Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

The embroidery cutting machine is an innovation in the hair world, and nothing more is that it is a machine that is used along the locks and only removes the split ends, that is, it is an invention for those who have always dreamed of taking only the ends.

And if you've already heard about the embroidery cutting machine, but still have a lot of doubts about it, let's go to the post to clarify the doubts and find out if this type of device really delivers what it promises.

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

It works? Results with Split Ender

The embroidery cutting machine seems like a revolution in the hair world, after all it is a technique that promises to remove only the split ends, but without changing the length. And with a promise of this level, it is doubtful whether this type of device really works.

If you are one of those people who have doubts about the Split Ender's functionality, know that this is a really effective machine in what it promises.

The embroidery cutting machine has leveling combs, through which the strands of hair pass and so the machine can identify the ends that are not level with the strand, and thus cuts only those ends, removing split ends and removing excess frizz from the strands. locks.

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
The machine has a reservoir where the split ends removed go

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
The machine must be passed along the strands of hair
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Long blonde hair just got healthier
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
The photo shows the result of the tips removed.
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
You can see the split ends removed using the Split Ender
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Split Ender works and leaves hair looking healthier
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Hair is smoother and healthier

How to Use Embroidery Cutting Machine: Step by Step

To understand how the embroidery cutting machine works and how to do the procedure step by step, let's go to the tutorial.

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

  • Wash your hair only with shampoo to open the cuticles of the strands and leave the split ends more exposed to use the hair dryer;
  • Rinse your hair well and comb the strands untangling them;
  • Dry your hair and make a brush along the locks to make the strands level;
  • Separate a thin strand of hair and place it inside the embroidery cutting machine, like a flat iron;
  • Turn the machine on by pressing the arrow downwards and slide it along the length until you reach the ends;
  • Redo the same procedure on the strand 4 to 5 times to remove all the split ends;
  • Do the same step by step along all the hair and always separating it into thin strands;
  • At the end, wash your hair with conditioner or use a mask to treat the strands and make them healthier and free of split ends.


What Hair Type Can You Use Embroidery Cutting Machine?

With this technology that promises to remove split ends, the doubt arises as to which indication to use in relation to the type of hair, and the excellent news is that the Split Ender or similar machines can be used on all types of hair, ranging from different lengths, chemically, straight and even curly.

In the case of curly hair, it is essential to brush the strands beforehand, so that the hair is leveled to pass through the combs of the machine.

The only type of hair that the embroidery machine may not be as effective with is very short hair, as the length is insufficient to pass the machine along the strands.


What is the Recommended Frequency of Use?

To use the embroidery cutting machine safely for the threads, the recommendation is to do the process every 3 months, during which time new split ends begin to appear along the locks.

The frequent use of the machine, in addition to not being effective, can also thin the ends of the hair and make the length thinner.


Are There Risks of Using Split Ender?

As the procedure involves using a machine to remove split ends, there are risks.

Among the most frequent risks that the use of the machine can bring are:

  • The hair can get tangled up between the machine's leveling combs, so the ideal is to detangle and brush the strands before the procedure, in addition to always doing the process in fine strands;
  • Frequent use of the machine can make the ends thinner, so always follow the advice to use the device every 3 months;
  • To use the machine correctly, always use the button with the arrow pointing down, as the arrow pointing up can cause great damage to the wires.


Results with Embroidery Cutting Machine – Before and After

And of course the question remains whether it is really worth investing in this type of device and in the technique of removing split ends. And in this case, the saying β€œa picture is worth a thousand words” really works.

To show that the split end remover machine is effective, we've gathered before and after photos of the procedure, so you can see the results of healthier hair without split ends.

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Red hair looks healthier

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Edges are more even

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
The ends had more movement after the split ends were removed
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Wires are healthier

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
The split ends made the hair look dry
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Removing the split ends made the hair more straight
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Blonde hair looks healthier
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Straight hair is frizz free
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
The wires became more aligned

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Hair is healthier with more natural movement
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
In addition to making the ends healthier, the hair was even less frizzy.
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Hair looks healthier after removing split ends
Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?
Removing split ends left hair with less frizz

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

Where to Buy: Tips on Stores and Prices

After seeing the wonders that the embroidery cutting machine can do for the strands, removing the split ends and leaving the hair with a healthier appearance, the desire to have a machine like this to call "yours" is not it?!

And for those who are crazy about embroidery cutting machines, we've made a selection of models and prices, so you can choose a model and set your budget.

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

Links to buy: Fasiz / Fasiz Split End / Split End Remover

Embroidery Cutting Machine: Split Ender – Does it work? How much does it cost?

Buy Links: Split Ender Pro / Edge Trimmer



Have you tried this type of device to remove split ends? If you've used this technique to make strands healthier, tell us in the comments what your experience was.

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