How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!

To make the strands beautiful and silky, we women submit ourselves to several novelties in the hair world, or even adopt some recipes that are not specifically for the strands, but which seem to have very positive effects on the locks. And here is where all the controversy arises, is it worth adopting a non-specific hair product on our strands?

And that's the subject of today's post, after all, the much talked about Glicopan Pet has been a very controversial subject in the hair world, and before including this product in hair care, it's good to know a little more about the novelty.

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!

About Glicopan Pet

What is it? What is it for?

The name already gives a hint of the indication of the product, which has the word β€œPet” as part of the name, referring to the indicated use for animals, such as dogs and cats, among other species such as reptiles, birds and rodents.

Glicopan Pet is a compound for oral use indicated for animals, and it has a composition full of vitamins, amino acids and other components that help in animal supplementation and can even be used by animals that participate in competitions and exhibitions.

The indication is that the compound is given orally to the animals, and in this way it acts from the inside out, strengthening the pet and even functioning as a nutritional supplement in the animal's diet.

And in this wave of testing new hair products (who doesn't remember the 90's trend of using horse shampoo on human hair?), behold, at some point someone decided that it would be a good idea to test the pet compound on the locks, and then the trend of using Glicopan Pet in the hair began.


Benefits for the Hair

After someone tested the compound on the hair and saw the benefits of the product for the hair, behold, a wave of women started using Glicopan on their hair and a list of benefits emerged.

Through forums and blogs, we follow the benefits reported by women who have already tested the product, and we will list a list of positive points:

  • hair strengthening;
  • Recovery of fragile and brittle threads;
  • Deep and instant hydration, which can be noticed more effectively from the 2nd application;
  • Concentrate of vitamins and amino acids that act on the structure of the hair;
  • Returns elasticity to damaged strands;
  • Hair recovery in the post-chemical process;
  • Vitality for the wires;

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!

And for those who have already been surprised by the amount of benefits that the use of the product brings to the hair, there are still reports that the compound helps to make the hair grow faster.


Main Components

It is common to doubt what Glicopan Pet is made of, after all, if it is a supplement suitable for animals, why does it also work on the wires?!

And if you're asking yourself this question, the answer is very clear, the supplement is made up of vitamins, amino acids, among others, and in this mixture there are several substances present in the hair, including amino acids, which are great for recovering locks and are part of many specific products and treatments for hair.

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!
The image shows the composition of the product

For those who want a more detailed composition, let's go to the list that will make you understand the entire composition of Glicopan Pet and how such elements can act in favor of your locks:

  • Alanine: amino acid that helps in the formation of vitamin B6, strengthening the hair and having high hydration power.
  • Arginine: acts on the nutrition of the hair bulb, giving resistance from the root to the ends of the hair, in addition to being a great source of hydration.
  • Cysteine: A very common amino acid used in hair treatments, it acts on hair regeneration.
  • Felinalanila: amino acid linked to melanin, which helps maintain hair color.
  • glycine: it has antioxidant power and acts in the conservation of the thread.
  • Glucose: carbohydrate whose function is to give shine to the hair and acts in closing the cuticles, leaving the strands less exposed to damage and with less frizz.
  • Histidine: amino acid whose function is the replacement of keratin in the threads.
  • Isoleucine: amino acid responsible for the formation of keratin.
  • L-Carnitine: helps and stimulates hair growth.
  • Lysine: amino acid that assists in strengthening the threads and leaves the highlights more aligned and with less frizz.
  • Methionine: amino acid responsible for the resistance of the wires.
  • Proline: one of the most rigid amino acids, and which passes this characteristic to the hair, giving more resistance to the hair.
  • Serena:  amino acid that acts on the structure of the thread, giving more structure to the hair and a smooth appearance for the locks.
  • Tryptophan: amino acid that acts to improve hair elasticity, in order to recover strands and prevent breakage.
  • Vitamin B1, B6 and B12: the vitamins act to strengthen the locks, leaving the strands more resistant and with more shine.
  • Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5): important compound of the famous Pantogar. The action of vitamin B5 on the threads strengthens the threads and helps in the growth of highlights.
  • Aspartic acid: acid that is essential for the synthesis of arginine in the hair, that is, it helps in hair nutrition.
  • Glutamic Acid: acts on the hydration and softness of the hair.
  • Betaine: acts on the viscosity of the threads and leaves the hair silkier and softer.
  • Tyrosine: amino acid linked to hair color and which helps protect against UV rays.
  • Threonine: important amino acid that acts in the production of other amino acids such as serine and glycine.
  • Valine: acts by giving resistance to the wires.


Hair Types 

As already seen, Glicopan Pet is an amino acid mineral vitamin supplement, that is, it is a very rich and perfect compound to treat more damaged hair.

The product does not have an indication from the manufacturer for use on the wires, on the contrary, the indication is for animal use. However, if you want to give the product a new use, ideally, Glicopan should be used on more fragile hair, which has undergone chemical cutting, chemical processes – dyeing, straightening, among others; brittle, among other factors that give a more damaged appearance to the wires.

The caveat is for hair that looks healthier, and in this case the treatment may not be indicated or used with a long spacing of time, otherwise, the excess of vitamins and amino acids can make the strands stiff.


Where to Fit in the Hair Schedule?

If you are following a constant rhythm to hydrate, recover and nourish the threads and you are following your capillary schedule table, know that you can fit the use of Glicopan Pet in the treatment of the threads.

In order not to get out of the hair schedule routine, the ideal is to fit the treatment with the vitamin supplement into the reconstruction stage, which is when the strands need more intense treatment.

And if your capillary schedule has reconstruction repetitions, it is essential to space out the use of the supplement on the strands, and in cases of extremely damaged strands, the time between one application and another should be 15 days. Healthy threads, on the other hand, must be spaced 40 days apart.


How much does it cost? Price and Where to Buy

With so many benefits to the threads, the question of how much this miracle in a dot costs (there are controversies).

The good news is that Glicopan Pet has a very low cost, and a 30 ml bottle costs an average of R$ 20. Larger versions, with 250 ml, cost around R$ 45.

And as we said at the beginning, this is a product for animal use, so it can be found in pet stores, or online stores like Americanas and Submarino.


How to use? Application Tips

If you've already convinced yourself to use the vitamin compound on your locks, let's take a step-by-step guide on how to use Glicopan Pet.

  1. Wash your hair using only shampoo and repeat the process 2 times, to leave the strands clean;
  2. With a towel, remove excess water from the hair;
  3. Separate the hair into strands and apply strand by strand, only from the length down and never touching the roots and scalp;
  4. Let it act for a maximum of 15 minutes;
  5. Rinse under running water and finish the wash with conditioner.
How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!
Do not let the product act for more than 15 minutes

Care and Tips

As the product is not something specifically indicated for human hair, it is necessary to follow some recommendations and tips to avoid problems or unwanted situations.

  • The smell of the product is not at all pleasant, so if you have an appointment with the boy or something social, avoid using the product during this period and make sure you have time to wash your locks at least 2 times, which is ideal for remove the odor that the supplement leaves in the hair.
  • Excessive use of the product can cause hypervitaminosis of the strands and leave the hair hardened.
  • As the product is not indicated for use on the hair, there are no dermatological tests, which could cause allergies if it comes into contact with the scalp.
  • Be careful when mixing the product with other creams or vitamins, as the reaction can be adverse and the components can react with each other.


After all, does it work? Tested Reviews

Following blogs and forums of those who have already tested it, opinions are divergent.

A larger group claims that Glicopan Pet was the only solution to restructure damaged hair, and that despite not having a specific use for it, the product was fully effective.

However, there are also controversies about the compound, as some women relate the use of the product with the strands that have become brittle.

Balancing the reports, the group that claims that the product is really effective is much larger, but be aware that this is not a product specifically indicated for use on hair, and because it is a compound for animal and oral use, each hair it can react in a way when having the direct application on the locks, so be aware of always doing the test on a lock.


Photos of Glicopan Pet Before and After

And if you're the type to see results before applying such a controversial product, we've separated some photos that show before and after applying the product, so you can see who the positive action really is, and that Glicopan Pet can be a good aid in the recovery of highlights.

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!
The ends look healthier

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide! How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide! How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!
Split ends are more structured

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!
The hair became silkier

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!
Using it on the ends is an alternative to make it look healthier.

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!

How to Use Glicopan Pet on Hair – Review and FULL Guide!
The product has been used on yarn dyed

After reading this post and seeing a compilation of tips and care for using the product, it's always good to be alert, after all, in addition to taking care of your hair, we also want to feel safe.

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