How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

Want to find out how to get hair dye out of your skin? In this post, we will give you infallible tips that will help you and we will also show you what to do to prevent staining.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin: Step by Step

A lot of people decide to dye their locks precisely on days when they won't leave the house, so they don't run the risk of having to show up for an appointment with their skin all stained. It really is almost impossible not to stain your forehead, especially if you are going to dye your hair yourself.

The good news is that there are very effective ways to get hair dye out of your skin that won't even look like you've stained it. Let's learn?

Sodium bicarbonate

The name is strange, but you probably have baking soda at home. It is used for burning in the stomach, in some cooking recipes and mainly to degrease dishcloths. If he's able to even remove soaking stains from the fabric, what he doesn't do on the skin, right?

To apply it is very simple, just mix a spoonful of bicarbonate with a spoonful of moisturizer or detergent. Make a paste with these two ingredients and apply it on top of the stain.

Use your fingertips to massage in circles. To avoid overdrying your skin, don't let the baking soda sit for more than a minute. Then just rinse well using warm water and make sure that no residue remains.


Who doesn't have a bottle of detergent at home? This all-too-common cleaning item could save your life when learning how to get hair dye off your skin.

The detergent is just not recommended for those who are allergic to this type of cleaning material or very dry skin, as it will dry out even more.

To apply it is very easy. Put a drop of detergent in your hand and spread it on the stain. Use your fingertips to massage in and get the ink out.

If the paint is dark, it may be necessary to wash this way more than once. Always wash gently. There's no point in getting rid of the ink stain and leaving a red spot in its place, right?


Vaseline is great for those with sensitive skin, as it is an oil that does not harm the tissues. In the tip on how to remove hair dye from the skin, it is better to use liquid vaseline.

Just apply it on the stain and massage until you notice that the foam is the same color as the ink. Wash and reapply until the stain is completely removed.

baby oil

The action of baby oil is the same as vaseline and you still hydrate the skin while removing the stain. Any type of oil is valid, including sunflower oil for the skin and liquid bepanthol.

The main care that you must have with this type of product is in relation to the eyes. If it drips or splashes in the eyes, wash it in running water until the product is completely removed.


Toothpaste is great for removing ink, but it also has an abrasive action and therefore must be used with care, especially on the skin of the face, which is more sensitive than the skin on the rest of the body.

Put a little bit of cream on the cotton and dab it over the stain. Leave it on for a minute and wash it off. Pastes with whitening action are the best as a tip on how to remove hair dye from your skin.

The contraindication is use on the skin around the eyes. It's also good to avoid applying to skin with acne or any other type of irritation.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

Coffee powder

Do you think that ground coffee only saves you from sleep and laziness? It can also be used as a technique to remove hair dye from the skin.

Coffee is often used as an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells, which can also remove ink stains. The tip is to dilute a little coffee in the shampoo and massage the stain area well.

Hair gel

Most people have hair gel at home, mainly because it serves so many functions. To learn how to remove hair dye from your skin, choose brands that do not have alcohol in their composition. Alcohol can cause redness, itchiness and other types of allergies.

Apply on the stain, massage and rinse. As the hair gel does not have abrasives in its composition, it may be necessary to apply it several times until you reach the desired effect, that is, a skin without hair dye stains.

Stain remover

Think you're the only one who has problems with how to remove hair dye from your skin? Most women who dye their hair at home struggle to get the stains out, especially on the forehead and ears.

The demand for this type of solution is so great that some cosmetic brands are already launching products to remove stains. We can say that this is the best option for those who suffer from allergies and have very sensitive skin.

This type of product is tested before being sold, which is why it is better than homemade solutions.

Knowing how to dye your hair yourself is a great way to keep your look beautiful and still save money on the beauty salon. Want to learn? Check out the special post we prepared with a complete step-by-step to dye your locks at home in a super simple way. We are sure that after learning to upgrade your look whenever you have a little free time, it will become routine!

How to Prevent Skin Blemishes?

The saying goes: better safe than sorry! Of course, it's much easier to be careful not to stain your skin than to have to remove the stain afterwards. The best thing is that with simple care you can avoid this problem.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

The first tip is very obvious, but many women neglect to use the powerful gloves. With the gloves your hands are protected and no nasty stains. Latex gloves are stronger and better than most gloves that come in the paint box. A pair of gloves at the pharmacy costs less than a real and is certainly worth using.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

The conditioner on the forehead and ears is another infallible tip. The tip is not to pass too close to the scalp on the forehead so as not to get flaws in the ink.

It can be any type of conditioner or even body moisturizer. It's worth using whatever you have at home, no buying products for this purpose.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

Another important tip is to part the hair and never apply directly to the scalp. Leave at least half a centimeter at the root, it doesn't make a difference in the look, but it also doesn't look like you just painted it because your head is full of paint.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!


How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

After applying the dye, carefully secure all of your hair and place a plastic bag over your head. In addition to muffling and making the color more intense, this will prevent the hair from touching the back and shoulders.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

Our last tip is also obvious, but deserves attention. Put on an old T-shirt that covers your shoulders and place a stainable towel on top.

Leave these pieces separate for whenever you need to dye your hair at home, so you don't ruin other clothes and keep your skin protected.

How to Remove Hair Dye from Skin – 8 Infallible Techniques and Tricks!

Do you still have questions about how to remove hair dye from your skin? Tell us, which of our tips worked for you? Leave your comment.

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