Gray Hair / Granny Hair – 60 Wonderful Hair & How To!

Gray Hair / Granny Hair – 60 Wonderful Hair & How To!

If before the idea was to hide gray hair, now the trend is gray hair for all ages. Within this style there are several shades for you to choose which one suits you best. Need inspiration? In this post, we'll show 60 wonderful models, give tips on shades and even teach you how to dye gray hair at home without needing help. Let's check it out?

name="gray-hair-pictures-and-inspirations">Gray Hair Pictures and Inspirations

Gray hair can come in many different shades, some darker and some lighter. Regardless of the tone chosen, the challenge will certainly be to maintain the color.

The tip is not to wash your hair every day, keeping the routine every other day. It is also important to use shampoo and conditioner that are suitable for dyed hair, as the chemical is milder in them and does not remove the dye as easily.

Despite all these precautions, gray hair can be an ungrateful color. As it is a gloss bath, the fixation is weak, that is, it fades very quickly and the maintenance can be fortnightly. For those who go to the beach and pool, the durability may be even smaller.

Although it fades quickly, it is common for gray hair to have a more closed color when dyed and will open up as you wash it. This means that even when the color starts to fade, it will still look beautiful and stylish.

name="dark-gray--graphite-hair">Dark Gray / Graphite Hair

Graphite gray hair is a more closed color, but no less modern. In fact, this trend started with platinum hair gone wrong. When platinum at home, the color may turn out to be leaden, quite different from what you want. It turns out that this lead color is also wonderful, which has made many women look for graphite gray hair.




As it is a darker shade, it may not be necessary to bleach the hair over and over again. In a medium yellow tone, it is possible to conquer this color without the need to harm the locks even more.








clear / platinum

Platinum hair can be white or gray. The two versions are wonderful and combine with the most varied styles. Want to see some inspirations? Check out the models we separate:





Those who dream of light gray platinum hair cannot escape discolorations. The hair needs to be in a very light shade of yellow, almost white for the dye to take evenly. The amount of bleaching will depend on the natural color of your hair, if it is a medium blonde one bleaching may be enough. For those with black hair, it may be necessary to bleach it up to 3 times.

We know that when we start changing the look, anxiety hits hard and the will is to see the final result quickly. However, in order to discolor several times, it is necessary to give a break of one week between one and the other and take care in the hydrations in those intervals. The hair becomes fragile and there is no point in having the color of dreams in damaged strands, right?








The bluish gray hair has an extra charm. The main difference is when the sun hits, the reflection is in shades of gray and blue. Combines with modern and alternative styles.





Leaving the roots dark is a trend and also helps with maintenance. You don't have to bleach every time you reapply the glitter bath. Leave to discolor the root every two or three months.







I enjoy

Gone are the days when short locks were considered only men's cuts. Currently, we can see more and more women adhering to short strands and rocking their beautiful and practical locks.

There are so many cut options available that it is difficult to choose the most beautiful and stylish option. Among the most popular cuts we can find: pixie, chanel, peaked, among other options.

Betting on short locks can be the right choice for those looking for a modern and bold style, even more so when the cut will be combined with a beautiful gray color.

A super advantage in betting on short locks is the practicality that this choice brings to everyday life. Elegant and super modern, the short cuts are perfect for those who want to undergo a radical transformation, such as dyeing their locks gray.

To get inspired, we have separated the following beautiful options for short gray hair. We are sure that among the amazing ideas below you will find the perfect option for your look.


The pixie cut, also popularly known as joΓ£ozinho, is that cut in which the locks are cut super short. This cut model has everything to do with the modernity and practicality that those who bet on short locks are looking for.

In addition to bringing joviality to the look, the pixie cut is also the right choice for hot summer days. Some people believe that betting on this cut means being stuck with a single look for the locks. But what many people don't know is that this cut has different versions that can be used when you want to change your look, such as: ruffles, bangs, messy style, among others.











There is no denying that long locks are the dream of many women. This is because, in addition to being beautiful, the long strands make it possible to create a wide variety of hairstyles for the most different occasions.

A combination that has been conquering women is the long locks with the gray color. More and more we can see women with long hair adhering to this super color trend.

Some professionals recommend that those with long, very straight hair invest in a cut that is not too straight. That's because this type of cut can make gray hair look sad.

Among the cuts most used by those with long gray hair are: Chopped, V-cut, U-cut and layered.

To be inspired below, we have separated some incredible ideas for long gray hair to inspire you and rock the change of your locks.




For those who want to give a special touch to straight locks for a special occasion like a wedding, for example. The tip is to invest in beautiful curls at the ends. Both with the babyliss and with the flat iron it is possible to make this detail in the hair.

Would you like to learn some techniques to learn how to curl your hair? Check out the special post we prepared with 9 amazing techniques!









If you are part of the winning team of women who have given up the straight hair pattern and dared to leave their springs beautiful and loose, granny hair can be a super ally to bring even more style and beauty to your life.

Whether in any of the shades of gray hair, the curls look beautiful.

To be inspired below, we have separated beautiful ideas for curly gray hair to inspire you and give your look a boost.




The care to keep your curly locks always beautiful is very important, but to know how to take care of them in the right way, it is important to know what your hair type is. Thinking about it, we prepared a special post with all types of curly hair and 35 ideas to make your hair amazing!








How to Leave Gray Hair: Step by Step

It is not necessary to spend tons of money to get gray hair done in a beauty salon. Of course, it is always better to count on the support of a qualified professional to guarantee the results, but due to lack of time and money, this is often not possible. The good news is that gray hair can be done at home without much difficulty. Let's learn how to leave the highlights with this stylish color?

  1. The first step is to analyze your hair color. Obligatorily to make gray hair it is necessary to discolor the locks, unless your hair is naturally a very light blonde. There's no point in being stubborn, it doesn't work on dark hair without discoloration.
  2. Discoloration is not a seven-headed bug. Using hydrogen peroxide and good quality bleaching powder you can open up to 8 shades in the first bleaching. If it is necessary to discolor again, allow a period of one week.
  3. With the bleached locks it's time to start the process to make the hair gray. Wash your hair only with shampoo to keep the scales open.
  4. Apply the product and leave for the time indicated on the package. We recommend that you use a gray or silver gloss bath, there are several quality brands on the market to choose from. The shine bath does not have ammonia and therefore will not damage the wires.
  5. You can apply it all over your hair, including the non-bleached parts. As it does not have ammonia, the product will not lighten the hair, just make it more hydrated.
  6. Remember that the glitter bath yields little. For shoulder length hair it may be necessary to use a tube and a half of product. For waist-length hair, two tubes are needed.
  7. After following the instructions, wash your hair and style as usual.
  8. It is normal for the gray tone to open from the first wash, it may be that in the first application it will have a bluish tone.
  9. Now let's talk a little bit about maintenance. Gray hair can be wonderful, but it doesn't last long. The color fades quickly and this requires bi-weekly maintenance. Reapply the product every fortnight and don't be afraid, as most products also work as hydration.
  10. Easier than you thought, right?

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