Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Yeah, gold and platinum hair has a price. The good news is that it is possible to recover the strands that have been damaged and still prevent breakage and dryness. In this post, we will give you amazing tips on the best products and how to hydrate blonde hair at home. After all, we don't always have the time and money to go to the salon, right?

How to Recover Dry Blonde Hair?

To recover dry hair, it is essential to invest in specific hydration for blonde hair. In addition, nutrition and restoration masks are also super welcome and should be part of the capillary schedule.

Dry hair loses elasticity, in addition to having the straw effect, it also becomes brittle, subject to the appearance of split ends and even chemical cutting. It is also common for the wires to become thinner and to embarrass more easily, making them even more sensitive.

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to invest in a quality hydration for blonde hair, even if you do it at home. There is a huge variety of products on the market, so it's common to feel lost without knowing what will really do good for your locks. Below we prepare a list with tips on brands, products and prices.

It is worth remembering that sometimes the hair may not accept a certain product well. This does not happen because of the lack of quality of the hydration mask, but because each hair reacts to the treatment in a different way. If you test a mask and don't like the result, the tip is to invest in another brand until you find the one that best suits your locks.

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration Cream for Blondes: Brands and Products

The hydration cream for blonde hair should only be used when moisturizing and does not replace the use of moisturizer on a daily basis. These products have a powerful formula to nourish and hydrate the locks, so using them in excess can precisely give the opposite effect to what you want, so it is recommended to moisturize once a week.

Just as our skin needs to be hydrated to always be beautiful and healthy, our hair also needs care to maintain the health of the strands. Choosing the right products for your hair type is very important, after all, we are looking for positive results, but not every product suits our hair.

To make the right choice of product, it is necessary to test products developed for your hair type. To help you choose the perfect moisturizer, we have listed below some of the most popular moisturizers for blonde hair.

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Loreal's Absolut Repair hydration mask is very suitable for hair damaged by the use of chemical products. It brings hydration, shine and softness back to dry hair. Its formula is composed of ceramides, silicone and solar filter, guaranteeing hydration and protection for the locks against the action of the sun.

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Matrix's Relaxima mask is a great option for those looking for hydration and restoration for damaged hair. The manufacturer guarantees strengthening of the threads and improvement of flexibility so that untangling is simpler, avoiding breakage. The main components found in its formula are aloe vera, shea butter and some silk components that promote shine and softness.

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Moi Moi Lanza is a super recommended hydration for hair that is at the extra dry level. With a system that promotes healing action, it provides hydration for the locks. A great advantage of this product is the Keratin Healing System that provides the cortex with a soothing action thereby providing more hydration without weighing the hair down.Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Keune Repair Treatment is one of the favorite moisturizers of the moment. According to the manufacturer, the formula of this little product is rich in argan and silicone oils that act on the restoration of the threads, ending mainly with dryness and the dreaded split ends.

A super advantage that the manufacturer guarantees is that with the use of this mask, it is not necessary to use the conditioner after shampooing, just finish washing with the mask.

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

Hydration for Blond Hair – Product Tips and Homemade Recipes!

How to Hydrate Blonde Hair: Step by Step

There are many different ways to hydrate blonde hair at home, it all depends on the type of product you are going to use. Below we have prepared some tutorials with tips on cheap products that are easily found in pharmacies and cosmetics stores.

With Bepanthol

Bepantol is excellent for hydration because it has vitamin B5 in its composition. This vitamin prevents dryness and even repairs damage. In pharmacies you will find the cream version and the solution. The cream is used for diaper rash and removing blemishes from the skin, while the liquid is ideal for moisturizing at home, so much so that now Bepantol is also sold as a cosmetic.


  • Comb
  • Plastic cap or a bag
  • liquid bepanthol
  • Hydration cream (it can be a reconstructive mask or the moisturizer you normally use)
  • clips

Step by step:

  1. Start by washing your hair in cold water.
  2. Apply the shampoo twice and rinse well.
  3. It is not necessary to apply conditioner.
  4. Remove excess water with a towel.
  5. Divide the hair into six large sections.
  6. Mix a cap of Bepantol in 3 spoons of hydration cream.
  7. Apply strand by strand massaging from top to bottom. The more you massage the better the effect.
  8. After applying to all locks, tie the hair and put on the plastic cap.
  9. Let it act for half an hour.
  10. Wash your hair in cold water.
  11. It is not necessary to apply shampoo and conditioner.
  12. Finish as usual.

For Damaged Hair

To hydrate the locks with a reconstructive mask, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Some are fast-acting while others require half an hour to act.


  • reconstructive mask

Step by step

  1. Wash your hair with anti-residue shampoo.
  2. Rinse well and remove excess water.
  3. Apply the mask by dividing the hair into small sections.
  4. Let it act for the time indicated by the manufacturer.
  5. Wash in cold water.

For Platinum Hair

Platinum hair is even more sensitive than golden blonde. To make the hair ready for platinum, it is necessary to discolor it several times, so the hair becomes more dry and damaged. Next, we'll teach you a very simple hydration that you can do at home once a week until you recover your hair.


  • 1 spoon of cooking oil
  • 2 spoons of honey
  • 150 ml of slightly warmed milk
  • Cap

Step by step

  1. Mix the 3 ingredients.
  2. Wash the locks with deep cleaning shampoo.
  3. Pat dry and apply the hydration blend.
  4. Massage the locks so that the ingredients are absorbed.
  5. Put on the cap and let it act for an hour. It is important not to use a thermal cap to avoid β€œcooking” the hair. If you don't have a cap, you can use a plastic bag.
  6. Wash your hair and apply products suitable for platinum hair. It's important to use specific products to avoid yellowing and further damage to highlights.
  7. Finish as usual and it's ready.
  8. This is a very basic hydration with ingredients that everyone has at home. It is indicated to make this recipe once or twice a week respecting your capillary schedule.

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