Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

This style, which has conquered women, shows that the shaved cut, in addition to being more practical in everyday life, can still give a more stylish and even more feminine look, as it is not possible to maintain the paradigm that femininity is associated with long hair; after all, there are very short and shaved ones that show a very sensual side of women.

And if you're still afraid to dare with shaved women's hair, we've brought inspirations of cuts that can make you change your mind and adhere to the use of the machine to cut the locks.

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

Women's Shaved Hair Photos and Inspirations


Starting with a bolder version, the female shaved hair is an option that has been showing that female beauty does not depend on the length of the hair.

The idea of ​​completely shaving the hair is a trend that is very high and many celebrities around the world have already opted for this idea of ​​shaving all their hair and betting on highlighting the face to highlight female beauty.

Women's shaved hair is a very practical idea for everyday life, but asks that the machine be used more frequently to keep the cut up to date and enhance the shaved cut.

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

For those who think that the female shaved hair trend is a version that is only among foreign celebrities, they are wrong.

Actress Camila Rodrigues has already bet on the look to live a character, but the truth is that the celebrity did not hide her shaved hair and bet on this look as a bet to show her face more.

And let's agree that it got even more beautiful, right?!

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

Another celebrity who can be a source of inspiration for women's completely shaved hair is British actress and model Cara Delevigne.

The international celebrity bet on the radical change and the shaved strands highlighted the beautiful face of the famous, in addition to highlighting the light eyes even more.

That is, shaving all the hair is a great bet for those who want to emphasize the shape of the face or even highlight the color of the eyes.

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

And for those who want to show a modern style with shaved hair for women, it is worth taking inspiration from this idea that brings the shaved strands and the detail of the side parting, which makes the style more modern.

In addition to the parting, dyed blonde hair still leaves dark skin lit and enhances the face.


Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
The cut gives it a modern look.
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
Isabella Santoni has also bet on the look
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
The famous Kristen Stewart has also bet on the look
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
The hoop earring stands out with the shaved hair
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
The shaved cut makes the face stand out

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!


From the side / Sidecut

The sidecut, or known as side shaving, is a version of the English cut that marked the style of the punk movement.

Even though this punk trend has passed, the side shaved cut is not in the past and nowadays it is a feminine shaved option for those who want to convey the idea of ​​​​a modern and edgy style.

The advantage of the female sidecut cut is the possibility of hiding the side shave with the long hair on the other side, so you can have two styles in one cut.

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

Among the celebrities who have already bet on women's shaved hair, Demi Lovato is one of them.

To show a more modern and daring look, Demi Lovato bet on the side shave and used her medium hair all thrown to one side, highlighting the sidecut cut.

To further enhance the look, the celebrity brushed her hair to the side, highlighting the bold cut.

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

And to show that the side shave cut works with different hair lengths, this idea shows Demi Lovato with the sidecut and long hair.

In the proposal, the celebrity bet on a cut with a shaved side and with the rest of her long, blonde hair, which was used on the side to highlight the modern style of female shaved hair.

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

And if the idea is to modernize the look, it's worth doing a mix between side shaved hair and purple hair.

In this proposal, the idea was to use shaved hair on one side and bet on a short cut for the rest of the locks, which were still dyed purple, highlighting the idea of ​​a modern and cool look.


Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
The soft pink hair goes well with the side shave
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
Long bangs were worn to the side
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
Short hair has one side shaved
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
Scarlett Johansson bet on the side shaved with short hair

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
Rihanna has already adopted the shaved hair

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!


No Nut / Undercut

The undecurt is one of the variations of the female shaved cut, and is characterized by the shaved nape of the neck, which can be used as a stylish way of cutting or even as a trick to reduce the volume of the locks.

The female undercut is characterized by a shaved nape and is a cut that can be more versatile, as it is only visible when the hair is tied up, so you can use the cut visible or hidden.


Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

Among the ideas for adopting shaved hair at the nape of the neck, one of the inspirations is this version that features a more stylized undercut.

For the cut, the nape shave is diamond-shaped and has a gradient style, where the base of the nape is more shaved and the top of the design has less shaved strands, forming an interesting detail for female shaved hair.

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

Another amazing and creative idea for the shaved neckline is the possibility of making designs on the shaved area, as shown in this idea.

In the proposal, the shaved cut appears in the nape of the neck and brings the geometric design in the shaved area, which gives a more modern style when the hair is worn up.

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

And for those who want to bet on the versatility of the female undercut, the idea here shows a classic bob cut with a shaved nape.

In the idea, the shaved nape brings marked lines that value the cut, which is hidden when the hair is loose.


Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
The asymmetrical cut leaves the undercut visible

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
The shaved hair at the nape features simple designs
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
The undercut features a lotus flower design.
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
Loose hair hides the undercut with geometric designs
Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!
The ponytail shows off the feminine undercut

Female Shaved Hair – 44 Powerful Women with the Cut!


So, would you adopt any of these styles? Tell me in the comments which look you liked the most.

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