How to Take Care of Thin Hair – Tips & How to Thicken the Wires!

How to Take Care of Thin Hair – Tips & How to Thicken the Wires!

How to Take Care of Thin Hair – Tips & How to Thicken the Wires!

What is fine hair? Understand!

One of the hair types that take the most work is fine hair. According to dermatologists, thin hair is the type of hair with a thin shaft. It is important to understand this difference because many with thin hair (few hairs on the head) say they have thin hair when in fact their problem is quantity.

A fine hair fiber is easily noticed by touching it, it has a smaller thickness. You can differentiate in the look of those with thick hair and in the touch with your fingertips too. Which is very different from thinning hair.

Why do some people have fine hair and others don't? Genetics is an important and very common factor. Babies are naturally born with fine hair, and some people stay with a similar thickness for decades. Genetics is actually the most important and highest scoring factor in keeping hair thin.

Hormonal changes common in women over 40 can also lead to thinning hair. Is that why so many ladies of ages like your grandmother have thin hair? And yes! Changes in natural hormone production caused by menopause can bring this effect to the surface of the hair fiber.

Chemical processes can also make hair thinner as they remove some layers of hair fiber over the course of applications. These are procedures such as tincture, relaxation, stretching, reflexes, among others.

Inadequate nutrition can also be responsible for the maintenance of thin hair. Wires can change thickness and become fragile when not taken care of and many factors in everyday life can be responsible, from food to products used.

How to Take Care of Thin Hair – Tips & How to Thicken the Wires!

How to Thicken Thin Wires: Step by Step

Homemade trick is always good, isn't it? Who doesn't like a homemade recipe to hydrate, keep the locks up to date or solve an annoying problem like thin hair. The best news is knowing that it's simple to thicken thin strands. Just follow the step by step below.

Easy recipe to thicken thin hair

You will need:

  • A tablespoon full of gelatin powder;
  • 100 ml of natural water;
  • Two full tablespoons of vegetable oil or aloe vera;
  • A reconstructive mask of the brand and scent of your choice;

How to prepare – In a pot of your choice and without metallic parts, mix your gelatine with water, heating immediately afterwards for 40 seconds.

Then put the two tablespoons full of your favorite reconstructive mask and mix until you get a homogeneous cream in your pot. Then just add the vegetable oil and mix until you can't distinguish the ingredients in the pot.

How to apply – Apply this homemade mask once a week right after washing your hair. Separate strand by strand, place a little in the center of the hand and continue applying with a light massage.

Put on a thermal cap (like laminated paper) and let it act on the hair for 15 minutes. Then wash well with water only (without conditioner) to remove most of the product and use the comb of your choice.

How to Take Care of Thin Hair – Tips & How to Thicken the Wires!

How to Take Care of Thin Hair #tips

Thin hair can become thicker (thicker) with some simple tips to be done at home and at low cost. Are they:

  • Add collagen to your hydration. A little powdered collagen, the same used in diets to strengthen the skin, which when applied directly to the hair has a wonderful effect! The result already appears of brightness and softness in the first application.
  • Look for masks and hydration with keratin – is an ultra moisturizing substance and will also leave your hair with much more shine. Most moisturizers and conditioners for chemically treated hair are already made with keratin, but it doesn't hurt to read more carefully, right?
  • Add some aloe to your hydration. You can use the product of your choice to moisturize and add a little natural aloe vera or a substrate purchased from hair product stores. This way you will have silky and shiny threads, with much stronger colors.

Taking care of your diet to avoid thinning hair is also important. Avoid excess of frozen and processed foods, focusing on fiber in fruits and vegetables. Adding supplements or medications can help, but for such products you need to consult a dermatologist. Biotin is one of the most ingested supplements to combat thinning hair, but medical advice is needed to avoid future problems.

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