How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

The good news is that there are several ways to lighten your hair with natural methods, without harming your locks. As you can imagine, these techniques require an extra dose of patience, as the result you want may take a while to appear. On the other hand, it is worth conquering the hair of dreams without giving up the health of the strands.

In this post, we'll teach you how to lighten your hair with simple materials that you probably already have at home. In addition to preserving the yarn, it will also be a very economical way to change the look.

How to Lighten Hair: Techniques and Tips

Want to learn how to lighten your hair? There are natural ways like using milk or chamomile, but there are also chemical products that help in this process, as is the case with ink and hydrogen peroxide. It all depends on what you want to do, so we'll teach you all the techniques showing the main advantages and disadvantages. Let's learn?

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

How to Lighten Hair Naturally

Lightening your hair naturally is an excellent alternative for those who don't like using strong chemicals on their hair. More and more women are concerned about how chemical use affects their overall health. In addition, frequent global discoloration detonates the wires, they become dry, brittle and still run the risk of having a chemical cut.

With natural techniques this does not happen. However, regardless of the method of how to lighten your hair, it is important to invest in weekly hydration. Even though it is a natural option, the hair will suffer from dryness, of course much less than with traditional discoloration, but it still needs special care.

Hydration is a way to bring moisture, nutrients, shine and softness back to the locks that may have been lost during the procedure done to lighten the hair. Thinking about it, it is important to look for ways to hydrate the locks, thus ensuring that the health of the threads is always up to date. To help you with this care, we prepared a special post with egg hydration recipes. Ever heard of hydration with egg? As much as it sounds strange due to the smell, hydration made with egg has a number of incredible benefits!

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

With Ink

Do you want to know how to lighten your hair with dye? That's the million dollar question! In fact, in these cases there is no way to whiten it with a natural method. If your hair is already dyed, you will need to pickle it, which removes all the dye, but also removes nutrients and hydration from the strand.

If your goal is to lighten your locks using dye, but without discoloring, the mission is more difficult. It all depends on your natural hair color, light blonde or medium blonde hair allows lightening using dye and peroxide.

In darker hair, however, it is impossible to get a lighter tone in the first application of dye. You can only apply dye once a month and to get the right shade without smudging it can take up to six months.

If your hair doesn't have any kind of chemistry, it's much better to do the global discoloration and dye it the desired color.

In all situations, you will need to invest in a hair schedule complete with hydration and restoration to return softness, shine and prevent hair breakage.

There is no natural way to lighten your hair with dye. The cosmetics market is always launching new products, our suggestion is to search for less aggressive products.

Blonde hair is considered more fragile hair that needs a care routine to ensure healthy strands. Thinking about improving hair care, it is important to always be aware of new trends in homemade hydration, new products, ointments, among others. Thinking about helping you with your hair care, we prepared a special post with product tips and homemade recipes to hydrate blonde hair!

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

With hydrogen peroxide

This isn't really a tutorial on how to lighten your hair naturally. Hydrogen peroxide is very harsh on the hair, leaves it dry and can be better used in conjunction with bleaching powder to achieve the desired effect at once. Despite this, it is possible to use hydrogen peroxide to lighten gradually.

The tip is to use hydrogen peroxide volume 10 which is the least aggressive option. You still run the risk of turning your hair orange, so it's at your own risk!

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

How to Lighten Hair with Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a good alternative for those who want to learn how to lighten their hair, but don't want blonde strands. With this spice so often used in the kitchen, it is possible to leave the yarn with a more coppery hue and escape the traditional blonde.

  1. Mix 2 spoons of cinnamon, 2 spoons of moisturizing cream and 2 spoons of honey.
  2. Apply the cream to the still damp hair.
  3.  Cover with a cap or bag.
  4. Let it act for 2 hours.
  5. Wash and repeat once a week until you reach the desired shade.

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

With lemon

Before learning how to lighten your hair with lemon, it's important to know that lemon works like an acid, so it shouldn't be used close to the scalp. You should also be careful not to splash on your skin, as if you go out in the sun it can stain and even cause serious burns.

  1. Juice of 4 squeezed lemons.
  2. 3 spoons of conditioner or moisturizing cream.
  3. Place the mixture in the spray bottle.
  4. Go three days without washing your hair.
  5. Apply sunscreen to your body and face.
  6. Cover your shoulders with a towel.
  7. Use the spray bottle to moisten your hair with the mixture.
  8. Be careful not to stain the skin.
  9. Stay in the sun until the lemon mixture dries on your hair.
  10. Wash normally.

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

with honey

Honey works as an antioxidant and is rich in several vitamins, such as vitamin A, D and C. If you're a fan of homemade recipes, you've probably seen hydration with honey in the composition. It's great for making your hair soft, but it also fits into one of the techniques on how to lighten your hair.

  1. Dilute 2 spoonfuls of honey in a spoonful of water. It is important to use pure honey.
  2. It will form a very homogeneous mixture.
  3. This technique does not depend on the action of the sun. The tip is to apply the mixture of honey and water to damp hair after washing only with shampoo.
  4. Cover up using a cap or a grocery bag.
  5. Let it act for at least 3 hours.
  6. Rinse and finish as usual.
  7. Repeat once a week.

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

How to Lighten Hair with Chamomile

We can say that learning how to lighten your hair with chamomile is the simplest way of all and it still leaves your locks with a very nice smell. This is one of the most used techniques, mainly for children who dream of lighter hair, but are not old enough to bleach it in the salon.

The hair is lightly golden and the time to achieve this result will depend on your current hair color, but after 4 applications you can see the first lighter tones.

  1. The first step in learning how to lighten your hair with chamomile is to make a very concentrated tea. Make 4 teaspoons to a cup of water. Let it boil well.
  2. Turn off the heat and let the tea cool completely.
  3. Wash your hair using shampoo only. Shampoo opens cuticles while conditioner closes, so for best results it should not be used.
  4. Apply chamomile tea at room temperature to still wet locks.
  5. You can use a spray bottle or wet your hair all over with the tea.
  6. To maximize the results you can take advantage of the action of the sun. The tip is to apply chamomile when you go out in the sun or leave the house.
  7. Leave for 6 hours and then wash your hair normally.
  8. Make the chamomile application once a week until you reach the tone you want.

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

With milk

Have you ever thought about using milk to make your locks golden? This technique on how to lighten hair is used together with chamomile and is inexpensive, after all, everyone has milk in the fridge. It is important to remember that this method only works with sun exposure.

  1. Boil a cup of milk with 3 spoons of chamomile. The idea is to leave a very concentrated mixture.
  2. Let the milk cool completely and apply to clean locks.
  3. Stay in the sun for 2 hours. It is important to get away from the hours of strong sunlight, that is, do it before 10 am or after 15 pm. Don't forget to apply sunscreen to your face and body.
  4. Wash your hair normally.
  5. Repeat the technique once a week.

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

with bicarbonate

Bicarbonate brings some benefits, in addition to being a technique on how to lighten your hair. He is a homemade option to do deep cleaning in highlights, removes oiliness, fights dandruff and eliminates chemical residues from pollution or other used products.

  1. Mix 1 part baking soda to 5 parts water. Another option is to add baking soda in the other recipes we teach.
  2. Apply the mixture to clean hair and let it act for half an hour at the most.
  3. It's important to remember that bicarbonate dries out the thread, so it's recommended to repeat the bleaching every 15 days and invest in good hydration between intervals.

How to Lighten Hair – 15 Effective Ways & Top Tips!

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