How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!

How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!

Hydration for curly hair

Hydration means keeping water in the hair, so it is necessary to leave the strands hydrated so that they retain this precious substance. For that, there are some amazing homemade recipes you can make. And best of all, most of them are made with products you probably have at home.

How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!

banana and honey

This is one of the simplest ways to learn how to care for curly hair. This recipe can be made 1 time a week and will ensure that your strands are more soft and shiny. For this hydration, you will need:

  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 1 Spoon of Honey.

Just knead the banana well using a fork or putting it in the blender. Then add honey and mix. Pass on the wires, after they are clean and humid. Let it act for about 20 minutes and rinse. You can still pass a conditioner to finish the process.

Beet and Carrot

Unlike other hydrations, this mixture has a liquid consistency. Still, it's great for hydrate and define hair. For this, you will need:

  • 1 Sprayer;
  • 1/2 glass of filtered water;
  • Half raw carrot;
  • Half raw beet.

To begin with, place the carrots, beets and water in a blender and blend. When all the ingredients are well mixed, strain and pour into the spray bottle. Then apply it all over your hair and let it act for 20 minutes to two hours. To finish, rinse and apply conditioner.

Chocolate powder

Maybe you don't know, but cocoa is an incredible substance for those who want to eliminate frizz of the wires and hydrate them. For this recipe, you will need:

  • 1 spoon of chocolate powder;
  • 2 Scoops of hydration mask.

To do this hydration, just mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave for about twenty minutes, rinse and seal with a conditioner.

Bepanthol and Saline

if you need a deep hydration, you can bet on these two products. To make this recipe, you will need:

  • Sprayer;
  • 200 ml of physiological saline;
  • 1 cap of Bepantol.

Just mix the two products and put it inside the sprayer. Apply to the strands and finish the curls normally, using a leave-in or combing cream. This recipe can even be kept in the fridge and used four times a week.


One of the best hydrations for curly hair that exist is with Maisena. After all, this product helps to enhance the benefits of masks, making mixing a great way to recover dry hair. For this, you will need:

  • 2 spoons of Maizena (corn starch);
  • 1 tablespoon of moisturizing mask;
  • 1 glass of cold water;
  • 1 complement (it can be 1 cap of Bepantol, 1 spoon of olive oil, 1 spoon of vegetable oil or 1 vitamin ampoule).

To begin with, mix the water with the Maizena and bring to the boil until thickened, stirring constantly. When the recipe has a creamy consistency, turn off the heat, let it cool a little and add the other ingredients. Then wash your hair with shampoo, rinse and apply the recipe to all locks. Let it act for about 30 minutes and rinse with water.

Curly Hair Products

Of course, to know how to care for curly hair, you also need to find the right products for your strands. In everyday life, some of them are fundamental, such as shampoo, conditioner, combing cream, leave-in and moisturizing mask. Since you can't do without these items, we've prepared a list of some of the best products of each type.

But before talking about them, you need to know what they are. No-poo, Low-poo e Co-wash. These three terms refer to hair care techniques that avoid the use of products with sulfates. This is because these substances, responsible for the foam formed when washing the hair, not only remove dirt, but also natural oils and lipids. Despite having the same base, each of these terms has a different characteristic.

  • No-poo: does not allow the use of any shampoo during washes.
  • Low-poo: allows shampoo's, but they must not contain sulfates, petrolatum, vaseline, liquid paraffin and mineral oils.
  • Co-wash: it is a kind of complement to No-poo, as it boils down to washing the hair with conditioners that do not contain petrolatum and insoluble silicones.

These techniques have become quite famous lately, especially among curly and curly women. And for that reason, many brands began to invest in this segment. Therefore, most of the following products are based on these forms of curl care.

How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!
Line Light-Poo Elseve – Average price: R$32,90.
How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!
Gel and cream Leave-in Sou + Cachos Yenzah – Average price: R$39,90.
How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!
Deva Curl Moisturizing Mask – Average price: R$108,00
How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!
Yamasterol Multifunctional Cream – Average price: R$3,96.
How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!
Neutrox Classic Conditioner – Average price: R$6,99.

Tips on how to take care of curly hair

If after all the tips that we gave you before, you still want to know more about how to take care of curly hair, you can be sure that there is no lack of techniques with this function.

Dry / With Lights

In curly hair, care should already be regular, now imagine for strands that are dry or that have lights! Among the top tips for these locks are:

  • Be weekly hydration! Take the opportunity to try the recipes we taught you earlier.
  • Before washing your hair, carry out a few minutes of scalp massage. This helps distribute the natural oils from the root to the rest of the length.
  • Use leave-in products to protect the strands and prevent moisture loss.
  • Make a shine bath using half a pack of toner (with a color close to your natural color), 2 spoons of hair moisturizer and 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide. First, wash your hair with a moisturizing shampoo. Afterwards, remove excess water from your hair and apply the mixture. Let it act for 30 minutes, rinse, use a hydration ampoule and rinse again.
  • Be thermal hydration with specific products and a warm cap or towel.
  • Pass vegetable oil on the wires as a pre-shampoo.

How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!


Opinions on voluminous strands are quite diverse, but the truth is that, if well taken care of, this look looks amazing. And for you to learn how to take care of voluminous curly hair, we separate some tips:

  • Use a fork comb at the root of the locks, from bottom to top. This technique ensures more volume for the wires.
  • Dry the hair with the help of a diffuser.
  • Do not abuse products, they can bring a heavy result to the locks.
  • Prefer to cut your hair in layers or spiked.


The short cut is one of the most requested by women who need practicality in their routine. And for the wires to remain amazing, there are several care that you must have. Of course, you can and should follow the tips mentioned above, but there is also another method that can be used: the capillary schedule. Ideal for all types of hair, this technique establishes the frequency with which you should hydrate, nourish and rebuild the strands. It is important to know that between one stage and another, an interval of at least two days is required, each step requiring a different frequency.

Since you already know everything about moisturizing your locks, it's time to learn more about the other two processes. Reconstruction is based on returning keratin to the hair, leaving it stronger and shinier. However, this procedure should generally only be done once a month, otherwise the result may be the opposite. Nutrition is already made to restore the oiliness of the threads. This must be done with the help of vegetable oils.

How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!
Source: Pinterest.
How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!
Source: Pinterest.


Most people who have curls have already gone through a situation in childhood, where adults did not know how to take care of curly hair. Therefore, if your child has this type of hair, you need to know how to keep it healthy.

  • To begin, never comb dry curly hair. In addition to harming the shape of the curls, this also makes the strands more voluminous. Prefer combing with wide combs when the locks are still damp.
  • No wash your child's hair every day, because its natural oiliness takes longer to reach the ends.
  • Do not wash the hair with very hot water.
  • Avoid using a hairdryer.
  • Don't let your child sleep with wet hair.
  • Use products indicated for children, aimed at this type of hair.

How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!


Men with curly hair also need to take some specific care to keep their strands beautiful and strong. For this, some regular steps are needed. For example:

  • Wash your hair with the right shampoo for that type of strand.
  • Be sure to use conditioner. It helps maintain hydration.
  • Avoid washing the wires every day. If you prefer, bet on a dry shampoo
  • Be weekly hydration. Some products even take just ten minutes to act.

How to Take Care of Curly Hair – 35 Precious Tips!

After all this information, you certainly already know how to take care of curly hair. And if you want to check out more beauty tips, how about taking a look at our posts about party hairstyles, how to curl your hair and how to dye your hair yourself. Did you like the post, do you have any questions or suggestions? Leave your comment!

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