How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!

How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!

The treatment is an alternative option to the well-known hair botox done in salons, but in this case there are adaptations for those on a tight budget who want to invest in a treatment at home to renew the strands and make them healthy and beautiful.

And if you still don't know the homemade hair botox technique and want to learn more about how to take care of your hair at home and in a more natural way, we've separated tips that will help you with this task.

How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!

About Homemade Hair Botox

What is it? What is it for?

Capillary botox, despite referring to an aesthetic skin filling treatment disguising wrinkles and increasing desired regions, does not use botulinum toxin, but has almost the same principle.

The idea of ​​capillary botox is to fill in the structure of the strands, renewing the hair and leaving the strand less aged, that is, it is almost an anti-aging renewal of the strands.

How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!
Botox fills the capillary structure

In this case, hair treatment is done with specific products for the locks, but you can also bet on homemade recipes, and thus adhere to homemade hair botox, which has the advantage of being cheaper and not including chemical products in the treatment of locks.

In addition to ensuring the filling of the capillary structure and renewing the strands, this treatment also works to leave the locks with less frizz and volume, which is perfect for those who want to take care of the locks and at the same time control the volume.

How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!
After the procedure, the wires are more aligned

Who Can Use?

As homemade capillary botox is a technique that consists of making homemade recipes with products you have at home, and flees the idea of ​​using industrialized products and chemicals, the procedure is very democratic and almost everyone can adhere to one of the recipes to take care of the hair.

How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!

The restrictions are for pregnant women, who must always ask for medical approval to test new techniques and products, and also for those who are allergic to any of the ingredients used in homemade recipes.


Are There Risks?

The existing risks may be related to each type of recipe, that is, mixing ingredients that react negatively with each other, hence the importance of following the recipes exactly and avoiding mixing chemically prepared cosmetics to β€œupgrade” the recipe.

If the idea is to make a homemade recipe without risking your locks and your health, the ideal is to use natural ingredients and follow grandma's recipes, which bring benefits to your hair, but without risks.

And in order not to take risks, the ideal is always to do the strand test, passing the recipe on only one strand and analyzing if there was no reaction.

How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!
The strand test shows the action of the mixture on the hair

How to Do Homemade Hair Botox: Easy Step by Step

And of course, after discovering the possibility of having your hair treated at home with homemade capillary botox, there could be no shortage of step-by-step recipes.

This way you can take advantage of the recipes and recover the capillary structure in an economical and simple way.


Recipe with Honey and Cornstarch


  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1 egg, sifted (removal of the egg film does not leave the smell in the hair)
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon moisturizing cream
  • 1 vial of vitamin A

How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!

Method of preparation:

Put all the ingredients in the blender, except the hydration cream and vitamin A. Beat everything until it's a homogeneous mixture.

Put the mixture in a container and add the cream and vitamin. Stir to mix everything.


How to apply:

To start the homemade hair botox treatment, wash your hair with clear or anti-residue shampoo and repeat the process twice.

Remove all the shampoo and with a towel remove excess water from the locks. Keep applying the homemade capillary botox mix strand by strand, avoiding the root.

Apply all over the hair and massage the hair so that the product is better incorporated into the locks.


Time of Action and Ending:

Let the mixture act on the hair for 30 minutes.

After that, rinse your hair well and apply conditioner to finish the washing process.

For best results, use a hairdryer and flat iron to close the hair cuticles.


Recipe With Coconut Milk


  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda

How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!

Method of preparation:

In a container put all the ingredients, except the sodium bicarbonate.

Mix everything and finally put the bicarbonate that will react with the other ingredients releasing balls.


How to apply:

Wash your hair with shampoo only.

Remove excess water from the locks, and comb to remove the knots.

With the hair already combed, apply the mixture strand by strand throughout the hair, avoiding the roots.


Time of Action and Ending:

After applying the mixture all over the hair, let the homemade capillary botox act for 1 hour on the locks.

After the action of the products, it's time for the wash.

To wash, use shampoo as usual, and finish using a treatment mask to close the open layers of hair.


*As the recipe uses lemon, be careful not to go out in the sun and stain the skin.


Recipe for curly hair


  • 2 tablespoons moisturizing cream for curly hair
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon of corn starch
  • 1 tablespoon (dessert) castor oil
  • 1 colher (desktop) of D-Panthenol

How to Make Homemade Hair Botox – Tips & Tutorials with Step by Step!

Method of preparation:

In a container put all the ingredients and stir to get a homogeneous paste.


How to apply:

Wash your hair only with shampoo, and after rinsing remove excess water.

Separate the hair into locks and apply the recipe for homemade hair botox throughout the hair.


Time of Action and Ending:

With the mixture already applied to all the hair, let it act for 30 minutes.

To finish, just rinse and use conditioner to close the cuticles.

Now all you have to do is follow the tips to put them into practice and leave your hair well cared for, renewed, and with lots of shine and softness.

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