dry aspect refers to a type of hair, as well as oily strands. This term is used to define strands in which the natural oiliness of the scalp does not reach the entire length of the hair, and thus tends to leave the hair looking dull and dry.
  • Resected: the characteristic resected for the strands is a condition that can happen temporarily, such as a situation where the hair was resected after a chemical procedure. Thus, dry hair is not a definition for the type of hair, but a kind of temporary damage.

Although the terms refer to different conditions for the threads, the good news is that in both situations it is possible to treat the threads so that they are healthier and brighter.


Dry Hair Care Tips

How to Wash?

Wire washing can be a determining factor in leaving the hair dry or even highlighting this aspect of the locks. So, we separate some tips on what to do and what to avoid during the dry hair washing process.

Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!
During the wash massage the scalp
  • Use products from specific lines for dry hair;
  • Avoid washing your hair in hot water, the ideal way to avoid a dry look is to wash it in warm or cold water;
  • Do not rub the strands against each other. Washing should be done carefully and massaging the scalp in circular motions to stimulate the production of sebaceous glands;
  • Add to the washing routine conditioners and masks with vegetable oils in your formulation.


Which Shampoo to Choose?

The choice of shampoo can be decisive in taking care of dry locks. Therefore, the best indications are shampoo with ceramides or vegetable oils among the ingredients, which clean by treating the wires.

Thus, prioritize shampoos from the line for dry hair, which have a specific formulation for your type of hair.

Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!

Among the shampoos that should be avoided on dry hair, the deep cleaning shampoo should be left out of the care routine, as it can show the dry aspect of the locks.

Hair Schedule for Dry Hair

If your strands have a dry appearance as a characteristic, one of the possibilities is that the natural oiliness of the scalp does not reach the entire length, which is why it is essential to include a schedule of treatments in the care routine, ensuring that the hair returns to its original condition. more shine and stay healthy.

Therefore, a good alternative is to have a capillary schedule for dry hair, in order to guide the ideal type of treatment for each hair wash. And to give you a little help in the treatment phase, just follow the schedule that we have set out for you.

Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!

take care of food

Several factors can influence the appearance of dry strands, and one of these factors is food, which can be poor in nutrients and thus affect the appearance of highlights.

So, to help with hair treatment from the inside out, one solution is to have a balanced and diversified diet.

The varied and nutrient-rich diet helps not only to combat the dry aspect of the locks, but also makes the strands stronger, even preventing hair loss.

Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!
The diet should be varied and rich in nutrients.

In addition to keeping an eye on your diet, another important factor is hydration from the inside out, which boils down to drinking water. That's right, low water intake can also affect the wires.

In this way, it is worth paying attention to the amount of water taken per day, to improve not only the hair, but also the skin and several other factors.

Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!
Drinking water helps with hair structure

How to Hydrate Dry Hair: Step by Step

For those who suffer from dry strands, a good solution is to adopt a schedule with frequent hydration, in order to ensure that the entire strand is hydrated, softening the dry appearance, and ensuring more softness and shine to the strands.

To help with the process of taking care of the highlights, we have put together homemade hydration recipes, so you can take care of the strands at home and spending little.


Homemade hydration with banana and honey


  • 1/2 banana
  • 5 tablespoons of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!

How to Prepare and Apply:

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

For application, wash your hair with shampoo, remove excess water and apply the mixture from root to tip.

Let the hydration act for 5 minutes on the wires and then rinse in warm or cold water. To finish, complete the wash with a conditioner for dry hair.


Homemade moisturizer with avocado


  • 2 tablespoons of deep moisturizing hair mask
  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
Dry Hair – 7 Tips for Wire Care & How to Hydrate!
Hydration leaves hair healthier and shiny

How to Prepare and Apply:

To prepare homemade hydration, love the avocado well and mix the other ingredients.

For the application process, wash your hair with mild shampoo, after rinsing remove excess water and apply the mixture to the strands.

Let the homemade moisturizer act on the hair for 20 minutes and then rinse the locks well.



If you have this type of yarn and have a special care tip, share your tip with us.

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