Mega Hair Tic Tac – What It Is, Prices & Everything About Stretching!

Mega Hair Tic Tac – What It Is, Prices & Everything About Stretching!

You know when you have a special event and you wish you were two feet longer for that amazing hairstyle? Or when you cut more than you'd like? Yeah, mega hair is super suitable for these occasions.

If you don't know how to use it, you have no idea of ​​the price and you are lost about the quality, in this post we will help you a lot. In it, we'll tell you everything you need to know to lose your fear of using mega hair and get into your hair.

name="envelope-or-mega-hair-tic-tac">Envelope or Mega Hair Tic Tac

There is a wide variety of mega hair on the market, so it is normal to have a certain amount of fear about which is the best option. Prices vary greatly in relation to the material used and the quality, after all, nobody wants to have doll hair, right? Below we will show you all the details you need to know before buying your mega hair tic tac.

name="what-is-it-">What is it?

As the name itself suggests, the mega hair tic tac is held by clips, so you can take it off and put it on whenever you want. It is not necessary to go to a beauty salon or rely on the support of a trained professional, you can put it on and take it off yourself in front of the mirror.

It won't stick, it won't damage the hair, it's really putting the barrettes with hair. Super simple, right?

name="how-is-it-placed-">How is it placed?

The way to put it on will depend on the brand, model and size. Usually the mega hair tic tac is sold in "pieces", a band for the nape of the neck, another for the top of the head and so on.

It comes with a screen underneath or adhesive tape, on which are the loops. You adjust the height you want to place it and just attach the barrettes to the root of your hair.

It's much easier to apply mega hair by stripes, so you have complete control of how it looks and don't run the risk of leaving it crooked.

name="who-is-it-for-">Who is it for?

The mega hair tic tac can be used by anyone as it does not cause damage to the hair. It is ideal for when you are going to do a special hairstyle or want to change your look by leaving your locks longer.

It is worth remembering that this change in the look is temporary, so it is not recommended for those looking for hair extensions that last for a longer period.

name="damage-hair-">Damage Hair?

Mega hair tic tac does not damage the hair if applied correctly. Wires must be properly hydrated, never put mega hair on damaged hair.

Mega hair brings weight to the strands. In healthy hair, this does not have an impact, but in damaged hair, the strand tends to become even more brittle and porous.

name="how-much-does-it-cost--price">How much does it cost? #price

The price of mega hair tic tac varies greatly due to differences in quality and models. In popular stores it is possible to find strands of synthetic yarn for less than R$5, but it is that hair that looks like a doll.

For those who are going to wear it in a costume or relaxed occasion, it is super valid to use these cheaper ones, but those who want a natural look will need to spend a little more. Higher quality mega hair can cost around R$90 for the whole hair.

Then we have the mega natural yarn, as you can imagine it costs a lot more. We can say that for natural hair prices vary from R$350.

name="how-to-take-care-of-mega-hair-">How to Take Care of Mega Hair?

Caring for mega hair tic tac increases durability and is simpler than it looks. For mega synthetic yarn, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, as most cannot be washed or flat ironed, for example. In many cases the wire even melts due to the high temperatures.

For the mega natural hair care is very similar to your own hair. You can wash with shampoo and conditioner, moisturize from time to time and even brush and flat iron from time to time.

When washing the mega hair it is important to dry it with a dryer to prevent the clips from getting rusty. Always leave the wires to untangle during washing with the application of the conditioner, never do this with the mega on your head.

Do not use fine combs and avoid causing friction, especially running your hands through your hair all the time. Care is similar to what we have in everyday life and it is essential to use a thermal protector before brushing and flat ironing.

name="how-long-does-it-last--maintenance">How Long Does It Last? #maintenance

Durability will directly depend on the type of care you maintain with your mega hair tic tac. Synthetic hair lasts less, but it also depends on the quality, some are disposable while others can last a year if well cared for.

From natural hair will also depend on care, but the durability is significantly higher. The high quality ones can last for 3 years or more. Of course, it will also depend on how often you use the appliquΓ© and if you have the habit of flat ironing daily.

name="photos-and-models-of-mega-hair-tic-tac">Photos and Models of Mega Hair Tic Tac

Now that you know everything about mega hair tic tac, it's time to see the inspirations that will leave you drooling. It is impossible to say that most hair is hair extensions and that is exactly the objective, to be as natural as possible.

When choosing hair extensions, consider the natural texture of your hair. That is, straight hair apply smooth, curly hair apply curly. Also consider your current hair color and buy the closest possible hair color so the strands blend in with your natural hair.







Now that more and more women are assuming the strands as they are, curly hair is becoming more and more popular. Having long locks is the big dream of many women and that is why it is increasingly common to see people investing in beautiful models of curly mega hair tic tac.

Mega hair tic tac curly is used for three purposes to bring volume, length and also for those who are going through the hair transition.

To be inspired below, we have separated some beautiful options of curly mega hair tic tac.








Mega hair tic tac smooth is one of the options most used by women. In addition to being used as a means of gaining length for the locks, it is also widely used by those who have very short locks and want to upgrade their look with long strands that allow the use of different hairstyles.

Maintaining care for highlights is essential, even with the use of mega hair, as strands need hydration to remain shiny and soft.

Want to join mega hair tic tac smooth? Check out the models that we have separated and knock it out when choosing the perfect option for your locks.









Adhering to the mega hair tic tac is an option adhered to by blondes who mainly seek to bring more volume to their locks. 

Blonde mega hair tic tac care is essential because it is a more sensitive hair type. Hydration and care in the pool and on the beach so as not to damage the locks are two pieces of advice that are highly recommended by professionals.







Ombre Hair

Joining the mega hair tic tac is already a super change in the look and it can be even better when including a beautiful and modern coloring technique like ombrΓ© hair.

OmbrΓ© hair is a model of locks that has been conquering the female audience. This type of coloring brings modernity and especially lighting to the wires.

It is possible to join the mega hair tic tac with ombrΓ© hair in different shades. Among the colors that are on the rise are: platinum, blonde and the famous fantasy colors.

To get inspired, we've separated some amazing ideas below.







Having red hair is the dream of many women, after all, this is a super powerful color that brings a lot of style and charm to the look.

An important tip for those who have red hair and want to use the mega hair tic tac is to pay attention to the texture of the hair. Red tresses need almost monthly maintenance due to the type of shade and for the tresses to have the same color as both the natural strands and those in the hairspray, it is essential that the strands are separated correctly when being dyed.









Gray hair is super trendy. It is an incredible color option that makes women even more modern and with a super powerful look.

The mega hair tic tac gray has been one of the dyed options that have been most chosen by women. If before the intention was to hide the gray strands, currently having gray locks is in everything.

One of the super advantages of gray hair is that it suits all skin tones. The main thing is to choose the tonality that has more to do with what you are looking for for your look, as there are different gray color options for locks such as: graphite, light, bluish, among others.




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