How to Remove Hair Dye Stains

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains

When coloring the locks, some care is needed to avoid embarrassment. 

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Luiza Costa Cachuda

However, ink stains can end up appearing and some tricks are true miracles to remove them. 

If you want to know everything about how to remove hair dye stain and stay on top of precious tips, follow the post and learn more! 

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Women's Area

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains: Step by Step

Dyeing your hair at home may even seem easy, but if you don't take the necessary care, stains can appear on your clothes, skin, hands and nails. 

When coloring your hair, use a protective gel or even a modeling ointment in places that can get stained, such as the ears and forehead. 

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Triider

In the case of the ear specifically there is a protector to prevent the appearance of stains when dyeing the hair. 

Just put the item in the ear before the process and take it out after the end. This will protect your ears from hair dye. 

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Techexpertolux

When dyeing your hair, seek expert help so that the procedure has an incredible result. 

However, if you prefer to paint at home, enlist the help of another person to get better results and stay away from stains. 

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Virtual Salon

Below we have selected some tips on how to remove hair dye stains from clothes, skin and hands. Follow! 

Clothes / Fabric

Stains on clothes and fabrics when dyeing hair are common. After all, the toner can splash and end up staining the clothes. 

Due to the chemical properties of the paints, the products have effects that last a long time and therefore the stains can be very difficult to remove. 

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Remove Stains

In addition, for best results, the paint must be removed as soon as possible, that is, when it is still fresh. 

Below we have selected some techniques that can help you remove paint from clothes and fabric. Look!

White vinegar 

White vinegar is a great ally when it comes to removing stains from clothes and fabrics. 

Because of this, he will help you remove the hair dye that stained your clothes. 

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Dr Lava Tudo

That said, take some white vinegar and pour it over the stained area, then apply some stain remover to help with the process. 

Rub gently and try not to spread the stain to larger areas. 

Finally, rinse the piece with water and let it dry. That's it, your piece of clothing or fabric is free of the ink stain. 

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can help remove stains caused by coloring. 

Therefore, apply the hydrogen peroxide over the stained area and with the help of a brush gently rub over the stain. Finally, rinse with plenty of water and let the piece dry.

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Cleanipedia

Detergent with bicarbonate 

The detergent used with the baking soda can help you remove the stain from your clothes. 

The process can be done with dry clothes, mixing the detergent and bicarbonate until the mixture becomes pasty. 

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Women's Tips

Put the mixture on the stain and rub gently, let the combination work for 10 minutes and then rinse with water. 

Cabelo spray 

Using hairspray to remove stains should be done when the paint is still wet. 

Therefore, apply the spray directly to the paint and rub the stain with a clean cloth.

Also count on detergent and water to scrub, so that the result is even better. 

Of the skin

Anyone who dyes their hair with a certain frequency knows that the appearance of spots on the skin can appear at one time or another. 

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Naturally Beautiful

And often they don't just come out with soap and water and can end up giving a headache to those who just dyed the locks. 

Therefore, staying on top of how to remove hair dye stain from the skin can make the difference for the look to be impeccable. 

  • hair oil: The product can help remove hair dye stains from the skin.

    Apply a few drops on the stains and let it act for a few minutes, then use cotton with warm water to remove the hair oil and stains.
    How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
    Source: The Oil



  • Moisturizer: Moisturizer is an option for removing stains on the skin due to hair dye.

    Apply the product on the spots and then massage a lot, leaving the product for a few minutes. Then rinse with soap and water.
  • Cotton with sweetener: This combination can be a great ally in removing skin spots caused by hair dye.

    Put a few drops of sweetener on the cotton and apply it to the skin, rub until the stain is removed from the skin. Then rinse with soap and water.
  • White vinegar: White vinegar can be used on fabrics and skin to help remove hair dye stains.

    In this way, apply the white vinegar directly to the stain and rub it with the help of a brush or soft sponge. Then rinse with soap and water.
  • Toothpaste: Toothpaste can be a great ally when it comes to removing stains caused by hair dye.

    Moisten the stain with water and then apply the toothpaste by massaging it with a soft brush, forming a foam.

    Then rinse with soap and water to remove the stain and toothpaste.


  • ink remover: If you prefer a professional solution, it's worth investing in hair dye remover. Follow the directions on the package and remove the patches from your skin.

    How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
    Source: Canal da Lu – Youtube

Hands / Nails

When dyeing your hair, stains sometimes appear. 

One of the actions to prevent stains from appearing on the hands and nails is the use of disposable gloves. 

But if you didn't take that care and the paint ended up staining your hand and nails, you can remove them with some products. 

Water and soap: As soon as you finish dyeing the locks, immediately wash your hands with water and neutral soap so that the stains are removed as soon as possible. 

Stain remover: In cosmetic stores you can find hair dye removers for skin and nails.

These removers have formulas that do not harm the skin and are therefore a safe option.

Also, the faster they are applied, the better the result. When applying it, use cotton or a cotton swab and rub gently to remove the stain.


How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: The Oil


Vaseline: Vaseline is an option for those who want to remove dye stains from their hands and nails.

Because it has moisturizing properties, it can even serve as a preventive measure when dyeing your hair.

But if the stains have already reached the hands and nails, apply Vaseline and massage the place. Then rinse with water and mild soap. 

Vegetable oil: Vegetable oils are one of the options for removing stains caused by hair dye. Coconut oil and almonds are among the top recommendations. 

Apply the vegetable oil on your hands and nails, leave it on for at least half an hour and rinse afterwards with warm water and neutral soap. 

biphasic makeup remover: When compounded with water and oil, the product can help remove stains. 

Use damp cotton with the biphasic makeup remover and rub over the stains. Wait at least 5 minutes for the product to act in the region and then rinse with warm water and neutral soap. 

Toothpaste: Toothpaste is a quick and easy option for removing stains from hands and nails. 

Wash your hands with soap and water and then apply the toothpaste over the stains and scrub the area with a soft brush.

Repeat circular movements until the stains are completely removed. Finally, rinse with warm water and mild soap.

How to Remove Hair Dye Stains
Source: Woman

Hair gel: Hair gel can also help remove stains on hands and nails caused by hair dye. 

Apply a generous amount to the area and massage well. Finally, rinse with warm soapy water and then apply a moisturizer. 

Coffee powder and shampoo: Make a mixture with a spoon of coffee powder and shampoo. Use a cotton pad to spread over the stain.

Then massage gently. Finally, rinse with warm water and mild soap. 

White vinegar: White vinegar is a powerful device for removing stains caused by hair dye. 

Moisten a cotton pad with white vinegar and make circular motions over the stain. 

Repeat the process until you notice that the stain has been removed. Wash your hands thoroughly afterwards with warm water and soap. 

Finally, apply moisturizer to your hands so they don't get dry.


Neutral detergent: A quick solution is to use a neutral detergent to remove stains on the hands and nails caused by hair dye. 

Wash the area with warm water and neutral detergent. After carrying out the process, rinse with water and apply moisturizer. 

And so, did you like to stay on top of how to remove hair dye stain? Share with those who need to know this and leave a comment. 

Be sure to also read – Fernanda Souza's Hair – Get inspired by 30 Famous Haircuts!

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