How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!

How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!

Aloe vera, or aloe vera, as it is also known, is an excellent natural ingredient for locks, which is why it has been known for so long not only as a medicinal plant, but also as an extraordinary solution for treating hair.

And if you've never surrendered to moisturizing with aloe vera or other hair treatments using the plant, today's post brings together the benefits of aloe vera for the hair and also brings excellent tips for treatments using the plant.

How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!

What Are the Benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair?

Aloe is a plant rich in vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and B13), minerals (more than 20), amino acids (18 types) and other nutrients that make the plant a medicinal option. .

How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!
Aloe vera is rich in nutrients and vitamins.

And it's not just in alternative medicine that aloe vera stands out, aloe vera in the hair is yet another option for use and that brings many benefits to the hair due to its nutrients.

To exemplify, we have listed a list of benefits of using aloe vera in your hair:

  • deep hydration
  • softness in the wires
  • Silky and shiny hair
  • Combat hair loss
  • Treatment for dandruff and ceborrhea
  • Accelerates hair growth
  • Strengthening and resistance of the strands, leaving the hair less brittle
  • Combating excessive frizz
  • Deep cleaning of the scalp
  • Protects wires from sunlight


How to Cut and Store Aloe Vera?

To ensure its best use, there is the correct way to cut the aloe vera leaf and also to store the gel extracted from the leaf.

For the first step, which is to cut the sheet, we separate a step:

How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!

  • Choose a thick shape (greater amount of gel) and with a knife cut it very close to the stem;
  • After cutting, place the aloe vera in a glass or container, so that it is in an upright position to drain the sap;
  • After standing in a vertical position for 15 minutes, using a knife, cut the sides to remove the thorn;
  • Pass the face between the sheet to open it;
  • With a spoon, remove all the gel from the two parts of the leaf.


And if after picking aloe vera and using it, there's still a little bit of the miraculous gel left, it's time to learn how to store aloe vera correctly.

And there isn't just one form of storage. We separate some possibilities on how to save the remaining gel to use aloe vera in your hair again.


  • with honey

The first possibility to store the rest of the aloe is to store it with honey, and that way you already have a mixture for the next application of aloe in the hair, and also with the benefits of hydration with honey for the hair.

For storage, extract the aloe vera gel, place it in a jar with a lid, mix well and add a little honey. Stir again to mix these two ingredients. Then just close the potty and store in a dry and airy place.

How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!

Honey is an ingredient that takes time to age and does not lose its properties, and thus helps in aloe vera storage.


  • freezing

Another possibility to save the rest of the aloe is to freeze the remaining gel.

To freeze and store aloe vera gel, remove it from the leaf, mix the gel and place in ice cube trays. Take the molds to freeze and then just take out the frozen gel cubes, wait for them to melt and use the aloe vera in your hair.

How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!
Freezing in cubes is practical for the time to use

How to Use Babosa no Cabelo: Recipes & Step by Step

And for those of you who love homemade recipes, we've separated several tips on how to use aloe vera in your hair with a complete step by step.


against hair loss


  • 1 aloe leaf


Method of preparation:

  • Extract all the gel from the aloe vera leaf and blend it in a blender until it reaches the consistency of a paste.


How to apply:

  • Apply aloe vera to the hair, especially to the scalp and massage the area with your fingertips in circular motions;
  • Massage the scalp for approximately 5 minutes;
  • Place a plastic cap over your hair to enhance the action of aloe vera on your hair;
  • Leave the hair with the cap for 30 minutes;
  • To finish, rinse your hair under running water and use conditioner to soften the locks.

Tip: to notice the effects against hair loss, repeat the aloe vera treatment once a week.

How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!

For Hydration and Strengthening of Wires


  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon moisturizing hair mask
How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!
Use a cream suitable for your hair type

Method of preparation:

  • In a container, place the aloe vera gel and mix well to get a slightly less dense consistency;
  • Then add the hydration mask and mix again to integrate the two ingredients.


How to apply:

  • Wash your hair using only shampoo;
  • As the threads have already been rinsed, remove excess water using a towel;
  • Apply the mixture throughout the hair, avoiding the roots and scalp;
  • Put on a plastic cap or thermal cap and let it act for 30 minutes;
  • At the end, rinse your hair under running water and there is no need to use conditioner.


To remove frizz from hair


  • 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 1/2 cup (tea) of water
How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!
The mixture helps fight frizz

Method of preparation:

  • In a container, mix the aloe vera gel well to make it less gelatinous;
  • Add the water and stir again;
  • Place the mixture in a container with a spray bottle.


How to apply:

To use aloe vera on your hair with an anti-frizz spray, shake the spray bottle to mix the ingredients well, leave a distance of approximately 10 cm from the strands, and spray the mixture over dry hair to reduce frizz and make your hair more behaved.


Cleaning Oily Scalp


  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon crystal or brown sugar
How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!
The mixture exfoliates the scalp

Method of preparation:

  • Beat the aloe in the blender until it becomes less thick;
  • Pour this mixture into a container and add the sugar;
  • Mix a little to integrate the two ingredients, but without melting the sugar.


How to apply:

  • With dry hair, apply this mixture to the scalp;
  • Keep massaging the scalp with your fingertips and in circular movements, until you feel the exfoliation of the hair root;
  • Massage the entire scalp for approximately 10 minutes;
  • To finish applying aloe vera to your hair, rinse your hair and wash as usual using shampoo and conditioner.


For Dry Hair


  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 2 tablespoons of honey

How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!

Method of preparation:

  • Put the aloe vera gel in a container and mix it alone to make it easier after adding the honey.
  • With the aloe vera already mixed, add the honey and stir again to form a homogeneous paste.


How to apply:

  • With dry hair divide it into locks;
  • Apply the mixture strand by strand, avoiding the roots and scalp;
  • After applying the mixture along the entire length of the hair, leave it on for 30 minutes;
  • To finish use shampoo and conditioner and wash the wires as usual.


To Accelerate Hair Growth

If you want to make your hair grow faster using homemade recipes, aloe vera is a great help, as it treats the strands and its nutrients help to accelerate hair growth.


  • 1 aloe leaf
How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!
Aloe vera helps to nourish the hair, and consequently accelerates growth.

Method of preparation:

  • Extract the gel from 1 aloe vera leaf;
  • Place the gel in a container and mix it.


How to apply:

To accelerate hair growth, apply aloe vera gel to the scalp and massage in a circular motion to stimulate the hair follicles.

Gently massage the entire scalp for 15 minutes.

Finally, rinse your hair and wash using shampoo and conditioner.


For curly hair


  • Gel from 2 aloe leaves;
  • 3 tablespoons of hydration mask for curly hair.

How to Use Aloe Vera in Hair – 7 Different and Effective Ways!

Method of preparation:

  • Place the aloe vera gel in a blender and blend until it becomes less thick;
  • Pour the beaten gel into a container and add the mask for curly hair;
  • Mix the two ingredients.


How to apply:

  • Wash or hair using just shampoo;
  • Remove excess water;
  • Apply the aloe mixture to curly hair, avoiding the roots and scalp;
  • Let the mixture act for approximately 30 minutes on the hair;
  • In the end, just rinse your hair using water.


Now all you have to do is take advantage of the tips and take care of your hair in a natural and inexpensive way.

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