Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

Frequently Asked Questions About Male Pattern Baldness – FAQ

How to identify?

The causes of hair loss can be varied: they can be genetic, environmental, health related or indicate the beginning of a baldness problem. Normally, we lose around 100 hairs a day and this happens because hair growth has a three-phase cycle:

Anagen: phase of the beginning of growth;

Catagena: short phase, in which the hair is released from the capillary root;

Telogen: phase in which the wires β€œrest”, that is, prepare to fall. In general, the strands that come loose fall into this category.

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

It is worth remembering that about 10% of the hairs are in the telogen phase, waiting for the fall period.

But, after all, how to know if it is the case of a male pattern baldness? Remember that just the fact of losing hair cannot be considered baldness, as this is a genetic disease and temporary hair loss occurs due to several factors.

If you noticed that you are losing hair randomly, this could be a sign of alopecia (a condition in which the individual is without hair or hair in a specific region of the body). At high levels, alopecia can affect the entire body. In some cases, it is related to hereditary aspects, but it cannot be classified as male pattern baldness.

Now, in cases where the hair loss reaches a β€œrecession pattern”, usually in the crown region of the head, it is possible that it is baldness.

Many men start losing hair between the ages of 15 and 25. On the other hand, others may have advanced baldness at a young age, before the age of 30. The fact is that it is not possible to know the right moment for the onset of baldness. However, if you already have similar cases in the family, it is interesting to observe carefully if you are going to develop it.

You can look at your head calmly and with the help of a mirror try to find any receding hairlines or possible flaws, this could be a feature related to baldness. It is very common for male pattern baldness to manifest itself on the front of the head, the strands receding and creating a kind of β€œM” on the front. Over time, the locks become shorter and thinner. It is also possible that this indentation will recede uniformly. You can take a photo and compare your hair with other previous images to see if there has been a thinning of the strands.

If you observe that the wires are falling on your pillow or down the drain during the shower, it may be that this fall has other causes. That's why it's very important to pay attention to these details.

What are the Main Causes?

A hair loss linked to baldness it usually has nothing to do with disease or a lack of nutrients in the diet. Often, hair thins due to genetics, family history, or even age. Around the age of 40, some men notice that hair loss increases and the hair becomes thinner. These causes are closely linked to family history. The call androgenetic alopecia happens when the hair development cycle slows down and the strand loses life and length. Thus, as the cycles pass, the hair falls out more easily. Therefore, we say that heredity plays a fundamental role with androgenetic alopecia. So, it's nice to see if this type of characteristic appears in your family, because if so, the chances of developing male pattern baldness increase.

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

There is also the scarring alopecia which happens due to inflammations that damage the hair follicle, making it difficult for the normal growth of the thread. This factor is very common in patients who have lupus erythematosus and lichen planus.

It is completely normal that, at a certain point in life, a person goes through a period of stress, hormonal changes or even food changes, and these conditions greatly influence the health of the hair. Some diseases, such as anemia, thyroid problems or diabetes can also contribute to a more intense fall.

A radiotherapy and chemotherapy also develop alopecia, as they are linked to the cells responsible for hair growth. Some chemical treatments can also end up damaging the hair and helping with hair loss, this happens because the chemistry removes the protein mass from the hair, damaging the strands and making them more fragile.

It's worth remembering that all these problems are reversible and you should seek help from a doctor to help you at this time.

Is there a cure?

According to specialist doctors, baldness has no cure, but it has treat. Therefore, it is very interesting to look for a dermatologist or trichologist (specialist) in hair to help you recover the strands. Starting treatment, it is very common that around six months, you start to see some results. However, this will require a lot of patience and discipline from the person.

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

How to treat male pattern baldness

Treatment for hair loss can be done with: shampoo, which will help reduce the conversion of DHT; vitamins that will stimulate growth; laser treatments; 5 alpha reductase inhibitors (which are being released in the US). Remembering that before taking any medicine, you need to consult your doctor. After all, these substances can have unwanted side effects.

natural treatment

There are some natural recipes that promise to solve this problem. See some of them:

Garlic, onion and lemon

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

You will need:

  • 1 onion
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic


Extract the juice from all of them, make a mixture and apply it on the scalp. Let it act for twenty minutes and then wash your hair normally.

Coconut milk and carrots

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

This recipe is special, as the carrot contains vitamin b6, b12 and several antioxidant substances!

Youre gonna need it:

  • 2 carrots
  • 1 cup of coconut milk


  1. Blend the carrots in a blender and mix them with the coconut milk.
  2. Apply the mixture to the hair.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash your hair as usual.

Apple vinegar

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

Vinegar will stimulate blood flow to the scalp and is a great hair treatment and revitalization ingredient.

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.


  • Massage your scalp with vinegar and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then just rinse and wash your hair normally.


Os medicines The most common treatments for male pattern baldness are:

Finasteride: It helps stop hair loss and can stimulate new hair growth. This medicine has impotence as a side effect, so it is very important to use it only with medical advice. Its effect begins to appear around three to six months.

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

Minoxidil: This medication helps to increase blood flow in the scalp region, so the hair has stimuli to grow. This is a lotion that needs to be applied directly to the scalp daily. The results begin to appear after a few months.

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

Ketoconazole: this remedy is antifungal and reduces the fungi that remain at the root of the hair, also helping with oiliness. It needs to be used along with other remedies.

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

Observation: Remember that all medication must be prescribed by a doctor. Avoid taking medication on your own.


Shall we know some shampoos for male pattern baldness?

Pura d’or Hair Loss Prevention Premium Organic Shampoo

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

This shampoo has argan oil, B complex vitamins, DHT, biotin and niacin, which are very important for hair vibrancy.

Ds Laboratories Revita Hair Growth Stimulating Shampoo

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

This product promises to be the solution to hair loss problems. It is a follicle stimulant, the main ingredients are: biotin, ornithine, caffeine, my oil and much more. It strengthens the hair from the inside out, it also has an antioxidant effect and a very moisturizing formula that will help with hair growth.

Regenepure DR Hair Loss Shampoo

Male Pattern Baldness – Causes, Treatments & Surefire Tips!

This shampoo has vitamin B6, lecithin, caffeine and many elements that will do a lot of good for your wires. It acts as a very natural cleanser and helps stimulate hair follicles. On top of all that, it improves hair health!

Tips to Disguise Baldness

if you want one practical solution To disguise male pattern baldness, check out these cool tips:

  • Shave your hair. This will mask the difference in hair, and then it can look like you are β€œbald” by choice!
  • Wear hats;
  • Shave in the region that is missing hair and make the cut more harmonic;
  • Wear wigs;
  • Use keratin powder to hide baldness;
  • Change hairstyle;
  • Make an capillary micropigmentation;
  • Look by the hair prosthesis;
  • Use bandanas.

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