Porous Hair: What To Do? – Learn How to Recover Wires!

Porous Hair: What To Do? – Learn How to Recover Wires!

Although not all types of porosity pose a problem for strands, there are some categories that do represent dryness of highlights, and do you know how to identify porous hair?

If you have doubts about how your hair is, it's time to see everything about porosity with tests to check your hair's porosity level, and even see tips on how to recover and treat strands with homemade recipes.

Porous Hair: What To Do? – Learn How to Recover Wires!


What is Porous Hair? Main causes

Hair porosity is related to the cuticles of the strands, which can be excessively open, which causes the strands to lose water quickly and become dry and dehydrated; or completely closed, preventing the hair from receiving nutrients, preventing the strands from becoming healthy.

Thus, the causes of hair porosity can be related to different factors, such as:

  • Excessive use of chemicals;
  • Frequent and excessive exposure to sunlight;
  • Frequent use of appliances that emit heat (flat iron, dryer, babyliss);
  • Chemical treatments incompatible with your hair type;
  • Baths with very hot water;
  • Frequent and unprotected contact of the hair with pool chlorine and sea water.


Thus, the characteristics for porous hair are dry, frizzy, brittle, dull, rough and armed.

Porous Hair: What To Do? – Learn How to Recover Wires!
Hair becomes lifeless and dry

Types of Porosity

Hair porosity is divided into 3 categories, and for you to understand each one of them, let's go to explanations and tips on appropriate treatments.

  • Low: low porosity hair means that the cuticles are tightly closed, so it is more difficult for the hair to absorb water and treatments. Thus, hydration needs to be intensified.
  • Media / Normal: in the case of porous hair in the medium or normal category, as it is also called, the characteristics of the strands are slightly open cuticles, which absorb treatments, but are not open to the point of quickly losing hydration. Therefore, in this category are healthy hair that only need nutrition to remain healthy.
  • High: high porosity is a warning sign, as it means that the cuticles are extremely open, which facilitates the loss of water from the threads, and thus the threads look dry, rough, and brittle. reconstruction products, in order to close the cuticles a little and avoid excessive water loss, which causes the hair to dry out.

How to Identify Porous Hair – Test

To find out what level of porosity your wires are at and see the appropriate treatment for each type of porosity, there is a quick test to identify the level at which the cuticles are open.

For the test, which identifies porous hair, you will need a glass of water and a strand of hair, which does not need to be pulled out of the locks, but which can be a strand that has fallen out naturally.

To carry out the test, place the hair strand in the water and observe whether the strand will float on the water, stay in the middle of the glass, or sink; and so it is possible to identify which porosity category your hair is in.

Porous Hair: What To Do? – Learn How to Recover Wires!


  • Yarn floating in water: low porosity
  • Strand in the middle of the glass of water: normal porosity (healthy strands)
  • Yarn that sank: high porosity


How to Treat and Recover Porous Hair: Step by Step

To treat and recover porous hair, a tip is to include a capillary schedule in the routine; in addition, it is worth including homemade recipes, such as the ones we brought below.


Complete treatment with vinegar


  • liquid keratin
  • moisturizing hair mask
  • 25 ml of apple cider vinegar
  • 100 ml of filtered or mineral water


How to Prepare and Apply:

  • Start the treatment by washing your hair with salt-free shampoo;
  • Then, remove excess water, divide the hair into locks and spray liquid keratin on the locks;
  • Let the liquid keratin act for 10 minutes;
  • Without rinsing the keratin, apply the hydration mask to the locks and let it act for 20 minutes;
  • Then wash your hair to remove all products from the strands, and remove excess water;
  • In a container, mix apple cider vinegar and water;

Porous Hair: What To Do? – Learn How to Recover Wires!

  • Separate the hair into strands again and apply this mixture with vinegar to the strands and let it act for 15 minutes;
  • Finally, rinse your hair and apply conditioner.


Homemade recipe with egg whites


  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tablespoon liquid keratin
  • 2 tablespoons of moisturizing mask

Porous Hair: What To Do? – Learn How to Recover Wires!

How to Prepare and Apply:

  • In a container mix the ingredients and book;
  • Wash your hair twice using shampoo;
  • Rinse the shampoo well and remove excess water from the hair;
  • Apply the mixture previously prepared;
  • Let the mixture act on the wires for 30 minutes;
  • To finish, rinse the wires and finish washing with conditioner.


Homemade recipe with olive oil


  • 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of Bepantol Derma
  • 2 tablespoons of moisturizing mask

Porous Hair: What To Do? – Learn How to Recover Wires!

How to Prepare and Apply:

  • In a container mix all the ingredients;
  • Wash your hair well with shampoo;
  • Rinse the wires and remove excess water;
  • Divide the hair into locks and apply the mixture from lock to lock;
  • Put a cap on your hair and let the mixture act for 30 minutes;
  • To finish, rinse the wires and finish using conditioner.


Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe


  • 2 tablespoons of conditioner
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
Porous Hair: What To Do? – Learn How to Recover Wires!
Vinegar recipe can be used twice a week


How to Prepare and Apply:

  • Mix the ingredients and book;
  • Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse well;
  • Apply the mixture to the wires and let it act for 5 minutes;
  • Finally, rinse the hair well.



Now it's time to follow the tips and take care of the locks to have healthy hair again.


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