Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

The shave brings modernity to the cut, it goes with all types of hair, regardless of length. It suits all ages, but of course it doesn't suit all styles.

If you want to do a sidecut and are in doubt if this is really your cut, we will show you super modern and beautiful inspirations, in addition to talking a little more about this cut that is so popular.

About Sidecut

The sidecut originated in England, but won the world. With the explosion of the punk movement, people began to express themselves differently, fleeing the standard.

Although it is a more radical cut, it is possible to adopt the sidecut without giving up the cut you already use, as it is very versatile and in some cases it is even possible to hide it whenever you want.

What is it?

The sidecut is nothing more than the side shave of the head. It is a controversial cut, some say it shows rebellion while others believe it is a modern and bold cut.

It suits all types of faces and hair, but it takes personality to sustain a different cut. That's why it's very adopted by those who have the most alternative look.

Sidecut vs Undercut: What's the Difference?

If you're thinking about doing a sidecut, you've probably also heard the term undercut. Some professionals use both terms to define the same cut, in this case shaved on the side, but there is actually a very important difference.

In the sidecut, only one of the sides is shaved, while in the undercut, the entire side is shaved, leaving long strands only on the top of the head.

The two cuts are very stylish and are successful within the most varied styles. The undercut is a bit more daring as there is no hiding it and the hair is very attention-grabbing.

With the side shave, if your hair is long, just throw the locks to the side that covers the shave, which is great to avoid criticism from more conservative family members or jobs that involve this type of cut.

Female Sidecut Photos and Inspirations

The shave can be shaved on the zero machine, a little longer, with a design, combined with colored locks, among many options. The idea is to create a unique and original style.

Now that you know everything about the side shave, it's time to check out the inspirations to choose which style best suits you and can be adapted to your look.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Curly hair

The side shave in curly hair makes the cut even more evident due to the volume of the strands. In Brazil, the shaved hair fever started precisely with curly hair.

This cut is super stylish and suits women of different ages and styles. Being able to be used with shorter or longer hair, it is an option that matches any length.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!
The volume of the curls is an excellent combination to do with the side shave. The more volume, the more beautiful the cut is. The volume molds the shape of the face, making the look even more beautiful and accentuating the beauty.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!
When the shave is only up to the height of the ear, we call it a false sidecut. The original shave reaches the nape of the neck. The fake is a good alternative for those who want a beautiful cut but want to hide it from time to time. Let's face it, people still have a closed mind and in many places a simple scratch on the head is not well seen, as is the case with many companies out there.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

The most voluminous hair is super high. As the saying goes "in the land of flat iron, whoever has curls is queen". Currently, women are assuming their curly locks and leaving aside products that promise straightening, but end up spoiling the locks over time and causing different types of health problems.

Short hair

Short hair is already naturally a more modern and relaxed cut, so the combination with the sidecut is amazing. The short ones don't lose anything to the long ones, the woman doesn't lose femininity and they are more practical to keep on a daily basis.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Many famous people have opted for the sidecut with short hair and that is precisely what has inspired other women to also bet on this type of cut. If they can sustain a cut like that, so can we all!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!


The nape shave can be more discreet if you have long locks, that is, the cut only shows when you tie your hair. This is a modern trend that is increasingly making women's heads.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!


The designs, also called tattooed sidecuts, are a modernization of the cut that is so successful. The drawing is done with a razor and it takes a lot of skill to make something different and beautiful.

The beauty of the design is due to the difference in length between the strands, causing a charming and cool effect. Check out some beautiful inspirations:

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

The complexity of the drawing depends on the skill of the professional. See references to other work he has done to ensure quality and the final result. We do not recommend that you try to work with the razor at home, as it can be dangerous, in addition to the difficulty of making a symmetrical design.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!


Smooth hair

We can say that the side shaved with straight hair is the most rock in roll look that we can admire, as it was rock and punk singers who started this fashion.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Blond hair

On dyed blonde hair, you can use the side shave in two ways: with a darker root or also in a blonde tone. Both versions are beautiful and attention-grabbing.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!
For those with short blonde locks, the sidecut used by the singer Pink can be an excellent inspiration. This is a sidecut combined with a modern and super radical cut.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Black hair

Black hair is super stylish and goes well with the sidecut, either the natural color or the dyed locks.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!
Scratches are one of the designs most used by sidecut fans.
Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!
For those looking for a modern and youthful look, a great combination that can be done with a sidecut is the fringe. There are several fringe options that can be chosen, the important thing is to analyze all the models and conclude which one best matches your style and personality.

Red hair

The sidecut on the red locks is one of the more radical versions of this cut. Some of the shades of red that are best combined with this cut are: mahogany, blood red and cherry. To get inspired, we've separated below some options for cutting red locks to be enchanted and rock when choosing the option that will revamp your cool look.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Red highlights are one of the most sought-after coloring options right now. If you still don't have red locks and are looking for inspirations of shades of red to choose the one that suits you best, we prepared a super special post with 35 tips for red hair dyes. It's a shade more amazing than the other so you can be enchanted!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Blue hair

Blue hair cut is one of the most modern and beloved versions of the cut. It is possible to make different combinations such as putting feminine dreads, drawings and combining another color with blue. Below we separate some models of side shaved blue hair to inspire you.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!
The combination of blue and black can be an excellent option for inspiration. This is a modern combination of coloring for a sidecut. It can be a good choice for those looking for a modern look without worrying about patterns.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!
For those looking for a cool and radical look, the designed sidecut can be an excellent option. In this model that we have separated we can see an excellent example of modern design.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Pink hair

The side shaved pink hair is a true show of style and personality. The pink color is one of the most beloved by the brave ones who like colorful locks full of personality. To keep the cut beautiful, it is very important to do the monthly maintenance of the cut. Depending on the length of hair growth, it may be necessary to do one to two scrapings per month.

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

Female Sidecut – What It Is, Valuable Tips & 50 Stylish Cuts!

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